Qua nội dung tài liệu Chuyên đề Viết đoạn văn ngắn giúp các em học sinh lớp 12 có thêm tài liệu ôn tập rèn luyện kĩ năng làm bài để cải thiện kỹ năng viết chuẩn bị cho các kì thi sắp đến được HOC247 biên soạn và tổng hợp đầy đủ. Hi vọng tài liệu sẽ có ích với các em.
Chúc các em có kết quả học tập tốt!
Viết một đoạn văn (Paragraph writing)
Đoạn văn là một nhóm các câu văn liên quan với nhau có bố cục chung và cùng phát triển một ý chính.
A. Các yêu cầu khi viết một đoạn văn:
- Đoạn văn phải có câu đề dẫn nêu ý chính và các ý triến khai một cách rõ ràng.
Để đảm bảo sự thống nhất của một đoạn văn, mỗi câu của đoạn văn phải liên quan đến chủ đề và triển khai ý của chủ đề đó.
- Đoạn văn phải có sự thống nhất: giải thích, phân tích hoặc bàn luận một chủ đề mà thôi. Các cách thức để đạt được sự thống nhất của đoạn văn:
- lập lại các danh từ chính của chủ đề hoặc sử dụng các đại từ đề cập đến các danh từ chính này
- sử dụng từ nối cho thấy một ý này liên quan đến ý tiếp theo như thế nào
- sắp xếp các câu văn theo một trình tự hợp lí, thường là theo một trong ba cách sắp xếp: thứ tự thời gian, sự phân chia hợp lí hoặc thứ tự của tầm quan trọng
3. Đoạn văn phải mạch lạc, chặt chẽ để người đọc có thể theo dõi các ý triển khai một cách dễ dàng. Các ý triển khai giúp làm rõ chủ đề và có sức thuyết phục người đọc đồng ý với cách giải thích, và lập luận trong đoạn văn.
4. Đoạn văn phải có câu kết luận trong đó chủ đề, ý chính và các ý triển khai một nhắc lại một cách vắn tắt, hay được trình bày dưới một dạng khác có cùng nội dung.
Lập dàn ý chỉ tiết trước khi viết một đoạn văn sẽ:
- giúp người viết sắp xếp ý và có bố cục đoạn văn tốt hơn
- giúp viết nhanh hơn
- giúp người viết hoàn thiện phần ngữ pháp
B. Các giai đoạn viết một đoạn văn:
1. Chọn nội dung:
- phân tích đề bài để hiểu nội dung có liên quan và những điều ta cần nói về đề bài. Ta phải xem từ hướng dẫn của đoạn văn là trình bày một sự việc hoặc nêu ý kiến về một vấn đề, xác định những từ chủ yếu đề cập một đề tài nhất định để sử dụng ngôn từ phù hợp nội dung chủ đề.
- sắp xếp các ý theo trình tự hợp lí và cách thể hiện tốt các ý này.
2. Tìm và chọn ý: với một đoạn văn từ 100 đến 140 từ, ta không thể quá tham vọng về những gì mình viết, hoặc cứ lặp đi lặp lại một điều theo nhiều cách khác nhau mà không có ý cụ thể nào.
- sự động não: để sắp xếp ý cho một đề bài, điều cần thiết trước tiên là phải ghi các ý đó ra. Điều đơn giản là bạn ghi thật nhanh bất cứ khái niệm nào xuất hiện trong đầu có liên quan với đề bài được cho, ghi lại theo dạng chú thích và theo thứ tự bất chợt (nghĩa là theo bất cứ thứ tự nào chúng xuất hiện trong đầu bạn)
- tìm thêm ý: nếu bạn gặp khó khăn trong việc nghĩ ra những ý có độ khái quát phù hợp thì hãy dùng một cách thức rất hay là nghĩa ra những ví dụ thật cụ thể, riêng biệt, rồi tìm xem những ví dụ này thuộc vào ý niệm trừu tượng nào cao hơn.
3. Chọn và sắp xếp nội dung:
- sau giai đoạn động não, bước tiếp theo rất quan trọng trong cả quá trình viết là bạn phải quyết định xem nên đưa những ý gì vào bài viết, những gì cần loại bỏ, và cần trình bày các ý này theo thứ tự nào.
- sau khi xem lại đề bài với những từ chủ yếu, ta phải xếp các loại ý vào nhóm hợp lí. Nói chung, có nhiều hệ thống phân loại, nhưng ta nên dùng hệ thống đơn giản nhất.
- ta cũng cần sắp xếp các ý theo thứ tự thích hợp như: từ quan trọng nhất đến ít quan trọng nhất, từ phổ biến nhất đến ít phổ biến nhất, từ khái quát nhất đến ít khái quát nhất, hoặc từ sớm đến muộn (theo thứ tự thời gian). Có ba cách sắp xếp ý phổ biến là: liệt kê các ý theo tầm quan trọng hoặc mức độ xảy ra; so sánh hai vật hoặc khái niệm; nêu nguyên nhân và hậu quả để trình bày ý kiến của bạn
4. Viết đoạn văn
- viết câu đề dẫn cho người đọc biết đề bài và khía cạnh chính của đề bài
- viết các câu phát triển ý, đưa ra các ý giải thích, nêu ví dụ cụ thể để làm rõ lý lẽ của bạn, nhớ triển khai các ý theo thứ tự của dàn bài chi tiết.
- nên chọn ngôn từ phù hợp với nội dung chủ đề, tránh lặp lại y nguyên những từ của đề bài. Nếu bạn diễn đạt bằng những từ tương đương thì sẽ tạo ấn tượng tốt hơn.
- ta có thể viết câu kết luận ngắn gọn, nhưng đó không phải chỉ là sự lặp lại chủ đề chính của đoạn văn, vì điều đó sẽ gây nhàm chán khi đọc. Câu kết luận cần chứa ý tóm tắt của lập luận của đoạn văn hoặc nhận xét của bạn về đề tài đó như đưa ra một đề nghị, hoặc một nhận định.
PHẦN B: Ví dụ minh hoạ
In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the role of each family member in sharing ho use hold chores in Vietnam.
Dàn ý chi tiết:
Câu để dân:
- Different members have their own roles and responsibilities.
Các ý triền khai:
- the father: takes care of the family by earning, guiding the children, doing the hard stuff
- the mother: goes to work or stays at home as housewife, takes care of the children and supervises household tasks
- the son: helps the father with some household activities such as doing simple home repair, helps the mother in the kitchen
- the daughter: helps the mother to do some of the household tasks like grocery shopping, cooking, washing dishes, cleaning...
Câu kết luận:
- Every member should do some kinds of household work, making the home a nice and happy place to live in.
Đoạn văn đề nghị:
In a typical family in Vietnam, different members have their own roles and responsibilities to perform. The father takes care of the family by earning a living, guiding the children, and making the important decisions. He is responsible for doing the hard stuff like lifting heavy things and repair work like fixing plumbing and electricity. The mother takes care of the children and supervises household tasks. She also helps to earn a living and make decisions affecting the family. She does the shopping, prepares the family meals. The son helps the father with some household activities such as doing simple home repair, or
watering the plants. The daughter helps the mother to do some of the household tasks like cooking, washing dishes, or taking care of younger brothers or sisters. Every member should do some kinds of household work, making the home a nice and happy place to live in.
C.Các loại câu văn
1. Câu đơn (a simple sentence) chỉ có một mệnh đề chính và không có mệnh đề phụ.
Ví dụ:
At the end of trip, we gathered all our belongings.
2. Câu kép hay câu ghép (a compound sentence) gồm hai hay nhiều mệnh đề chính nhưng không có mệnh đề phụ.
Ví dụ:
I want to become a teacher, and my sister is studying to be a doctor.
3. Câu phức hợp (a complex sentence) gồm một mệnh đề chính và một hay nhiều mệnh đề phụ.
Ví dụ:
We should follow this method because it is very useful and practical.
4. Câu phức-kép (a compound-complex sentence) gồm hai hay nhiều mệnh đề và một hay nhiều mệnh đề phụ.
Ví dụ:
Since I had seen him the day before, I knew that he was unhappy, but I did not guess
that he would give up his plans.
D.Các thành phần của câu văn
1. Ngữ giới từ (a prepositional phrase) bắt đầu bằng một giới từ hoặc một nhóm giới từ: cụm từ này là một nhóm từ bắt đầu bằng một giới từ và kêt thúc báng danh từ.
Ví dụ:
I walked tơ the house/ around the house/ through the house.
The taxi stopped at the station.
I am interested in learning a foreign language.
We arrived ahead of time.
Contrary to our expectations, the price of petrol did not go up. Giới từ thường gặp:
abroad |
about |
above |
across |
after |
against |
along |
among |
around |
at |
before |
behind |
below |
beneath |
beside |
besides |
between |
beyond |
by |
down |
during |
for |
from |
in |
inside |
into |
like |
of |
off |
except |
on |
outside |
over |
since |
through |
throughout |
to |
toward |
under |
underneath |
until |
up |
upon |
within |
without |
Nhóm giới từ thường gặp
ahead of |
apart from |
away from |
aside from |
contrary to |
due to |
owing to |
because of |
instead of |
out of |
together with |
inside of |
up to |
as for |
by way of |
by means of |
for the sake of |
in comparison with |
it7 advance of |
in addition to |
in spite of |
in place of |
in case of |
in reference to |
on account of |
on behalf of |
with regard to |
with respect to |
Ngữ giới từ có thể được dùng làm:
- tính từ đế bố nghĩa cho một danh từ hoặc đại từ
Ví dụ:
the girl in the white dress
some of the most common methods
a knife for hunting
- phó từ đế bỗ nghĩa cho một động từ (cho biết hành động xảy ra khi nào, ở đâu, ra sao, tại sao,...); một tính từ, một phó từ khác hoặc cả mệnh đề:
Ví dụ:
John lives in the downtown. (Where does John live?)
The train arrived at eleven o ’clock. (When did the train arrive?) They cut wastes by recycling. (How do they cut wastes?)
The bullet missed his heart by a couple of centimeters. (How far did the bullet miss his heart?)
She is very clever at dealing with customers.
Never in his life will he give up hopes.
According to the forecast, it will be rainy.
2. Ngữ phân từ (participial phrases)
Một phân từ (a participle) là một từ được hình thành từ động từ và dùng làm tính từ hoặc phó từ.
Phân từ có thể ở những dạng khác nhau:
Active |
Passive |
Present participle |
doing |
being done |
Past participle |
done |
Perfect participle |
having done |
having been done |
Ngữ phân từ bao gồm một phân từ với các từ bổ nghĩa và tân ngữ nếu có.
Ví dụ:
The man standing near the gate is Mr. Smith.
Having finished the reports with great care, she sent them to the manager.
Cụm hiện tại hoặc quá khứ phân từ có thế được dùng làm một tính từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ hoặc đại từ, hoặc làm vị ngữ.
Ví dụ:
- Active present participles: living conditions, melting snow, falling leaves, the
preceding statement
- Passive past participles: a forgotten valley, the stolen car, photocopied documents Để diễn tả một hành động hoàn thành trước một hành động khác trong câu văn, có thê sử dụng past participle hoặc perfect participle.
Ví dụ:
Translated into many languages, the book became famous.
Having finished the work, he sat down to rest.
Having been carefully repaired, the machine worked well.
Ngữ phân từ dùng làm bổ ngữ cho danh từ hoặc đại từ:
Ví dụ:
The railway connecting the two big cities has been used for ten years. The boy jumped over the rope extended across the poles.
Trong nhiều trường hợp, ngũ- phân từ thường liên hệ với động từ chính trong câu văn để diễn tả nguyên nhân, thời gian, điều kiện hoặc phưong tiện.
Ví dụ:
Being a careless student, he forgot all about his homework.
Having had my breakfast, I went to school. He stood on the deck, listening to the wind.
Taking more exercises every day, you can improve your health.
Running all the way, I caught the train in time.
3. Ngữ danh từ (gerund phrases)
Ngữ danh từ là một cụm từ hình thành từ một động từ và được dùng như danh từ. Tương tự như danh từ, ngữ danh từ có thể được dùng làm: chủ ngữ, bổ ngữ, tân ngữ trực tiếp, hoặc bổ ngữ của giới từ.
Ví dụ:
Learning rules without examples is useless. His bad habit is telling lies.
I enjoy listening to music.
She is devoted to bringing up her children.
This device has been used for many years without being repaired.
4. Ngữ nguyên thể (infinitive phrases)
Động từ nguyên thể có những dạng sau:
Active |
Passive |
Present infinitive |
to do |
to be done |
Perfect infinitive |
to have done |
to have been done |
Ngữ nguyên thể là một cụm từ bắt đầu bằng một động từ nguyên thể. Nó được dùng làm danh từ, tính từ hoặc phó từ.
Ví dụ:
To travel to that village by boat will be interesting.
I want to master the writing skills as quickly as possible.
We needed a guide to lead us through the jungle. This is a pleasant cocktail to drink in hot weather. She has gone to visit her aunt in the capital.
E.Từ nối (linking words or connectors)
Để cho đoạn văn được suông sẻ, và giúp người đọc hiểu sự liên kết hợp lí giữa các ý, ta nên sử dụng các từ nối trong cùng một câu văn và giữa các câu với nhau.
Các loại từ nối thường gặp:
1. Từ nối chỉ điều bổ sung (addition):
both ... and... (cả ... lẫn)
also (cũng)
not only .... bu! also (không những ... mà còn)
furthermore (hơn nữa)
in addition (ngoài ra)
2. Từ nối chỉ sự tương phản (contrast):
but (nhưng)
however (tuy nhiên)
nevertheless (tuy nhiên)
in contrast (tương phản, đối lại)
on the other hand (mặt khác) in spite of this (dù vậy) instead of (thay vì)
3. Từ nối chỉ một liệt kê đơn giản (simple listing):
firstly (trước hết) secondly (thứ hai là) in addition (ngoài ra) finally (sau cùng)
4. Từ nối chỉ hệ quả hoặc kết quả (effects or results):
therefore (vì vậy)
consequently (kết quả là)
for this reason (vì lí do này) as a result (kết quả là) because of this (vì lí do này)
5. Từ nối nêu ví dụ hoặc dẫn chứng (giving examples):
for example (chẳng hạn, ví dụ)
for instance (ví dụ như) such as (như I à) similarly (tương tự)
in fact (thật vậy)
in particular (cụ thể, đặc biệt là)
6. Từ nối chỉ sự kết luận (conclusion): in conclusion (để kết luận) generally speaking (nói chung) clearly (rồ ràng là)
it is clear (rõ ràng là)
on the whole (nói chung)
in other words (nói cách khác)
Thang điểm cho viết đoạn văn của Bộ Giáo dục & Đào tạo (1,5 điếm)
- Các gợi ý nêu ra trong đề thi chỉ có giá trị tham khảo. Thí sinh có thể sử dụng lập luận riêng của mình mà không nhất thiết phải sử dụng các gợi ý đó.
- Nếu lạc đề, bài viết sẽ bị điểm 0 (không).
TT |
Mô tả tiêu chí đánh giá |
Điêm tối đa |
1. |
Bố cục |
0,40 |
0,10 |
o Câu đề dẫn mạch lạc vả nêu đúng chủ đề |
0,10 |
0,10 0,10 |
2. |
Phát triển ý - Nội dung |
0,55 |
·Phải nêu được lập luận, có dẫn chứng cho các lập luận đó |
0,15 |
·Phát triển ý có trình tự logic, đủ thuyết phục người đọc |
0,15 |
·Biết liên kêt các ý một cách chặt chẽ |
0,15 |
·Đảm bảo số lượng từ theo yêu cầu |
0,10 |
(Nêu bài viết có số lượng từ nhiều hơn hoặc ít hơn so với quy định 15% thì trừ hết số điểm của mục này là 0,10đ) |
3. |
Sử dụng ngôn từ |
0,30 |
o phù hợp nội dung chủ đề o phù hợp văn viết |
0,10 0,10 |
o đa dạng vê cấu trúc và từ vựng |
0,10 |
4. |
Ngữ pháp, dâu câu và chính tả: |
0,25 |
0,05 |
Mục nào có số lỗi vượt quá 10% tổng số từ của bài viết (14 lỗi trên tổng số 140 từ của đoạn văn), mục đó sẽ bị trừ toàn bộ số điểm. |
0,10 0,10 |
Tổng |
1,50 |
VIẾT ĐOẠN VĂN (Writing a paragraph) Theme 1: Family life
Topic 1.1. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about how the family members should share their responsibility to run a family.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- The equality in sharing household tasks
- The responsibilities that each family member does in sharing the household chores (the father, the mother and the children)
- The purpose of sharing the household chores equally
Topic 1.2. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about how the family members in your own family do to share the household chores, using the cues given below.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- How many and who the people are in the family
- What roles the father and mother perform
- What responsibilities each family member takes
- What attitude to doing household tasks each family member has
- The general atmosphere of the family
Topic 1.3. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the advantages of being a working mother.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- Mothers should be greatly encouraged to work outside the home
- Working mothers contribute to household income
- Working mothers are good educators for their children
- Working mothers set examples for their children
Topic 1.4. “Many hands make light work” is the saying which can he applied to doing housework in the family. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about how your family members split the housework and what they do to make the work become easier.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- The number of people in your family
- The way in which each member splits the housework in the family
- Household chores that each member of the family does
- The benefits of sharing the housework to each family member
Topic 1.5. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the factors to enable a longer life.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- the quality of food
- medical services
- regular sports
Topic 1.6. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the causes of the fad that families now are not as close-knit as they were in the past.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- busy lives and dynamic lifestyles
- explosion of modern technologies
- different viewpoints due to generation gaps
Topic 1.7. Cooking for yourself is good not only for your health but also for your pleasure. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about your opinion about this.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- saving money
- enjoying food of your own taste
- having pleasure when you prepare food
Topic 1.8. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the role of parents in forming their children’s personalities.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- having close emotional bonds with children
- satisfying children’s needs
- being affectionate, caring persons to their children
Theme 2: Education & Employment
Topic II.1 In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the formal school system in Vietnam.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- Two levels of education: primary and secondary education
- The examinations that students have to take at the end of each level
Topic II.2. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the preparations in the subject of English you have made for the high school graduation examinations.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- The role of the subject
- Revision of knowledge
- Practice of skills
- Revision of English textbooks with the themes and contents, especially English 12.
- Mental preparations
- The benefits of the preparations you have made in the examinations.
Topic II.3. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the importance of English to higher education.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- The role of English in communication
- The source of knowledge
- The means of communication
Topic II.4. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the course and the university you have decided to apply to.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- Name of the course and the university
- Reason for your choice
- Your ability to take up the course
- Your expectation
- What you should do to prepare for the entrance examination
Topic II.5. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the reasons why you would like to follow a Vietnamese university.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- Living with your own family
- Using the mother tongue in study
- Low tuition
Topic II.6. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the reasons why students would like to study abroad.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- gaining higher academic qualifications
- learning foreign languages and communicating with native speakers
- becoming more mature and independent
Topic II.7. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the importance of knowledge from books.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- having the fundamental part of our future career
- making contributions to our society
- acquiring knowledge about life and the world
Topic II.8. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the reasons why people want to go to college or university.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- requirement of more knowledge and skills for your career
- social life of a student
- acquisition of confidence from higher education
Topic II.9. In about 140 words, write a paragraph on the following topic: “University education is the best choice for all of us”.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- gaining competence for a better life
- changing our life
- increasing our knowledge
Topic II.10. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the bad effects of cheating in study.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- Preventing the study progress
- Having bad results in examinations
- Having bad effect on characters
Topic II.11. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the advantages of using electronic devices in learning.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- Getting access to helpful learning applications
- Encouraging communication and entertainment
- Being useful for research and study
Topic II. 12. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the role of teachers in our lives.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- offering the best way for your learning
- helping you to focus on what you are learning
- giving knowledge and experience more than the textbook
Topic II.13. in about 140 words, write a paragraph about your preparations for a job interview.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- Finding out as much as possible about the company and the job youapply for
- Writing a letter of application and your curriculum vitae
- Working out the answers for the questions which are possibly asked in the job interview
- Having a right attitude towards the interview
Topic II.14. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about your favourite subject at school.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
It is English.
- being one of the core subjects at school
- helping me read books or magazines in English
- having interest in the lessons
Theme 3: Culture, Community, Technology
Topic III. 1. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about what customs a visitor to Vietnam should know.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- The lack of cultural awareness may lead to misunderstanding and inconvenience to foreign visitors
- What things visitors should do and what they should not do during their visit in Vietnam
- The benefits of cultural awareness
Topic III.2. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about marriage customs in Vietnam.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- Three stages of getting married: before the wedding, during the wedding and after the wedding.
Topic III.3. in about 140 words, write a paragraph about the reasons why people especially the young should take part in volunteering work.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- The tendency to do something good for others
- The benefits that volunteering has on the characters
- A great way to gain experience in a variety of fields
- A good way to lead to a paid job
Topic III.4. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the international organization you would like to work for and give the reasons of your choice.
The following prompts might be helpful to you
- giving you good opportunities
- furthering your knowledge
- having right attitude towards life
Topic III.5. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the reasons why friendship is important.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- sharing everything with him/ her
- giving help friends out of trouble
- offering fun and enjoyment of life
Topic III.6. Do you agree with the statement “Married women should pursue a career”?
In about 140 words, write a paragraph about your opinions about the topic.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- The advantages of a female worker
- The independence that women can get when they go to work
- The ways to split housework in the family
Topic III.7. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the characteristics of good team-working.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- independence
- optimism
- teamwork spirit
Topic III.8. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the importance of computers.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- Effects of computers on every aspect of our lives
- The role of Internet
- Disadvantages of computers
Topic III.9. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the changes that information technology brings to your life.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- bringing the family members closer
- staying in touch with the world around
- having more chances to find jobs
- losing confidential documents or files
Topic HI. 10. in about 160 words, write a paragraph about advantages and disadvantages of the Internet
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- providing a lot of information and some kinds of entertainment
- keeping in touch with our friends and family
- making us become lazy
- wasting too much time
Theme 4: Nature
Topic IV. 1. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about air pollution, and the measures to solve the problem.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- Sources of air pollution from industry, vehicles
- Bad effects of air pollution on our lives (the greenhouse effect, global warming,...)
- Responsibilities and measures to reduce air pollution
Topic IV.2 in about 140 words, write a paragraph about the importance of conservation to our lives.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- Preventing endangered species from extinction
- Recycling wastes in order to conserve natural resources
- Maintaining the biodiversity
Topic IV.3. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the responsibility that everyone should take to preserve the environment
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- The ways people dispose wastes
- The ways to cut wastes
- The awareness to protect the environment
Topic IV.4. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about some problems with ecotourism in Vietnam.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- Vietnam’s natural and cultural potential for ecotourism ~ Tourists’ lack of awareness of environmental protection
- Their poor understanding of Vietnam’s cultural diversity
Topic IV.5. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about what governments should do to save energy.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- Encouraging people to use public transport
- Reducing the use of fossil fuels by increasing tax on petrol
- Developing renewable sources of energy
Topic IV.6. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the bad influence of human activity on our environment.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- exhausting natural resources
- greenhouse effect
- lack of space for leisure
Topic IV.7. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the reasons why you like to solve the air pollution problem of your hometown.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- the quality of the atmosphere
- the attraction of investors
- people’s health
Topic IV.8. In about 140 words, write ã paragraph to suggest measures governments and individuals can take to reduce the global warming.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- using less energy, and cutting waste
- practising recycling, planting more trees
- educating the community
- passing stricter laws on environmental problems
Theme 5: Recreation & Travelling
Topic V. 1. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about advantages of television.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- learning useful things
- providing us with entertainment
- making things memorable
Topic V.2. In about 140 words, write ã paragraph about the statement “Reading is fun”.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- Name some kinds of books you like
- Name some advantages of reading: expand vocabulary, improve general knowledge
Topic V.3. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the role of music in our life.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- An important part of our daily events
- A way to express one’s feelings
- A way of entertainment
Topic V.4. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about a leisure activity that like to do after school.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- Introducing your leisure activity, and the reasons why you like it
- Mentioning the benefits of your hobby
- Writing about what you will do to develop your hobby
Topic V.5. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the benefits of doing exercise.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- reducing stress
- feeling more energetic
- feeling more self-confident
Topic V.6. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the benefits of travelling by plane.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- the speed
- excitement
- the safety
Gợi ý viết đoạn văn Theme 1: Family life
Topic I.1
In modern society, the roles of men and women are similar. The father takes care of the family by providing all the necessities, and guiding the children. The mother, in most families, also goes to work, looks after the children, and supervises household tasks. The son can assist in household activities such as doing simple home repairs and taking care of his younger brother or sister. The daughter can help the mother with household chores such as grocery shopping, cooking, or keeping the house tidy. Sharing household chores helps the family have a happier atmosphere, and closer relationship. All of them will be more sociable and active in their daily lives at work or at school. All the family members should share the household chores equally in order to have a happy family.
Topic I.2
Of all household chores, I dislike washing up most because it is boring. The chore I enjoy doing is tidying up my own room because it makes my room look more clean and nice. Among his/her household tasks, my brother/sister prefers to helps the mother prepare and cook dinner because the work is interesting. My father also shares in housework. His main responsibilities are repairing the household furniture or appliances especially electric ones. My mother is the manager of the household. She runs the family well to make sure that all members can live under the same roof comfortably.
Topic I.3
Mothers should be greatly encouraged to work outside the home. First, working mothers contribute to household income. They help their husbands pay household expenses and satisfy their children’s growing needs. When life is getting more and more expensive, women’s salaries are becoming important to their household budgets. Second, working mothers are good educators for their children. Experiences at work widen their knowledge. Through working, they discover their strengths and weaknesses, and find good ways to educate their children. Finally, working mothers set examples for their children. When children see how their parents work hard to support the family and share household chores, they will learn many things from them. Family values such as hard work, responsibilities and love are likely to pass from generation to generation. Clearly, mothers should be strongly supported to work outside the home.
Topic I.4
I live in a family of four: my parents, my younger brother and I. We are all very busy people, for example my parents sometimes work late in the evening or work at the weekend, so we split the household chores equally. My dad is responsible for mending things around the house. My mother does most of the cooking and grocery shopping.
Being the elder child in the family, I take up a large share of housework. I do the laundry, take out the garbage, and clean the fridge once a week. My younger sister helps Mum prepare meals and wash the dishes. My sister and I take turns laying the table for meals, sweeping the house and feeding the pet. We do our share of household chores willingly because we know that if everyone contributes, the burden is less and each family member can have some time to relax: “Many hands make light work”.
Topic I.5
With the development of sciences, people are living longer now. The three most factors enabling the longer life are: the quality of life, good medical services, and regular sports. We could have not only enough food we want but also the healthy food. With the development of transportation systems, inland people now could enjoy seafood and tropical fruit. Furthermore, governments are paying more and more money on medical services so that citizens can have good medical services easily. Many illnesses that were considered fatal can be cured nowadays. The better prevention and cures enable people’s longer lives. Finally, people care more for their own health. Regular exercises and sports can resist more diseases. We can see a large number of people doing morning exercises in the parks every morning. To sum up, the development of our society brings the longer life of people.
Topic I.6
It is true that the social, economic changes make the traditional family standards vary. Many people agree that families are not as close-knit as they used to be for a number of reasons. First, we all seem to have so busy lives and dynamic lifestyles, so we are now so busy working, earning, getting promotions, taking part in social activities. In families, both parents work so they have less time for themselves as well as for other family members. Second, due to the explosion of modern technologies, people are more interested in their online lives than interacting with other family members. It is sometimes thought that people seem to isolate themselves with their smart phones, computers, etc. In addition, having different viewpoints is the other cause of the issue. The generation gaps sometimes cause misunderstanding or even arguments. Although changes of traditional families are unavoidable, we can reduce the gaps between family members to be as close-knit as possible.
Topic I.7
Nowadays, more and more people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants, but I still prefer to prepare and eat food at home for a number of reasons. First, you can save money if you eat at home. In order to get profit, restaurants ask for more money on the same food you cook at home, and that is a waste of money. Second, the food in restaurants is not what you are expecting. You may dislike the way restaurants cook the same dishes in different tastes. Finally, if you prepare food by yourself, you will have a happy mood and pleasure when you eat it, regardless of the savour of the food. You can improve your method of cooking considering your taste on that day. Cooking has become my hobby now, and I prefer to eat food at home.
Topic I.8
When children grow up, they need parental support in order to establish good personalities. First, parents with the help of close emotional bonds with children will be able to enhance a child’s motivation to comply with rules and requests. Children are associated with positive long-term outcomes so that they will grow up more independent, emphatic, and socially competent. Secure attachment to parents will give a child support for positive, self-fulfilling expectations about other people that he will take into future relationships. Second, parents with good jobs will be able to satisfy their children’s needs as an asset to a child’s overall development. The income of parents is directly influential in the quality of care as well as of life a child has. In addition, children need their parents to be affectionate, caring persons who loves them, fosters secure attachments with the child, and understands what the child’s needs.
Theme 2: Education & Employment
Topic II. 1
The formal school system in Vietnam consists of two levels of education: primary and secondary education. Primary school begins when a child gets 6, and lasts for 4 years; that is, he or she finishes the primary education at the age of 10. Then second education opens up. The child starts the lower secondary education with Grade 6 when he or she is 11 years old, and stays on until the age of 14 at Grade 9. At the end of Grade 9, the student moves on to the upper secondary school as long as he or she passes a Grade 10 entrance examination. Then the student follows the upper secondary education, which is supposed to last three years. In other words, when finishing Grade 12, the student completes his formal education in Vietnam.
Topic II.2
English has become one of the three compulsory subjects in the high school graduation examinations. First, students have to revise basic English grammar, especially sentence structures, vocabulary, and use of English. Second, they should also improve reading skills (understand the main ideas, look for specific or relevant details, and find the closest meaning of the words/ phrases from the passage based on the context); writing skills (make the detailed outlines with the main ideas, supporting ideas, and linking words). In addition, revision of English textbooks with the themes and contents, especially English 12 has proved to be very important. Last but not least, mental preparations are also important: go to bed early the night before the examination day, keep calm and alert while doing the test papers. In short, the preparations you have made will help you have confidence in order to succeed in the important examinations.
Topic II. 3
English has become the language of international communication in many fields including education, especially higher education. English will help you get much more knowledge from reference books written in English. Most science books are written or translated in English, so we can get ready access to mankind knowledge. English is also the means of communication when we study abroad or take part in international projects with foreign universities or companies. A good command of English is a must when we work for foreign companies in Vietnam. In short, English helps us become more successful in our higher education and future career.
Topic II. 4
I have decided to apply to Ho Chí Minh City University of Technology majoring in Information Technology in order to become an IT engineer. I have had the love of science since my childhood, and at present I am very interested in using computers. I am very good at subjects of natural sciences such as Maths, Physics, Chemistry, and also English. I hope that I will do the exam papers very well so that I will be able to get enough qualifications to pass the college entrance exams to attend the course of my own choice. Up to now, I have reviewed all the basic knowledge and necessary skills in Grade 12 to complete the exam papers.
Topic II. 5
When we choose to attend a Vietnamese university, we can live with our own family during the course of study and get constant support and encouragement from each family member. In addition, students can learn all subjects in Vietnamese, the mother tongue. Students who do not have a good command of English have no difficulty in following the courses. Most Vietnamese universities offer a variety of courses of high quality for low tuition. It is really necessary for poor students in order to follow higher education. Nowadays, more and more Vietnamese universities gain the regional and international recognition of the university degrees, in short, attending a domestic university is the best choice for most Vietnamese students and they will have enough qualifications to get good careers.
Topic II. 6
There are several reasons why students would like to study abroad. First, they can gain higher academic qualifications when studying overseas. A large number of prestigious universities in the world have professional lecturers who are experts in their fields and better courses. Therefore, students can have more opportunities to find a well-paid job in their home country or get promoted in their career path after graduation. Second, living and studying in other countries may help students learn foreign languages such as English or French and communicate with native speakers. Finally, if students are sent to foreign countries for their studies, they will be likely to become more mature and independent. Experiencing new things including customs and cultures would be beneficial to their later lives because they learn many useful things. In short, it seems that studying abroad is a good opportunity to help young learners prepare for their future best.
Topic II. 7
We gain our knowledge about the world and our life mostly from books. Knowledge from books forms a very important part of our knowledge structure. In schools and colleges, we learn knowledge which is fundamental to our future career.
We learn knowledge from books in order to make our contributions to our society in the future. A student learns mathematics and other scientific knowledge and becomes a scientist or an engineer. We will be illiterate and ignorant without learning knowledge from books. Moreover, we acquire knowledge about life and the world by reading books, magazines and newspapers. This is also very important because we cannot experience everything by ourselves. In short, we should have a real understanding of knowledge from books, and learn how to apply this knowledge to real world situations.
Topic II. 8
First, people would like to gain more knowledge and learn more skills. Recently, most jobs require people with higher education and good job skills. Next, as technology advances all over the world, people require more and more education. Furthermore, many people follow college or university to make more friends and increase their interpersonal skills. They can meet more people who have the similar interests with them. Last but not least, people who graduate from college seem more confident in our community. They are more respected by society, and they can confidently talk and do their jobs as they are more educated. Therefore, most people want to get the confidence through the university or college study. In today’s society, people need more knowledge and skills to be adapted, and the university or college study is a good way to achieve this.
Topic II.9
More and more students try their best to attend college or university. First, going to university means gaining competence in order to live a better life in the future. Competitions of our days have become more and more drastic, and even a simple job or low position will attract hundreds of candidates to apply for it. Only those who have a good education and a college degree can gain better work. Therefore, we should attend college or university for better competence. Second, attending college can change our life. People who have taken higher education can get better jobs in their hometown or in big cities where a lot of people want to go to. Finally, attending college is to increase our knowledge. The process of study is so interesting that it makes our lives meaningful and exciting. It expands our vision by offering us with lots of new things which we can gain from our daily life.
Topic II.10
Nowadays, some students have the bad habit of cheating in their study and have an illusion of achievement. When a student have an intention of cheating in exams, he does not study hard enough. In class, the student does not pay attention to the teachers’ explanations, and he is unwillingly to complete his homework in an appropriate way. As a result, the academic abilities will become worse and worse. Although some students can cheat during the tests in class, they cannot do anything wrong at the important examinations. Therefore, they are certainly to fail to satisfy the requirements of the graduation or admission to any institutions. Above all, the bad habit of cheating leaves a bad effect on the development of the student’s characters. People will look down on him. It is our duty to make that kind of students be aware of the bad effects of cheating in study and help them keep on with their study in the correct direction.
Topic II.11
Nowadays, students have greatly benefited from modem technology, especially electronic devices in learning. First, students study better by using helpful learning applications on smartphones, laptops, tablets and other media players (dictionary, spelling, translation, pronunciation, and others). Second, electronic devices help students communicate with each other or relax by listening to music and playing games when they are bored and tired of studying. Finally, they can be used for research and study, and for storing information and textbooks. This can save time and make students’ backpacks lighter. In short, electronic devices in learning have many advantages, but they may bring more harm than good to students if they use these devices too much or in inappropriate ways.
Topic II.12
In order to learn about something complex, it is always best to have a teacher. Teachers can help students learn in the ways that are best for each student. A good teacher can adapt her teaching to your needs. Teachers help you focus on what you are learning. If you are learning something by yourself, it is easy to become distracted and go on to other activities. Teachers keep your attention on the subject. They also approach a subject logically, taking it one step at a time. Learning a subject on your own is a very narrow way because you can only use the information you get from the textbook. With a teacher, you get the information in the extra written materials as well as the teacher’s own knowledge and experience of the topic. Although you can learn on your own, a good teacher is the biggest help you can have for your learning.
Topic II.13
Preparing for a job interview can be stressful and very important when you are called for the first interview. First, you should find out as much as possible about the company and the job you apply for. You can surf the company website to collect all the necessary information about the vacancy. Second, before the interview you have to send a letter of application and your curriculum vitae stating all your strengths and potentials. In addition, you have to imagine the questions which are possibly asked in the job interview and work out the best answers. Finally, you should have good concentration and make a real effort to answer all the questions the interviewer asks. You shouldn’t avoid difficult questions about the job, but show enthusiasm when it is explained to you. Good preparations and the right attitude towards the job interview help you succeed in getting the job offer.
Topic II.14
My favourite subject is English because of a number of reasons. First, I like to learn this subject because it is one of the core subjects which are vital and essential in my career path. I try to learn this international language well so that I can communicate with foreigners and find a good job in the future. Second, learning English well can help me read books or magazines in English. Through reading books in English, I can be exposed to various cultures and customs. Next, my English teacher is a dedicated person who can engage me in her lessons and bring the passion to me. I find her lessons interesting because she delivers them in a way that I really like. In short, English is an important subject that I am really keen on.
Theme 3: Culture, Community, Technology
Topic III.1
Visitors coming from a different culture should have a look into Vietnamese culture before their visit to Vietnam. First, they should call first when planning to visit someone at home, arrive on time when invited to someone’s home, and bargain when buying things in open-air markets. Moreover, they should not wear casual clothes such as shorts, pullovers... when coming to visit pagodas or temples, open a gift in front of the giver, kiss friends when meeting them in public places because these bahaviours are considered impolite in Vietnam. The cultural awareness will help visitors get respect from Vietnamese people and they can enjoy their visit.
Topic III. 2
Despite the variety, the typical marriage customs in Vietnam proceed through three stages: before the wedding, during the wedding and after the wedding. Before getting married, most couples have their engagement period which may vary from several months to several years, depending on their individual decision. When the couple are ready for the marriage life, it is the right time for the wedding ceremony which can be held either in church, pagoda or at home, depending on the couple’s religions and family traditions. Following the ceremony is usually the wedding party which can be held in a restaurant with the fine foods and drinks. The guests to the reception usually give the couple money as gifts to help them cover their expenses. After the wedding, the couple may take their time by going on their honeymoon in a place of their interest to start a new life together.
Topic III. 3
People volunteer for a number of different reasons. First, they want to do something good for others. People who volunteer in the community want to make it a better place for themselves and for others. Second, many people choose to volunteer because of the personal benefits that volunteering has on their characters. Indeed, a volunteer often says that the experience has made him or her become a better person. In addition, volunteer work is a great way to gain experience in a variety of fields. They can gain experience in education, social work, health care, web design... Volunteering is also a good way to put in a little of your time and gain some valuable skills whether professional or practical. Volunteer work can often lead to a paying job. English teaching is a great example of a volunteer job that often turns into a career.
Topic III. 4
I have harbored the dream to work for the World Health Organization (WHO) for a number of reasons. First, working for WHO gives me opportunities to live abroad, to use English at work, and to have a high salary. I think it will be an interesting life to have chance to travel around to meet different people from many cultures. Second, I will be able to further my biology knowledge by doing numerous medical researches, understand more about the cures of illnesses and the reactions of the bodies to the changes of the surroundings. Last but not least, working for WHO helps me to be more aware of the value of life. Looking after people who struggle to survive will give me strength and hope, help me think more optimistically and do more positive things. I will try my best to realize my dream of working for WHO some day in the future.
Topic III.5
There are various reasons why many people think that friendship plays an important role in their lives. Firstly, everyone needs at least a friend to share everything regardless happiness or sadness. To me, I like chatting with my friends about what happened every day and discussing personal problems. Secondly, our friends will be ready to help us out of our trouble. They will give us some good advice and support when we are in difficulty. Finally, thanks to friendship, we will have fun and enjoy a meaningful life. Our close friends are helpful, caring, honest people who are willing to help us when we need. In short, without friendship, life would be dull and boring.
Topic III. 6
Women are more hard-working than men although they are physically weaker. Housewives often become passive and dependent on their husbands. Women with good qualifications should have a right to pursue their interests and follow their own career in order to lead an independent life. More and more women are now working in jobs that used to be considered suitable for men only. However, women often become exhausted if they have to do two jobs at work and at home. Married men and women spend about equal amounts of time working, but women still have to spend more time on housework. Therefore, men should share household tasks with their wives.
Topic III.7
We work with many different kinds of people. In my opinion, my co-workers should have some important characteristics such as independence, optimism, and teamwork spirit. A good co-worker should have his own opinions, and dare to propose his own ideas. Everyone tries his best to analyze every aspect of a subject so that it can be done best. Another important characteristic is optimism. If we have some difficult problems, we should encourage others to find methods to solve the problems. One’s good mood can easily influence others. In addition, teamwork spirit is an important characteristic of a co-worker. A co-worker should be tolerant to different people and their ways of working. He should be willing to dedicate his energy, time, and knowledge to reach the goal of the whole team. If everyone in a work group has these characteristics, the group can overcome difficulties and gain its aims.
Topic III.8
Life without computers seems simply impossible now. Computers have affected every aspect of our lives. Since the time they were invented, computers have encouraged great technological progress in different fields. For example, computers are used in many industries, corporations, organizations, homes to lead to many inventions, or achievements.
Along with computers, the Internet has aided the development in technology. The Internet has made our planet become smaller, and maintained the communication for billions of people. Computers can offer a great source of information, help students with their study and provide a variety sources of entertainment. However, many people argue that computers have killed physical contact between people. For example, nowadays teenagers prefer chatting on the computer to meeting face to face.
Topic III. 9
Information technology brings me so many positive changes though sometimes it causes some troubles. It is undeniable that information technology helps bring the family members closer as we always keep in touch with help of smart phones, laptops. Besides, it helps us stay in touch with the world around from our own tables or even beds by reading on-line newspapers, surfing websites. Information technology helps us to broaden our knowledge as we can learn or take various online and offline courses. Moreover, we have more chance to earn because there are always numerous jobs available in the IT field. On the other hand, we sometimes feel annoyed by bad and poisonous information, images, or websites. We are also afraid of losing confidential documents or files due to viruses or hackers. The most important thing I need to do is to take full of its advantages and try hard to reduce the bad effects that may bring to my life.
Topic III. 10
Nowadays, the Internet, which has many benefits and some drawbacks, is becoming common all over the world. Firstly, it can provide a lot of information and some kinds of entertainment for us. Instead of using the traditional media like newspapers, we can use the Internet to surf websites to get information. When we have free time, we can relax by listening to music or play games. Secondly, through the Internet, we can not only keep in touch with our friends and family but also share opinions or photos with each other. Besides the advantages, it also has some disadvantages. It can make us lazy because we only want to use the Internet to get the solutions to problems instead of thinking independently. In addition, we can waste too much time sitting in front of the computer to read newspapers or play games, which can easily have a negative effect on our eyes. In general, I think the Internet will be useful to us if we know how to use it effectively.
Theme 4: Nature
Topic IV.1
One of the biggest environmental effects of human activities is air pollution. Smoke from aircrafts, factory chimneys, bonfires, different kinds of vehicles on streets, and many other factors damage clean air every day. Industrial factories throw into the air huge amounts of pollutant gases. The air in many areas is so unclean that people have to wear masks when going out on the streets. Air pollution leads to the greenhouse effect, making the temperature of the earth’s surface higher. Global warming leads to the polar ice caps melting, the rise of worldwide sea levels, climate changes, and other natural disasters. Everyone living on the earth should have the responsibility to reduce air pollution and protect clean air for our survival. Worldwide governments should have control measures to reduce air pollution, and protect the natural environment for the future generation.
Topic IV.2
Conservation is the preservation of natural resources so that they can last for future generations. The most important task of conservation is to prevent endangered species from extinction. Conservation projects sponsored by governments, international organizations have made a lot of efforts to help many species in the Red List to survive and develop. Cutting wastes and recycling are also other important tasks of conservation. We should try to cut down on consumption of fossil fuels and look for new kinds of alternative sources of energy. Many nations have launched the projects of solar energy, wind energy or nuclear energy in order to supply enough power for domestic use. Without conservation, we would not maintain biodiversity or good living conditions. Therefore, conservation plays an important role in improving the quality of our lives.
Topic IV.3
Everyone is becoming aware that the environment is a serious issue. There is serious air and water pollution everywhere and we also know that the greenhouse effect is changing our weather. First of all, people can make sure that they are responsible in the way they dispose wastes. If people throw rubbish like plastic into rivers and seas, it always stay there, and causes fish to die. People also need to be responsible in the way they use natural resources like water. If people use their cars less, this will help to prevent greenhouse effect and global warming. Everyone can try to use public transportation more, or use bicycles or even walk for short distances. Finally, the most important thing is to raise people’s awareness of protecting the environment. Otherwise, it will soon be too late.Vietnam’s natural and cultural potential for ecotourism is well known. However, eco tours involve mainly travel to natural places and the activities are not based on the ecotourism principle. In Ha Long Bay, for example, tourists just visit the bay and some caves, without learning about the environment or taking part in any local cultural activities. In addition, in some national parks, tourists are not fully aware of environmental protection. They may throw rubbish or break tree branches. As a result, some tourist areas have suffered from some environmental damage. What’s more, most tour guides have poor knowledge of the ethnic culture. Therefore, ecotourists have little or no understanding of Vietnam’s cultural diversity.
Topic IV. 5
On the one hand, governments should encourage people to use public transport. On the other hand, they should increase the tax on petrol. This will help to reduce the use of fossil fuels. They should either use renewable sources of energy like the wind and solar energy to solve the problem of pollution. Scientists are trying to find and use other alternative sources of energy. Moreover, more hydropower stations should be built to solve the problem of the energy shortage. They should raise people’s awareness of saving energy and reducing wastes. Governments should use sources of energy wisely for the future of our planet.
Topic IV. 6
It is believed by many that the earth is being damaged by human activity. First, human activity has damaged natural environment and almost exhausted natural resources. Modern industry needs more and more resources, including minerals, fuels, etc. Ecological balance is damaged because factories occupy many places for animals and plants. Another serious problem is the greenhouse effect. Due to the effect, icebergs in the poles melt and the sea levels has risen in recent years. Furthermore, we have less chance to approach nature and less space for leisure. In fact, if we want to have a picnic with our friends, we have to drive a long distance to find a good place. In short, human activity brings the earth a lot of damage. Fortunately, many people are aware of the problem. I believe that the earth will become a better place to live with our ceaseless efforts.
Topic IV. 7
First, I would like my hometown to become a beautiful city. As a big industrial city, my hometown has made a great deal of contribution to the country’s economic development, but the natural environment of the city has been badly damaged. The quality of the atmosphere becomes worse and worse, and people seldom see the blue sky during most of the time. Next, the city’s development needs clean and tidy environment to attract investors because the environment plays an important role in the city’s future. In addition, nowadays people have paid more and more attention to their health. If air pollution problem cannot be solved as quickly as possible, peoplewill not have a good health. In my opinion, solving the air pollution problem will apparently be the priority if I can change something about my hometown. Fortunately, more people are aware of the serious problem.
Topic IV. 8
Human activities are the main causes of the worsening of the nature such as the global warming. We should be aware of the need to protect our environment for not only our own lives but also the next generations. First, we can save energy by using less heat and air- conditioning, using energy-saving products. Another way is to recycle paper, plastic, glass, etc. When recycling is practised, it helps to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In addition, we should plant more trees because as we know, trees can absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. All countries in the world should co-operate to better the situation. The government should educate the community and encourage everyone to join hands to plant trees, recycle and conserve energy. Then, stricter laws on environmental problems should be passed and enforced to better our neighbourhood. People all over the world must co-operate to stop the global warming process.
Theme 5: Recreation & Travelling
Topic V. 1
There are several reasons why television is an essential part in our lives. First, television helps us see more of the world and learn useful things because TV programmes can provide us with general knowledge about many fields. For example, we can know and understand different cultures and customs around the world just by staying at home to watch TV programmes. Second, television can also entertain us with interesting and exciting programmes such as comedy shows or films. It is one of the best ways to help us relax and have fun after work. Finally, TV can make things memorable because it presents information in an effective way with moving images and sounds. In conclusion, television has many benefits because it is not only a source of information but also a means of entertainment.
Topic V.2
Since I was young, my parents have bought me a lot of books. At first, I thought reading was boring; however, I soon learn to love reading. The comic books I read offer me a lot of pleasure and delight. Reading has improved my command of English, I also gain a lot of general knowledge, especially from reading non-fiction books. I like reading books on subjects that 1 am interested in school. Reading also provide a world where we can experience things which we may never meet in real life. In short, I think reading is both fun and beneficial.
Topic V.3
Music is a very important part of our lives. Music is used for dancing, loving, and thinking. Some songs remind us of our childhood or youth. Others remind us of the people we love. Many important occasions, like weddings and funerals have special music. Music can be used to communicate. Music can express ideas, thoughts and feelings. In fact, it can express one’s anger, love, hate or friendship. Above all, music is a great way to entertain. It makes people happy and excited, and it delights the senses. Music can be considered as the same language for all people, and understanding music helps you understand other cultures, history and people.
Topic V.4
My favourite leisure activity is reading. I like reading because it is a hobby that is useful and interesting. You can gain a lot of knowledge of all fields that you need, and books can give you the joy and help you relax after a hard-working day. When you join the forum for people who have interests similar to you, you can share the comments on the books or novels that interest you or participate in discussions on the forum about reading. I often read books at the weekend or on holiday. I also help some friends select the genres of books that they like. I hope that I will have my own library in the near future. I love books very much, and I couldn’t live without them.
Topic V. 5
Health is considered to be the most valuable thing one possesses. The most effective way to better one’s health is doing regular exercise. One advantage of doing exercise is to reduce stress. People who exercise are likely to feel more relaxed, healthier, and happier. Doing regular exercise helps the body produce certain chemicals which will reduce the worry about life. Another benefit exercising brings us is that we will feel more energetic to overcome our daily problems. Doing exercises helps us reduce the possibility of being ill, protects us from some fatal diseases as heart diseases. Spending time doing exercise will ensure us a longer, healthier and happier life. Another good thing is that doing exercise helps us feel more self-confident. With good health, we will think positively, do confidently, and lead an optimistic life. To sum up, doing exercise regularly enables people to have good body-building, keep fit and brings us other benefits.
Topic V.6
An airplane is a form of transportation that has changed people’s lives. Thanks to the plane, our lives are now faster, more exciting, and more convenient than before. We cannot deny that flying is fast. For example, a businessman can leave Ha Noi at 11 am and arrive in New York in 17 hours later. It is always exciting to take a plane trip. When you take a trip by plane, you know that you may cross many time zones, oceans, and countries, meeting people from different cultures. Last but not least, travelling by plane is the safest way with the minimum accidents while the accidents on the roads or on the rivers are far much higher than those by air. Although other forms of transportation may be also comfortable, none has changed the way we do business and the way we live our lives more than the plane..
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