Lý thuyết và bài tập cách thành lập từ trong Tiếng Anh

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1. Lý thuyết

1.1. Grammar:


Hình thức

Vị trí

Ví dụ

Danh từ

1. V+ion



or/ er (chỉ người)

Ex: educate => education

perform => performence

2. Adj+ness

Ex: happy-> happyness

1. Đứng trước động từ làm chủ ngữ

2. Đứng sau động từ làm tân ngữ

3. Đứng sau: a/ an/ the/ of/ many/ much/ a lot of

4. Đứng sau tính từ sỡ hữu: my, his, her, our, their

5. Đứng sau tính từ

Many visitors come to dalat every year.


I can see your happyness in your eyes

Tính từ







Less (mang nghĩa phủ định)

Ex:beauty-> beautiful

1. Đứng trước danh từ



2. Đứng sau các động từ,seem,be (am, is, are, was, were, get, become, feel, look, keep….)

1.It is a beautiful day.

You look fashionable in this dress.

Trạng từ


Careful-> carefully

Chú ý:





1. Đứng sau động từ thường

2. Đứng ngay sau tân ngữ của động từ thường (cuối câu)

3. Đứng trước động từ chính

4. Đứng trước tính từ

I live happily on my farm.

I did my test carefully.

It was completetly destroyed.

It’s extremely cold

1.2. Thành lập danh từ chỉ người

V – ee

V– eer

Train/ trainee: người được huấn luyện)

Engine- engineer: kỹ sư

refer/ referee (trọng tài)

Employ/ employee (công nhân)

V– ant

Assist/ assistant: người phụ tá

apply / applicant: người nộp đơn

contest/ contestant: thí sinh

attend/ attendant: người tham dự

participate/ participant:

người tham gia

- man

Doorman: người gác cổng

Guardsman: lính cận vệ

Business/ businessman; thương gia


Music/ musician: nhạc công

Beg/ beggar: kẻ ăn xin

Library/ librarian: quản thủ thư

Surgery/surgeon: nhà phẫu thuật

Invent/ inventor

Collect/ collector

1.3. Thành lập danh từ

V - al

Arrive/ arrival: sự tới nơi

Remove/ removal: việc di chuyển

approve/ approval: sự tán thành

V- ance

Appear/ appearance: sự xuất hiện

guide/ guidance: sự hướng dẫn

Assist/ assistance: s ự giúp đỡ

Perform/ performance: sự thực hiện

allow/ allowance: sự cho phép

attend/ attendance: sự có mặt

V- ence

Differ/ difference: sự khác nhau

Refer/ reference: sự tham khảo

Prefer/ preference: sự thích hơn

Depend/ dependence: sự phụ thuộc

Confide/ confidence: sự tự tin


Able/ ability: khả năng

Pure/ purity: sự tinh khiết

Solid/ solidity: sự vững chắc

Electric/ electricity: điện

Possible/ possibility: sự có thể

Similar/ similarity: sự tương tự

Popular/ popularity: tính phổ biến

Real/ reality: thực tế

N – hood

Child/ childhood

Neighbor/ neibourhood


1.4. Thành lập Tính Từ

N – ic

Science/ scientific: khoa học

Emphasis/ Emphatic: nhấn mạnh

History/ Historic: lịch sử

N – ous

Fame/ famous: nổi tiếng

Danger/ dangerous: nguy hiểm

Poison/ poisonous: độc hại

miracle/ miraculous: huyền diệu

Marvel/ marvelous: tuyệt vời

Nerve/ nervous: căng thẳng

Religion/ religious: tín ngưỡng

Variety/ various: đa dạng

Mystery/ mysterious: bí ẩn

N - able

V - able

Reason/ reasonable: hợp lý

Admire/ admirable: đáng phục

Fashion/ fashionable: hợp thời

comfort/ comfortable: tiện lợi

Horror/ horrible: kinh khủng

Value/ Valuable: có giá trị

N – ish

Child/ childish: như trẻ con

Self/ selfish: ích kỷ

Fool/ foolish: ngu xuẩn

V – tive

Product/ productive: năng suất

Protect/ protective: bảo vệ

Decorate/ decorative: để trang trí

Collect/ collective: tập thể

Concentrate/ concentrative: tập trung

N – ful

Care/ careful

Beauty/ beautiful

Use/ useful

1.5. Thành lập động từ

Adj- ize

Real/ realize: nhận thức rõ

industrial/ industrialize: công nghiệp hoá

commercial/ commercialize

Out - V

Grow/ outgrow: phát triển hơn

outrun/ outrun: chạy nhanh hơn

weigh/ outweigh: nặng hơn

Over- V

Stay/overstay: ở quá lâu

take/ overtake: vượt, đuổi kịp

work/ overwork: làm quá sức


sell/ undersell: bán rẻ hơn

do/ undergo: chịu đựng

charge/ undercharge: định giá thấp hơn


impose/ superimpose: chồng lên

heat/ superheat: đun quá sôi

intend/ superintend: trông nom

2. Bài tập

2.1. Exercise 1.

1.We had a very ________ evening in London last week. ENJOY

2. He fell off his motorbike, but his _______ were not serious. INJURE

3. The family managed to get out of the burning house , but they lost nearly their ________POSSESS

4. He says he has no _______ of resigning. INTEND

5. The crowd showed it _______ by shouting insults (lăng mạ) the players. APPROVE

6. Dozens of _______ are injured on the city roads every year. CYCLE

7. The company is not taking any new ______this year. EMPLOY

8. Kate is studying to become a _______ . LAW

9. Motor – racing is an extremely _____ sport. RISK

10. The duty of the police is the _____ of law and order. MAINTAIN

2.2. Exercise 2.

1. We have to keep our costs as small as possible. We have so many _____ trying to take our customers away. COMPETE

2. Our tomatoes are ______ nicely: they will be ready to eat in about a week. RIPE

3. He is very anxious about the _____ of his passport. LOSE

4. This organization is concerned about the ______ of the rain forest. DESTROY

5. Television is one the cheapest forms of _______ . ENTERTAIN

6. I was annoyed at his ______ to co – operate . REFUSE

7. Look at this picture of Bill and his father: you can see the ______ clearly, can’t you? LIKE

8. Switzerland and Australia are both _______ countries. MOUTAIN

9. My brother lives in an attractive ______ part of Paris. RESIDE

10. He said good morning in a most _______ way. FRIEND

2.3. Exercise 3.

1.We bought back several carved _______ statues from our holiday in Africa. WOOD

2. Our journey took nearly five hours. It was much ______ than I’d thought. FAR

3. John has just got ________to a girl he has known since he was a boy. ENGAGE

4. “ This is not a good essay”, said the lecturer, “ I find your arguments _______” CONVINCE

5. More and more young people want to get a university _______ EDUCATE

6. Sue went red with ______ EMBARRASS

7. Don’t believe a word Tom says. He’s a terrible _____ LIE

8. It’s a lovely house, I agree, but can we afford to _______ it ? MODERN

9. Brown is very warm and __________ person CARE

10. The man spoke with a _______ accent. SOUTH

2.4. Exercise 4.

1.Bill and I have been friends since ______ he used to live next door. CHILD

2. The woman has a blonde shoulder - ______ hair. LONG

3. Applicants must be under 25, hard – working and _______ . ENERGY

4. Many modern refridgerators never need to be _______. FROST

5. When Bill and Jane retire, they’re planning to spend all their _____ on a Mediterrance holiday. SAVE

6. Third time lucky! After two ______attempts, Mark’s finally passed his driving test. SUCCESS

7. They’re an incrediby _____ family! You should see how much food they throw away. WASTE

8. You shouldn’t leave _______ things on car seats in full view of people walking past. VALUE

9. I’ve never had the same opinions as my father. When I was younger, we were always having _____ . AGREE

10. Jeremy Hopkins’s performance in King Lear was the most _______. IMPRESS

2.5. Exercise 5

1.Drug ______ is a growing problem particularly among young people. ADDICT

2. Most banks have installed video cameras as part of their _______ systems. SECURE

3. Elsa is being kept in an isolation ward because she’s highly ______.INFECT

4. My brother and I was sent to _____ school when we were seven. BOARD

5. Phil was sentenced to seven years’_____ for his part in the arm robbery. PRISON

6. There is no _______to the problem of the beginning of the universe. SOLVE

7. The chairman expressed doubts about the _____of showing the film on children TV. SUIT

8. O’Hara wanted a divorce because his wife had been _______ FAITH

9. To be successful, an artist must show great ______. ORIGIN

10. _______ is not enough by itself: you must work hard too. INSPIRE

2.6. Exercise 6.

1.I didn’t know who it was – with a mask on, she was completely _____. RECOGNISE

2. Telling lies is _____. MORAL

3. I have no excuses. My actions were ________. EXPLAIN

4. The hero had a ______ love affair with the actress. PASSION

5. I’ll resign if you continue to _____ everything I say. REGARD

6. _______ to the university is by examination only. ADMIT

7. He was turned down for the job because he is _____. QUALIFY

8. It was ______ of Tom to accuse Bill of having told him a lie. JUSTICE

9. He has been constant in his ______ to scientific studies. DEVOTE

10. I understand ______ what you are saying. PERFECT

2.7. Exercise 7.

1.Jane’s ______ as a director came as no surprise. APPOINT

2. My colleagues are very pleasant , but the manager is a little _____ FRIEND

3. 7.30 A.M on a Saturday is rather _____ time for an appointment. CONVENIENT

4. Please don’t be so ______, I can’t do all the work by myself. REASON

5. Many people still refuse to think that smoking is _______ HARM

6. I was kept _____ last night by the noise from a party in the flat above. WAKE

7. An aeroplane has to overcome the ______ air. RESIST

8. She always listens ______ to what she is told. ATTENTION

9. He regularly writes ______ for our newspaper. POET

10. The ______ of the new guests caused trouble to my aunt. ARRIVE

2.8. Exercise 8.

You may know that Asian, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cultures have (1. TRADITION) _______ used garlic in their dishes. What you may not know is that garlic is also thought of as a (2. VALUE) _______ medicine by many ancient civilizations. Today, (3. PROFESSION) _______ in the field of nutrition have come up with new information which is indeed quite (4. SURPRISE) _________. Apparently, not only is garlic good for you but it also helps overcome various (5. ILL) _______. The main (6. ADVANTAGE) ______ to eating garlic is of course bad (7. BREATHE) _____. Cooking it reduces the strong smell and eating parsley, which is a natural deodorizer, also helps (8. MINIMUM) _______ the smell. Thus, it's time we took the benefits of garlic (9. SERIOUS) _______. Why not add it to some of your (10. FAVOR) ________ dishes?

2.9. Exercise 9. 

1. The local........................... are listed in the local newspaper. (entertain)

2. He was absent from class yesterday because of his............. (ill)

3. Everyone needs to live in a ................ environment. (health)

4. My mother has just given me a pocket...................... machine. (calculate)

5. I know............................. how she felt. (exact)

6. I felt quite....................... with my day's work. (satisfy)

7. He apologized for the.........................he had caused. (convenient)

8. The school...................about 600 new students every year. (admission)

9. Sign language is very helpful for both the deaf and the....................... (muting)

10. Helen's success has............................millions of blind people to try and overcome their difficulties. (courage)

11. For your ....................., the library is on the third floor. (inform)

12. This is one of the best....................films showing the lives of working people. (document)

13. There is a great....................of water here. (short)

14. The government has introduced some...................measures to reduce unemployment. (effect)

15. John asked his teacher for...................to go to home earlier. (permit)

2.10. Exercise 10. 

1. To be fair, we need to divide the tasks ________ (equal)

2. My mom and dad are checking the _________ for their gold wedding anniversary. (prepare)

3. Heavy lifting is an action which requires _________ strength, (physic)

4. It is good for them as individuals and good for all the _______ within the family. (relate)

5. ________ say that a lot of young people are not aware of these advantages. (Psychology)

6. Her ________ to the company is enormous. (contribute)

7. In order to maintain peace, we should not be ______ of each other. (criticize)

8. I want to see the very cute and lovely children at _______ schools. (nurse)

9. Mary and her husband always join hands in ________ their daughters. (educate)

10. A person will be considered _________ if he or she does not take good care of his or her parents or grandparents. (grate)

3. Đáp án

3.1. Exercise 1

1. Enjoyable

2. Injury

3. Possession

4. Intention

5. Disapproved

6. Cyclist

7. Employment

8. Lawyer

9. Risky

10. Maintainace

3.2. Exercise 2.

1. competitors

2. unripe

3. Loss

4. Destruction

5. Entertainment

6. Refusal

7. Likeness

8. Mountainous

9. Residential

10. Friendly

3.3. Exercise 3.

1. Wooden

2. Farther

3. engagement

4. unconvinced

5. education

6. embarrassment

7. liar

8. modernise

9. careful

10. southern

3.4. Exercise 4.

1. childhood:

2. Length .

3. Energetic

4. Defrosted

5. Savings

6. unsuccessful

7. wasteful

8. valuable

9. disagreement

10. impressive

3.5. Exercise 5

1. addiction

2. security

3. infected

4. boarding

5. prisoner

6. solution

7. unsuitability

8. unfaithful

9. originality

10. Inspiration

3.6. Exercise 6.

1. Unrecognized

2. unmoral

3. unexplainable

4. passional

5. disregard

6. Admittance

7. unqualified

8. unjusticable

9. devotion

10. perfectly

3.7. Exercise 7.

1. Appointment

2. Unfriendly

3. Inconvenient

4. Unreasonable

5. Harmful

6. Wakeful

7. Resistant

8. Attentively

9. Poems

10. arrival

3.8. Exercise 8.

You may know that Asian, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cultures have (1. TRADITION) ___traditionally____ used garlic in their dishes. What you may not know is that garlic is also thought of as a (2. VALUE) ____valuable____ medicine by many ancient civilizations. Today, (3. PROFESSION) ___professionals____ in the field of nutrition have come up with new information which is indeed quite (4. SURPRISE) ____surprising_____. Apparently, not only is garlic good for you but it also helps overcome various (5. ILL) ___illnesses____. The main (6. ADVANTAGE) ___disadvantage___ to eating garlic is of course bad (7. BREATHE) ___breath___. Cooking it reduces the strong smell and eating parsley, which is a natural deodorizer, also helps (8. MINIMUM) ____minimize____ the smell. Thus, it's time we took the benefits of garlic (9. SERIOUS) ___seriously____. Why not add it to some of your (10. FAVOR) ____favorite____ dishes?

3.9. Exercise 9.

1 - entertainment

2 - illness

3 - healthy

4 - calculator

5 - exactly

6 - satisfied

7 - inconvenience

8 - admits

9 - mute

10 - encouraged

11 - information

12 - documentary

13 - shortage

14 - effective

15 - permission

3.10. Exercise 10.

1 - equally;

2 - preparation;

3 - physical;

4 - relationships;

5 - Psychologists;

6 - contribution;

7 - critical;

8 - nursery;

9 - educating;

10 - ungrateful;


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