Tài liệu Vocabulary and Grammar Revision for Unit 9 Tiếng Anh 12 được HOC247 biên tập và tổng hợp và giới thiệu đến các em học sinh lớp 12, với phần lý thuyết và bài tập thực hành kèm đáp án, lời giải chi tiết giúp các em rèn luyện ôn tập chuẩn bị cho kì thi sắp tới. Hi vọng tài liệu này sẽ có ích cho các em, chúc các em có kết quả học tập tốt!
• advice /ədˈvaɪs/ (n): lời khuyên
• ambition /æmˈbɪʃn/ (n): hoài bão, khát vọng, tham vọng
• be in touch with: liên lạc với
• career (n): nghề, nghề nghiệp, sự nghiệp
• career adviser: người cố vấn nghề nghiệp
• come up with /tʌtʃ/: tìm thấy/ nảy ra ( ý tưởng/ giải pháp)
• cut down on: cắt giảm ( biên chế, số lượng)
• dishwasher /ˈdɪʃwɒʃə(r)/ (n): người rửa bát đĩa, máy rửa bát đĩa
• downside /ˈdaʊnsaɪd/ (n): mặt trái/ bất lợi
• drop in on: ghé thăm
• drop out of: bỏ ( học, nghề,...)
• fascinating /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ/ (a): có sức hấp dẫn hoặc quyến rũ lớn
• get on with: sống hòa thuận với
• get to grips with: bắt đầu giải quyết ( một vấn đề khó)
• keep up with: theo kịp, đuổi kịp
• look forward to /ˈfɔːwəd/: chờ đợi, trông đợi
• mature /məˈtʃʊə(r)/ (a): trưởng thành
• paperwork /ˈpeɪpəwɜːk/ (n): công việc giấy tờ, văn phòng
• pursue /pəˈsjuː/ (v): theo đuổi, tiếp tục
• put up with: chịu đựng
• rewarding /rɪˈwɔːdɪŋ/ (a): bõ công, đáng công, thỏa đáng
• run out of : hết, cạn kiệt ( tiền, năng lượng,...)
• secure /sɪˈkjʊə(r)/ (v): giành được, đạt được
• shadow /ˈʃædəʊ/ (v): đi theo quan sát ai, thực hành để học việc
• tedious/ˈtiːdiəs/ (a): tẻ nhạt, làm mệt mỏi
• think back on: nhớ lại
• workforce /ˈwɜːkfɔːs/ (n): lực lượng lao động
1. Phrasal Verbs
• Account for: chiếm, giải thích
• Allow for: tính đến, xem xét đến
• Ask after: hỏi thăm sức khỏe
• Ask for: hỏi xin ai cái gì
• Ask sb in/out: cho ai vào/ra
• Advance in: tấn tới
• Advance on: trình bày
• Advance to: tiến đến
• Agree on something: đồng ý với điều gì
• Agree with: đồng ý với ai, hợp với, tốt cho
• Answer to: hợp với
• Answer for: chịu trách nhiệm về
• Attend on (upon): hầu hạ
• Attend to: chú ý
• To be over: qua rồi
• To be up to sb to V: ai đó có trách nhiệm phải làm gì
• To bear up = to confirm: xác nhận
• To bear out: chịu đựng
• To blow out: thổi tắt
• Blow down: thổi đổ
• Blow over: thổi qua
• To break away = to run away: chạy trên
• Break down: hỏng hóc, suy nhược
• Break in (to + O): đột nhập, cắt ngang
• Break up: chia tay, giải tán
• Break off: tan vỡ một mối quan hệ
• To bring about: mang đến, mang lại (= result in)
• Bring down = to land: hạ xuống
• Bring out: xuất bản
• Bring up: nuôi dưỡng (danh từ là up bringing)
• Bring off: thành công, ẵm giải
• To burn away: tắt dần
• Burn out: cháy trụi
• Back up: ủng hộ, nâng đỡ
• Bear on: có ảnh hưởng, liên lạc tới
• Become of: xảy ra cho
• Begin with: bắt đầu bằng
• Begin at: khởi sự từ
• Believe in: tin cẩn, tin có
• Belong to: thuộc về
• Bet on: đánh cuộc vào
• Call for: mời gọi, yêu cầu
• Call up: gọi đi lính, gọi điện thoại, nhắc lại kỉ niệm
• Call on/call in at sb's house: ghé thăm nhà ai
• Call off = put off = cancel: hủy bỏ
• Call in/on at sb's house: ghé thăm nhà ai
• Call at: ghé thăm
• Care about: quan tâm, để ý tới
• Care for: muốn, thích (= would like), quan tâm chăm sóc (= take care of)
• Carry away: mang đi, phân phát
• Carry on = go on: tiếp tục
• Carry out: tiến hành, thực hiện
• Carry off = bring off: ẵm giải
• Cry for: khóc vì
• Cry for something: kêu đói
• Cry with joy: khóc vì vui
• Cut something into: cắt vật gì thành
• Cut into: nói vào, xen vào
• Cut back on/cut down on: cắt giảm (chỉ tiêu)
• Cut in: cắt ngang (= interrupt)
• Cut st out of st: cắt cái gì rời khỏi cái gì
• Cut off: cô lập, cách li, ngừng phục vụ
• Cut up: chia nhỏ
• Catch on: trở nên phổ biến, nắm bắt kịp
• Catch up with = keep up with = keep pace with: theo kịp ai, cái gì
• Check in/out: làm thủ tục ra/vào
• Check up: kiểm tra sức khoẻ
• Clean out: dọn sạch, lấy đi hết
• Clean up: dọn gọn gàng
• Clear away: lấy đi, mang đi
• Clear up: làm sáng tỏ
• Close down: phá sản, đóng cửa nhà máy
• Close with: tới gần
• Close about: vây lấy
• Close in: tiến tới
• Close up: xích lại gần nhau
• Come to: lên tới
• Come over/ round = visit
• Come round: hồi tỉnh
• Come down: sụp đổ (= collapse), giảm (= reduce)
• Come down to: là do
• Come up: đề cập đến, nhô lên, nhú lên
• Come up with: nảy ra, loé lên
• Come up against: đương đầu, đối mặt
• Come out: xuất bản
• Come out with: tung ra sản phẩm
• Come about = happen
• Come across: tình cờ gặp
• Come apart: vỡ vụn
• Come along/on with: hoà hợp, tiến triển
• Come into: thừa kế
• Come off: thành công, long ra, bong ra
• Count on sb for st: trông cậy vào ai
• Cross out: gạch đi, xoá đi
• Consign to: giao phó cho
• Chew over = think over: nghĩ kĩ
• Chance upon: tình cờ gặp
• Delight in: thích thú về
• Depart from: bỏ, sửa đổi
• Do with: chịu đựng
• Do for a thing: kiểm ra một vật
• Die away/die down: giảm đi, dịu đi (về cường độ)
• Die out/die off: tuyệt chủng
• Die for: thèm gì đến chết
• Die of: chết vì
• Do away with: bãi bỏ, bãi miễn
• Do up = decorate
• Draw back: rút lui
• Drive at: ngụ ý, ám chỉ
• Drop in at st's house: ghé thăm nhà ai
• Drop off: buồn ngủ
• Drop out of school: bỏ học
• End up: kết thúc
• Eat up: ăn hết
• Eat out: ăn ngoài
• Face up to: đương đầu, đối mặt
• Fall back on: trông cậy, dựa vào
• Fall in with: mê cái gì (fall in love with sb: yêu ai đó say đắm)
• Fall behind: chậm hơn so với dự định, rớt lại phía sau
• Fall through = put off, cancel
• Fall off: giảm dần
• Fall down: thất bại
• Fill in: điền vào
• Fill up with: đổ đầy
• Fill out: điền hết, điền sạch
• Fill in for: đại diện, thay thế
• Find out: tìm ra
• Get through to sb: liên lạc với ai
• Get through: hoàn tất ( accomplish), vượt qua ( get over)
• Get into: đi vào, lên (xe)
• Get in: đến, trúng cử
• Get off: cởi bỏ, xuống xe, khởi hành
• Get out of = avoid
• Get down: đi xuống, ghi lại
• Get sb down: làm ai thất vọng
• Get down to doing: bắt đầu nghiêm túc làm việc gì
• Get to doing: bắt tay vào làm việc gì
• Get round... (To doing): xoay xở, hoàn tất
• Get along/on with = come along/on with
• Get at = drive at
• Get back: trở lại
• Get up: ngủ dậy
• Get ahead: vượt trước ai
• Get away with: cuỗm theo cái gì
• Get over: vượt qua
• Get on one's nerves: làm ai phát điên, chọc tức ai
• Give away: cho đi, tống đi, tiết lộ bí mật
• Give st back: tra lại
• Give in: bỏ cuộc
• Give way to: nhượng bộ, đầu hàng (= give oneself up to), nhường chỗ cho ai
• Give up: từ bỏ
• Give out: phân phát, cạn kiệt
• Give off: toả ra, phát ra (mùi hương, hương vị)
• Go out: đi ra ngoài, lỗi thời
• Go out with: hẹn hò
• Go through: kiểm tra, thực hiện công việc
• Go through with: kiên trì bền bỉ
• Go for: cố gắng giành được
• Go in for = take part in
• Go with: phù hợp
• Go without: kiêng nhịn
• Go off: nổi giận, nổ tung, thối rữa (thức ăn)
• Go off with = give away with: cuỗm theo
• Go ahead: tiến lên
• Go back on one's word: không giữ lời
• Go down with: mắc bệnh
• Go over: kiểm tra, xem xét kỹ lưỡng
• Go up: tăng, đi lên, vào đại học
• Go into: lâm vào
• Go away: cút đi, đi khỏi
• Go round: đủ chia
• Go on: tiếp tục
• Grow out of: lớn vượt khỏi
• Grow up: trưởng thành
• Hand down to = pass on to: truyền lại (cho thế hệ sau)
• Hand in: giao nộp (bài, tội phạm)
• Hand back: giao lại
• Hand over: trao trả quyền lực
• Hand out: phân phát (= give out)
• Hang round: lảng vảng
• Hang on = hold on = hold off: cầm máy (điện thoại)
• Hang up (off): cúp máy
• Hang out: treo ra ngoài
• Hold on off = put off
• Hold on: cầm máy
• Hold back: kiềm chế
• Hold up: cản trở/ trấn lột
• Jump at a chance/ an opportunity: chộp lấy cơ hội
• Jump at a conclusion: vội kết luận
• Jump at an order vội vàng nhận lời
• Jump for joy: nhảy lên vì sung sướng
• Jump into (out of): nhảy vào (ra)
• Keep away from = keep off: tránh xa
• Keep out of: ngăn cản
• Keep sb back from: ngăn cản ai không làm gì
• Keep sb from = stop sb from
• Keep sb together: gắn bó
• Keep up: giữ lại, duy trì
• Keep up with: theo kịp ai
• Keep on = keep ving: cứ tiếp tục làm gì
• Knock down = pull down: kéo đổ, sụp đổ, san bằng
• Knock out: ha gục ai
• Lay down: ban hành, hạ vũ khí
• Lay out: sắp xếp, lập dàn ý
• Leave sb off = to dismiss sb: cho thi nghỉ việc
• Leave out = get rid of
• Let sb down: làm ai thất vọng
• Let sb in/out: cho ai vào ra, phóng thích ai
• Let sb off: tha bổng cho ai
• Lie down: nằm nghỉ
• Live up to: sống xứng đáng với
• Live on: sống dựa vào
• Lock up: khóa chặt ai
• Look after: chăm sóc
• Look at: quan sát
• Look back on: nhớ lại hồi tưởng
• Look round: quay lại nhìn
• Look for: tìm kiếm
• Look forward to y-ing: mong đợi, mong chờ
• Look in on: ghé thăm
• Look up: tra cứu (từ điển, số điện thoại)
• Look into: xem xét, nghiên cứu
• Look on, đứng nhìn thờ ơ
• Look out: coi chừng
• Look out for: cảnh giác với
• Look over: kiểm tra
• Look up to: tôn trọng
• Look down on: coi thường
• Make up: trang điểm, bịa chuyện
• Make out: phân biệt
• Make up for: đền bù, hoà giải với ai
• Make the way to: tìm đường tới
• Mix out: trộn lẫn, lộn xộn
• Miss out: bỏ lỡ
• Move away: bỏ đi, ra đi
• Move out: chuyến đi
• Move in: chuyển đến
• Order sb about st: sai ai làm gì
• Owe st to sb: có được gì nhờ ai
• Pass away = to die
• Pass by = go past: đi ngang qua, trôi qua
• Pass on to = hand down to: truyền lại
• Pass out = to faint: ngất
• Pay sb back: trả nợ ai
• Pay up the dept: trả hết nợ nần
• Point out: chi ra
• Pull back: rút lui
• Pull down = to knock down: kéo đỗ, san bằng
• Pull in to: vào (nhà ga)
• Pull st out: lấy cái gì ra
• Pull over at: đỗ xe
• Put st aside: cất đi, để dành
• Put st away: cất đi
• Put through to sb: liên lạc với ai
• Put down: hạ xuống
• Put down to: lí do của
• Put on: mặc vào, tăng cân
• Put up: dựng lên, tăng giá
• Put up with: tha thứ, chịu đựng
• Put up for: xin đi ngủ nhờ
• Put out: dập tắt
• Put st/sb out: đưa ai/cái gì ra ngoài
• Put off: trì hoãn
• Run after: truy đuổi
• Run away/off from: chạy trốn
• Run out (of): cạn kiệt
• Run over: đè chết
• Run back: quay trở lại
• Run down: cắt giảm, ngừng phục vụ
• Run into: tình cờ gặp, đâm xô, lâm vào
• Ring after: gọi lại sau
• Ring off: tắt máy (điện thoại)
• Save up: để giành
• See about = see to: quan tâm, để ý
• See sb off: tạm biệt
• See sb though: nhận ra bản chất của ai
• See over = go over
• Send for: yêu cầu, mời gọi
• Send to: đưa ai vào (bệnh viện, nhà tù)
• Send back: trả lại
• Set out/off: khởi hành, bắt đầu
• Set in: bắt đầu (dùng cho thời tiết)
• Set up: dựng lên
• Set sb back: ngăn cản ai
• Settle down: an cư lập nghiệp
• Show off: khoe khoang, khoác lác
• Show up: đến tới
• Shop round: mua bán loanh quanh
• Shut down: sập tiệm, phá sản
• Shut up: ngậm miệng lại
• Sit round: ngồi nhàn rỗi
• Sit up for: chờ ai cho tới tận khuya
• Slown down: chậm lại
• Stand by: ủng hộ ai
• Stand out: nổi bật
• Stand for: đại diện, viết tắt của, khoan dung
• Stand in for. thế chỗ của ai
• Stay away from: tránh xa
• Stay behind: ở lại
• Stay up: đi ngủ muộn
• Stay on at: ở lại trường để học thêm
• Take away from: lấy đi, làm nguội đi
• Take after: giống ai như đúc
• Take sb/st back to: đem trả lại
• Take down: lấy xuống
• Take in: lừa gạt ai, hiểu
• Take on: tuyển thêm, lấy thêm người
• Take off: cất cánh, cởi tháo bỏ cái gì
• Take over: giành quyền kiểm soát
• Take up: đảm nhận, chiếm giữ (không gian), bắt đầu làm gì (thành thủ tiêu khiển)
• Take to: yêu thích
• Talk sb into st: thuyết phục ai
• Talk sb out of: cản trở ai
• Throw away: ném đi, vứt hẳn đi
• Throw out: vứt đi, tống cổ ai
• Tie down: ràng buộc
• Tie in with: buộc chặt
• Tie sb out = wear sb out = exhaust sb
• Tell off: mắng mỏ
• Try on: thử (quần áo)
• Try out: thử... (Máy móc)
• Turn away = turn down: từ chối
• Turn into: chuyển thành
• Turn out: sx, hoá ra là
• Turn on/off: mở, tắt
• Turn up/down: vặn to, nhỏ (âm lượng)
• Turn up: xuất hiện, đến tới
• Turn in: đi ngủ
• Use up: sử dụng hết, cạn kiệt
• Wait for: đợi
• Wait up for: đợi ai đến tận khuya
• Watch out/over = look out
• Watch out for = look out for
• Wear off: mất tác dụng, biến mất, nhạt dần
• Wear sb out = exhaust sb
• Work off : loại bỏ
• Work out: tìm ra cách giải quyết
• Work up: làm khuấy động
• Wipe out: huỷ diệt
• Write down: viết vào
I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. twice B. flight C. piece D. mind
2. A. about B. around C. sound D. young
3. A. cover B. oven C. coffee D. company
4. A. plates B. cakes C. mates D. said
5. A. laughed B. learned C. changed D. arrived
ĐÁP ÁN: 1C 2D 3C 4D 5A
II. Choose the words that has the different stress from the others.
1. A. geography B. evacuate C. emergency D. temporary
2. A. career B. response C. downside D. mature
3. A. scatter B. earthquake C. collapse D. mudslide
4. A. examination B. exciting C. experience D. expert
5. A. university B. managerial C. opportunity D. enthusiastic
ĐÁP ÁN 1D 2C 3C 4A 5D
I. Complete each sentence using a verb from A (in the correct form) + a wordfrom B. You can use a word more than once.
A. fly get go look sit speak
B. away by down on out round up
1. The bus was full. We couldn't ______get on_____.
2. I've been standing for the last two hours. I'm going to ____sit down____ for a bit.
3. A cat tried to catch the bird, but it ____flew away______ just in time.
4. We were trapped in the building. We couldn't ______get out_____.
5. I can't hear you very well. Can you _____speak up_____ a little?
6. "Do you speak German?" - "Not very well, but I can _____get by_____.”
7. The cost of living is higher now. Prices have _____gone up_____ a lot.
8. I thought there was somebody behind me, but when I ____looked round_____, there was nobody there.
II. Use your own ideas to complete the sentences. Use a noun (this newspaper,...) or a pronoun (it/ them/...) + the word in brackets (away/ up/...)
1. Don't _________________ throw away _________________ this newspaper. I want to keep it. (away)
2. "Do you want this postcasd?"
"No, you can _________________ throw it away _________________." (away)
3. I borrowed these books from the library. I have to take __them back___ tomorrow. (back)
4. We can turn __the television off___. Nobody is watching it. (off)
5. A: How did the vase get broken?
B: I'm afraid I knocked ___it over___ while I was cleaning. (off)
6. Shh! My mother is asleep. I don't want to wake ____her up____. (up)
7. It's quite cold. You should put ____your coat___ if you're going out. (on)
8. It was only a small fire. I was able to put it ____out____ quite easily. (out)
9. A: Is this hotel more expensive than when we stayed here last year?
B: Yes, they've put ___the price(s)__ .(up)
10. It's a bit dark in this room. Shall I turn ___the light(s) on___? (on)
III. Use the correct word in the box to complete each sentence.
interviewer multimedia options appropriate professional
careers attitudes qualified experience university
1. Wear clothes that are _____ appropriate ____ for the job you want.
2. I am keen to develop my _____ professional ____ skills and look forward to discussing my application with you at an interview.
3. Remember that the ___ interviewer ____ probably has a lot of CVs to read, so keep it short and easy to read.
4. I would like to work in _____ multimedia ______ video and audio productions, where I could be close to famous actors or singers.
5. You have to consider the things you actually enjoy doing and then research the career ___ options ____
that exist in that same area.
6. You may have to spend some time working for free in order to gain the ____ experience ____ that lets toy stand out from the crowd.
7. Most secondary school students take to ______ university _____ life like a duck to water.
8. You should do a school ______ careers ____ test that will give you some ideas about what you should do for a job.
9. Workplace ______ attitudes _____ have an effect on every person in the organization, from the employees to the company owner.
10. The job application letter you send to an employer explains why you are _____ qualified _____ for the position and should be selected for an interview.
IV. Give the correct form of the word.
1. She enjoys reading, knitting, and other quiet _____pursuits____. PURSUE
2. Business is going so well that they hired seven new _____employees____ in their department last month. EMPLOY
3. Job ____security____ is the assurance that an employee has about the continuity of employment for his or her work life. SECURE
4. The way is long and we shall have to get over the ____tediousness____ of it. TEDIOUS
5. There are lots of different factors that go into _____choosing_____ a career path. CHOOSE
6. We hope this guide helps you to _____pursue____ a desirable career path after high school. PURSUIT
7. There are many pathways from school that can lead to a ___rewarding____ career. REWARD
8. High school ___graduates___ may be deciding whether they should enter the workforce or go to college. GRADUATION
9. Get an English-speaking friend to check it for you, or you can find some useful phrases from ____different_____ job websites. DIFFERENCE
10. Look for job ____vacancies____ in the local newspaper and log on to some job websites. VACANCY
V. Indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. I consider myself to be trustworthy, responsible and enthusiastic.
A. worthwhile B. talented C. honest D. skilled
2. The experience from an adventurous expedition to a rainforest will broaden your horizons and teach you new skills.
A. expand your range of interests and knowledge B. open your views
C. widen your eyes D. be an eye-opener
3. Lucy has just finished her A levels and she has got a place at university, but she would really like a break from the academic world. Therefore, he decides to take a gap year and travel around the word!
A. a year off B. a year out C. a year away D. a year's trip
4. Finally, Amy decided to quit her job as she couldn't stand doing the same things days in days out. It's so monotonous!
A. easy B. low-paid C. tedious D. secure
5. I am available for an interview all afternoons, except on Tuesday because I am doing a computer course to improve my typing skills.
A. willing B. free C. impatient D. longing
6. We want to recruit the brightest and the best. If you think you fit the bill, fill in an application form today.
A. are able to pay the bill B. are suitable C. are of the right size D. are excellent
7. As he lived in a small town outside the city, he had to commute every day.
A. take a bus to work B. drive to work
C. take a life to work D. travel a long way to and from work
8. The atmosphere at work was so bad that Brian eventually decided to hand in his notice.
A. notify the boss B. apply for another job C. give up his job D. be given a better job
9. My boss has a reputation for being such a slave-driver!
A. working overtime B. working excessively hard
C. being slave to work D. making his staff work too hard
10. There are excellent prospects for promotion, and you'll know you're doing something to benefit society.
A. opportunities B. likelihoods C. futures D. potentials
ĐÁP ÁN 1C 2A 3B 4C 5B 6B 7D 8C 9D 10A
VI. Indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. You are expected to ask the prospective candidates a technical question to judge their ability.
A. potential B. possible C. aspiring D. former
2. Though many scientific breakthroughs have resulted from mishaps it has taken brilliant thinkers to recognize their potential.
A. misunderstandings B. accidents C. incidentals D. misfortunes
3. With many companies having to downsize in tough economic items, the outsourcing and contracting of freelance workers online has become common business practice.
A. take on more staff B. lay off their employees
C. close down their branches D. notify to break down
4. The Internet provides an infinite pool of buyers from around the world with whom freelancers can contract their services.
A. quite a few B. many a C. a wide variety of D. a limited number of
5. Well, I want to go straight to university, but I'm also thinking of applying for a temporary job in the summer.
A. part-time B. full-time C. permanent D seasonal
6. John was promoted last month for being such a committed worker.
A. dishonest B. irresponsible C. unenthusiastic D. unreliable
7. With so many breakthroughs in robotic science and technology, much manual work will soon be taken over by robots.
A. intellectual work B. physical work C. monotonous work D. dull work
8. I'd go mad if I had to do a dead-end job like working on a supermarket checkout.
A. boring B. monotonous C. fascinating D. demanding
9. He's just so flexible. He'll adapt to any situation.
A. adaptable B. rigid C. intelligent D. autonomous
10. Most, not to say all, off the employers want to look for candidates with punctuality, so make sure you make a positive impression on them by showing up on time for the interview.
A. good time management B. ability to meet deadlines C. being late D. being in time
ĐÁP ÁN 1D 2B 3A 4D 5B 6B 7A 8C 9B 10C
VII. Find the one choice that best completes the sentence.
1. He ____ all his money, then closed the account.
A. took out B. took away C. paid in D. paid off
2. He was convicted of using the firm's money to pay ____ his gambling.
A. in B. off C. back D. towards
3. At the meeting, someone brought ____ the subject pre-school education.
A. in B. on C. up D. out
4. Whatever your decision, bear in mind that most people change ____ paths up to five times during their lifetime.
A. occupation B. career C. job D. vocation
5. I got on so well with my tutor ____ I did with my elder brother.
A. so B. like C. as if D. as
6. It's taking me longer to get ____ the operation than I thought.
A. through B. by C. up from D. over
7. For careers that truly interest you, consider asking each person if you can ____ him or her at work.
A. shadow B. monitor C. follow D. search
8. If you're required to fill out an application form, you'll still need to ____ the best way to present your skills and experience.
A. work out B. come up C. exercise D. make out
9. When the princess kissed the frog, it turned ____ a handsome prince.
A. into B. up C. out D. over
10. I really like Joe's dad but I don't get ____ with his mother at all.
A. out B. by C. on D. through
11. You shouldn't stay at home so much. Get ____ and make new friends.
A. by B. out C. over D. away
12. A fruit that is fully-ripe is an example of a fruit that has reached ____.
A. development B. maturity C. mature D. growth
13. His teenage daughter is driving him crazy. He can't ____ her moods, her music, and her constant demand for money.
A. keep up with B. go on with C. put up with D. put up to
14. It'll take me three years to ____ up enough money to travel round the country.
A. pay B. take C. put D. save
15. As soon as she came ____ after the operation, she asked for a drink of water.
A. across B. up C. round D. under
16. Bary has come ____ some good suggestions for raising the money we need.
A. onto B. up with C. round to D. across with
17. You must walk slowly if you want the children to ____ with.
А. keep up B. go on C. keep on D. come up
18. LinkedIn, a social media, is a great way to ____ your skills and experience.
A. highlight B. attend C. focus D. respect
19. I ____ everything in my bag three times but my keys were nowhere to be found.
A. went out B. went over C. looked for D. looked at
20. Can you remember what to do, or do you want me to go ____ it again?
A. by B. into C. past D. over
21. It was the third time in six months that the bank had been held ____.
A. over B. down C. up D. out
22. Having that accident has brought ____ a complete change in his attitude to other people.
A. in B. about C. up D. out
23. The light from the car ____ as it receded into the distance.
A. faded away B. seeped out C. rolled away D. shone out
24. Don't take my advice if you don't want to. You can do ____ you like.
A. although B. but C. like D. as
25. The president has failed to ____ grips with the two most important social issues of our time.
A. take B. take to C. get D. get to
26. It was so foggy that the climbers couldn't ____ out the nearby shelter.
A. run B. take C. break D. make
27. They are thinking of bringing ____ a law to make cyclists wear helmets.
A. on B. up C. in D. round
28. I take ____ everything I said about Paul. I realize now that it wasn't true.
A. on B. over C. in D. back
29. Although I'd never made a sandwich before, my first attempt turned ____ quite well.
A. over B. up C. out D. into
30. I always run ____ of money before the end of the month.
A. out B. back C. up D. down
ĐÁP ÁN 1A 2B 3C 4B 5D 6D 7A 8A 9A 10C 11B 12B 13C 14D 15C 16B 17A 18A 19B 20D 21C 22B 23A 24D 25D 26D 27C 28D 29C 30A
I. Choose the right word to fill in the blank.
force develop aspects potential expenses
relationships beneficial direction responsibilities outweigh
If college isn't your option or you need extra time to earn money for tuition, going straight into the work (1) _____ force ____ offers many choices and benefits. Getting a job immediately after high school remains a good choice. Teens who go this route need to learn how to search for employment, write a resume, and
(2) ___ develop ____ interviewing skills.
Many companies pay their employees for continuing education in areas related to their employment. You should ask about this benefit through the human resources departments of (3) ___ potential ___ employers.
Another option is an internship. Over the course of a year, you could potentially participate in two or three internships to explore career choices. But most internships are unpaid, so planning ahead is crucial if you need to save money for living (4) _____ expenses ______.
Internships provide participants with the opportunity to learn about many (5) ___ aspects ____ of a particular career. They're also a great way to take contacts and develop mentoring (6) ____ relationships ___.
For some teens, taking a year off between high school and the "real world" can be (7) ___ beneficial __. This can be a good time to travel, do community service, or even live in a foreign country before the
(8) ____ responsibilities ___ of life make it harder to do so.
However, teens should keep in mind that a brochure may look different from reality, such as with work and service camps in developing countries. They should expect difficulties but know that the rewards of community service often (9) ___ outweigh ____ the hardships - and can actually change the (10) __ direction __ of a person's life. Speaking with previous participants should give a more realistic view than promotional material.
II. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
It can take a long time to become successful in your chosen field, however talented you are. One thing you have to be (1) ____ of is that you will face criticism along the way. The world is (2) ____ of people who would rather say something negative than positive. If you've made up your (3) ____ to achieve a certain goal, such as writing a novel, (4) ____ the negative criticism of others prevent you from reaching your target, and let the constructive criticism have a positive effect on your work. If someone says you're totally in the (5) ____ of talent, ignore them. That's negative criticism. If (6) ____, someone advises you to revise your work and gives you a good reason for doing so, you should consider their suggestions carefully. There are many film stars (7) ____ were once out of work. There are many famous novelists who made a complete mess of their first novel - or who didn't, but had to keep on approaching hundreds of publishers before they could get it (8) ____. Being successful does depend on luck, to a (9) ____ extent. But things are more likely to (10) ____ well if you persevere and stay positive.
1. A. alert B. clever C. intelligent D. aware
2. A. overflowing B. full C. packed D. filled
3. A. idea B. brain C. thought D. mind
4. A. don't let B. shouldn't let C. won't let D. didn't let
5. A. absentee B. shortage C. missing D. lack
6. A. hence B. however C. whereas D. otherwise
7. A. which B. whom C. they D. who
8. A. publish B. to publish C. published D. publishes
9. A. plenty B. numerous C. definite D. certain
10. A. turn out B. sail through C. come into D. deal with
III. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.
Today, it is not easy to choose a career. Hundreds of students pass various examinations every year and compete (1) _____with_____ one another for positions in the various professions which are not so many as there are applicants. I would, however, like to choose teaching as my (2) ____career_____.
Teaching is an interesting career for several reasons. As a teacher I can learn many things, especially if I teach to an udder-secondary school. If I teach History or English, for (3) ____example_____, I have to read many books to make my teaching lessons more interesting to my pupils. Thus, I can acquire more knowledge of the subjects that I teach than (4) ____what______ I can learn from the class text books. It is indeed a fact that a teacher learns a lot from the class text books; but that is hardly (5) ____enough______ to make the teacher's lessons interesting to pupils. A good teacher must therefore read many other (6) ____books____.
Again, as a teacher, I have to speak well so that my pupils will be able to understand my instructions well. In this way I can (7) ____improve_____ my powers of expression. Even my pronunciation of words will improve to great extent.
Further, as a teacher, I shall have enough leisure to read and prepare for various examinations. It is possible today to sit (8) ______for____ many important examinations by studying entirely at home. Thus, I can acquire important qualifications.
Finally, as a teacher I will be respected (9) _____as____ an educated person. People will assume that I have certain qualifications and show their regard for me and the opinions that I express. Thus, I shall be (10) _____able______ to live a happy.
IV. Read the following passage, choose the best answer for each question followed.
Choosing a career may be one of the hardest jobs you ever have, and it must be done with care. View a career as an opportunity to do something you love, not simply as a way to earn a living. Investing the time and effort to thoroughly explore your options can mean the difference between finding a stimulating and rewarding career and move from job to unsatisfying job in an attempt to find the right one. Work influences virtually every aspect of your life, from your choice of friends to where you live. Here are just a few of the factors to consider.
Deciding what matters most to you is essential to making the right decision. You may want to begin by assessing your likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses. Think about the classes, hobbies, and surroundings that you find most appealing. Ask yourself questions, such as "Would you like to travel? Do you want to work with children? Are you more suited to solitary or cooperative work?" There are no right or wrong answers; only you know what is important to you. Determine which job features you require, which ones you would prefer, and which ones you cannot accept. Then rank them in order of importance to you.
The setting of the job is one factor to take into account. You may not want to sit at a desk all day. If not, there are diversity occupation - building inspector, supervisor, real estate agent - that involve a great deal of time away from the office. Geographical location may be a concern, and employment in some fields in concentrated in certain regions. Advertising job can generally be found only in large cities. On the other hand, many industries such as hospitality, law education, and retail sales are found in all regions of the country.
If a high salary is important to you, do not judge a career by its starting wages. Many jobs, such as insurance sales, offers relatively low starting salaries; however, pay substantially increases along with your experience, additional training, promotions and commission. Don't rule out any occupation without learning more about it. Some industries evoke positive or negative associations. The traveling life of a flight attendant appears glamorous, while that of a plumber does not. Remember that many jobs are not what they appear to be at first, and may have merits or demerits that are less obvious. Flight attendants must work long, grueling hours without sleeps, whereas plumbers can be as highly paid as some doctors.
Another point to consider is that as you mature, you will likely develop new interests and skills that may point the way to new opportunities. The choice you make today need not be your final one.
1. The word "them" in paragraph 2 refers to ____.
A. questions B. answers C. features D. jobs
2. The word "that" in paragraph 4 refers to ____.
A. occupation B. the traveling life C. a flight attendant D. commission
3. According to paragraph 3, which of the following fields is NOT suitable for a person who does not want to live in a big city?
A. plumbing B. law C. retail sales D. advertising
4. The word "assessing" in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by ____.
A. discovering B. considering C. measuring D. disposing
5. The word "evoke" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. agree on B. bring to mind C. be related to D. differ from
6. It can be inferred from the paragraph 3 that ____.
A. jobs in insurance sales are generally not well-paid.
B. insurance sales people can earn high salary later in their career.
C. people should constantly work toward the next promotion
D. a starting salary should be an important consideration in choosing a career.
7. The author states that "There are no right or wrong answers" in order to ____.
A. emphasize that each person's answers will be different.
B. show that answering the questions is a long and difficult process.
C. indicate that the answers are not really important.
D. indicate that each person's answers may change over time.
8. In paragraph 5, the author suggests that ____.
A. you may want to change careers at some time in the future.
B. as you get older, your career will probably less fulfilling.
C. you will be at your job for a lifetime, so choose carefully.
D. you will probably jobless at some time in the future.
9. Why does the author mention "long, grueling hours without sleeps" in paragraph 4?
A. To emphasize the difficulty of working as a plumber.
B. To contrast the reality of a flight attendant's job with most people's perception.
C. To show that people must work hard for the career they have chosen.
D. To discourage readers from choosing a career as a flight attendant.
I. Rewrite the following sentences so that the second ones have the same meaning as the given sentence.
1. There was no precedent for his falling out with his parents.
Never before had he fallen out with his parents.
2. In spite of all the hardships in life, she managed to raise five children on her own.
Although it was hard, she managed to raise five children on her own.
3. Had it not been for your generosity, we couldn't have pulled off the event.
But for your generosity, we couldn't have pulled off the event.
4. "I knew you were trouble all along, yet I couldn't resist loving you." said Lana to her boyfriend.
Lana told her boyfriend that she had known he was trouble all along, yet she couldn't resist loving him.
5. "Why not going to the cinema instead of that boring park?" he said.
He suggested going to the cinema instead of that/ the boring park.
6. Angelina Jolie is the talented actress I admire the most.
There is no talented actress I admire more than Angelina Jolie.
7. Sarah was totally devoted to her geographical project and took no notice of her friends.
Sarah dedicated herself to her geographical project and took no notice of her friends.
8. Tommy's really handsome but I wouldn't love him.
Handsome as Tommy is/ may be, I wouldn't love him.
II. Rewrite the following sentences so that the second ones have the same meaning as the given sentence.
1. "Are you going out tonight or not?" asked her dad.
Her dad asked her whether she was going out that night (or not).
2. You must have this fridge fixed, some water is leaking out of it.
This fridge needs fixing, some water is leaking out of it.
3. Although Lana was disabled, she could do almost anything.
Despite her disability, Lana could do almost anything.
4. "I'm sorry that I couldn't come to your graduation party." said Randall's mother.
Randall's mother apologized to her for not coming to her graduation party.
5. After graduating from high school, John continued to study at the local university.
John went on to study at the local university after graduating from high school.
6. I've never read a novel before.
This is the first time I’ve (ever) read a novel.
7. Your room is not only smelly but also messy with so many discarded things.
Your room is both smelly and messy with so many discarded things.
8. I would help mom with making traditional sticky-rice cakes when I was still at home.
I used to help mom with making traditional sticky-rice cakes when I was still at home.
I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. rewarding B. gap C. application D. shadow
2. A. tedious B. require C. secure D. recruit
3. A. grips B. journalist C. result D. pursue
4. A. scientist B. advisor C. architect D. applicant
5. A. applicant B. fascinating C. mature D. ambition
ĐÁP ÁN 1A 2A 3C 4B 5C
II. Choose the words that has the different stress from the others.
1. A. relief B. debris C. typhoon D. severe
2. A. erupt B. victim C. forest D. message
3. A. apprentice B. programmer C. dishwasher D. paperwork
4. A. volcano B. tropical C. temporary D. property
5. A. journalism B. interviewer C. government D. available
ĐÁP ÁN 1B 2A 3A 4A 5D
III. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each unfinished sentence below.
1. We're having terrible weather. Just can't put ____ it for much longer.
A. up B. on C. away D. up with
2. Over the past 50 years, many illnesses have been brought ____ control.
A. in B. under C. to D. over
3. When I break ____ for the summer, I'm going to Spain for three weeks.
A. up B. in C. out D. down
4. The life of a journalist can be both ____ and ____.
A. interesting - excited B. demanding - excited C. tedious - exciting D. demanding - exciting
5. She will be ill ____ she takes a few days off.
A. as B. so that C. if D. unless
6. Can you remember the first time you ____ in love?
A. felt B. went C. fell D. found
7. She's gradually getting ____ a bad cold, which kept her off work for a week.
A. over B. up C. on D. into
8. The career may be stressful, but it can be very ____ in salary as well as in pride of accomplishment.
A. rewarding B. low C. exciting D. accepted
9. It is important to make your CV or curriculum vitae to ____ out from the crowd.
A. stand B. get C. keep D. sit
10. It's very cold in here. Do you mind if I put ____ the heating?
A. down B. away C. off D. on
11. I told him I'd prefer to walk, but he insisted ____ giving me a lift.
A. about B. on C. to D. for
12. There's a rumor that the National Bank is going to take ____ the company I work for.
A. on B. off C. over D. after
13. There's a lot more traffic than usual. There must be something ____ in the city center.
A. going on B. going off C. getting on D. getting off
14. The motor of the car won't work, we have run ____ petrol!
A. out of B. out for C. on D. out
15. Their pay was low and they had no job security or legal ____.
A. advice B. rights C. actions D. requirements
16. He wasn't sure if he'd be any good at tennis, but actually he took ____ it immediately.
A. after B. on C. in D. to
17. I've always got ____ well with old people.
A. off B. on C. in D. through
18. When they ____ for the beach the sun was shining, but by the time they arrived it had clouded over.
A. went out B. went off C. set off D. left out
19. After standing in the sun for more than an hour, two of the people in the queue passed ____.
A. out B. by C. up D. through
20. When the alarm clock went off, Tom just turned ____ and went back to sleep.
A. down B. out C. up D. over
21. I studied languages ____ I could work abroad.
A. as B. if C. so D. so that
22. She is acting in an ____ role in the administration.
A. advisable B. advisement C. advisory D. advisor
23. I'd love to get ____ from this place for a few days. I really feel I need a break.
A. out B. away C. over D. down
24. The smell of floor polish still brings ____ memories of my old school.
A. on B. up C. back D. over
25. In their latest attack, terrorists have tempted to blow ____ the bridge.
A. up B. over C. through D. down
26. I've just spent two weeks looking ____ an old aunt of mine who's been ill.
A. at B. for C. out for D. after
27. The old farmer nodded, ____ he had understood every word.
A. as though B. although C. as D. so
28. A positive workplace ____ encourages creativity because employees feel that their ideas will contribute to the success of the organization.
A. emotion B. position C. confidence D. attitude
29. As soon as I got home from work, I changed ____ casual clothes.
A. to B. into C. in D. for
30. The teacher carried ____ his threat to suspend Tom for his repeated absence from class.
A. on with B. on C. out D. over
1D 2B 3A 4D 5D 6C 7A 8A 9A 10D 11B 12C 13A 14A 15B 16D 17B 18C 19A 20D 21D 22C 23B 24C 25A 26D 27A 28D 29B 30C
IV. Complete the sentences using a word from A and a word from B. You can use a word more than once.
A |
away back forward in up |
B |
at through to with |
1. You're walking too fast. I can't keep _____up with_______ you.
2. My holidays are nearly over. Next week I'll be _____back at_____ work.
3. We went ______up to________ the top floor of the building to admire the view.
4. Are you looking _____forward to_____ the party next week?
5. There was a bank robbery last week. The robbers got ______away with_____ $50,000.
6. I love to look ______up at_______ the stars in the sky at night.
7. I was sitting in the kitchen when suddenly a bird flew ______in through______ the open window.
V. Complete the sentences using the following verbs + it/ them/ me.
get out wake up fill in give back switch on take off
1. They gave me a form and told me to ____________ fill it in _____________.
2. I'm going to bed now. Can you _____wake me up_____ at 6.30?
3. I've got something in my eye and I can't ____get it out_____.
4. I don't like it when people borrow things and don't _____give them back____.
5. I want to use the kettle. How do I ____switch it on____?
6. My shoes are dirty. I'd better ____take them off_____ before going into the house.
VI. Give the correct form of the word to complete the following sentences.
1. Normally, apprentices are assigned to a more senior staff member and spend some time ___shadowing____
them and getting to grips with the basics of the job. SHADOW
2. Frankly, you are by far the best ____applicant_____ for the job; I'd like to make you an offer. APPLY
3. The point at which you are fully grown is an example of when you achieve ____maturity____. MATURE
4. He attended a meeting of the ____advisory____ committee. ADVISE
5. You have the ___advantage__ of email, texting, webcams, or chat rooms to be in touch. DISADVANTAGE
6. The one huge downside to becoming an adult is that ___life___ is not easy for you any more. LIVE
7. If you are ___considering_____ a career as a mechanic, ask one of your relatives following that career if you can shadow him. CONSIDER
8. In the first week at university, you have your timetable and other paperwork sorted, then you can and
_____relax_____ take in the student atmosphere. RELAXING
9. The whole community is ____struggling_____ to get to grips with road accidents. STRUGGLE
10. Showing common sense and making adult _____decisions_____ is an example of maturity. DECIDE
VII. Choose the right word that best fits each of the blank spaces.
vocational opportunities major step careers
environment professionals descriptions succeed advantage
If you've recently graduated from high school, you reach a (1) ___ major ____ milestone in your life. This can be an exciting time for you. However, it can also be a confusing period when you don't know what (2) ___step____ to take next in your life.
First, start by sitting down and thinking about your interests and career goals. Think about the types of (3) ___ careers ___ you'd consider working in. you can use a self- assessment tool that analyzes your skills, work values, and interests.
Next, seek guidance from counselors and career services offered at your school. They may help suggest a path that encompasses your values. If you have yet to graduate, guidance counselors can give you information about colleges, career schools, and (4) __ vocational ___ training programmes. You may also want to explore military service or post-secondary education (5) ____ opportunities ____.
There are numerous types of career to consider before and after you graduate high school. Take time to explore various careers. You may be surprised to find career (6) ___ descriptions ____ that you didn't even know existed. You can learn about the professional background, job growth, and wage information for these careers. You can also learn about the training you will need to (7) ___ succeed __ in these various career fields.
Take (8) ___ advantage __ of talking to working professionals you may know. Ask your relatives, neighbors, or your friends' parents about their careers. If their careers sound interesting, pick a time to sit down and talk with them. If you visit an (9) ___ environment __ you are interested in, such as a doctors' office, pharmacy, or dental office, speak with (10) ___ professionals ___ you meet along the way. They may give you tips or ideas of what it's like to work in their position.
VIII. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) that best fits each of the blank spaces.
Life after high school doesn't end. In fact, life begins once there are no more lockers, gym class, or teachers nagging you about homework.
In terms of choosing the (1) ____ career, it is important to consider a career assessment test in which you answer a series of questions designed to (2) ____ your strengths and weaknesses. While career tests should not be your main source of decision making, you can use them as a tool to help you decide what career might match your (3) ____.
Think about your interests and hobbies. If you enjoy science, you may want to apply to college and pursue a career in engineering or marine (4) ____.Write a list of possible careers that match your interests and your capabilities. If you find you are happiest when you work with others, jot down that you are a team player. In that case, you may want to consider jobs that involve people interaction instead of careers like computer programming or writing, which require more alone time. Speak to an adult you trust about your ideas and be willing to receive (5) ____.
Narrow your options and look for a career with growth (6) ____. While it is important to pick a career that will stimulate your mind, it is also important to be practical about the market. If you decide that you want to go college, you will need to pick a career that enables you to make a living (7) ____ you graduate.
Jump into the first step of realizing your career dreams. If you have decided that you would like to pursue a career that requires higher education, do your (8) ____ on applying to the college or programme, including qualifications, application deadlines, tuition fees and length of study. If you have decided on a career that does not require higher education, start looking for ways to enter the field and (9) ____ experience. Speak to someone who already has your dream job. This person can provide a better picture of the pros and cons of the (10) ____
1. A direct B. right C. fast D. hard
2. A. exist B. invent C. start D. analyse
3. A. relevance B. genery C. interests D. benefits
4. A. cost B. biology C. standard D. criteria
5. A. feedback B. appearance C. direction D. expectation
6. A. friendships B. opportunities C. connections D. joins
7. A. around B. on C. before D. after
8. A. amount B. load C. research D. quality
9. A. gain B. outgrow C. outdo D. outpace
10. A. position B. control C. profession D. movement
IX. Read the following passage and choose the best answers each of the questions.
Not so long ago almost any student who successfully completed a university degree or diploma course could find a good career quite easily. Companies toured the academic institutions, competing with each other to recruit graduates. However, those days are gone, even in Hong Kong, and nowadays graduates often face strong competition in the search for jobs.
Most careers organizations highlight three stages for graduates to follow in the process of securing a suitable career: recognizing abilities, matching these to available vacancies and presenting them well to prospective employers.
Job seekers have to make a careful assessment of their own abilities. One area of assessment should be of their academic qualifications, which would include special skills within their subject area. Graduates should also consider their own personal values and attitudes, or the relative importance to themselves of such matters as money, security, leadership and caring for others. An honest assessment of personal interests and abilities such as creative or scientific skills, or skills acquired from work experience, should also be given careful thought.
The second stage is to study the opportunities available for employment and to think about how the general employment situation is likely to develop in the future. To do this, graduates can study job vacancies and information in newspapers or they can visit a careers office, write to possible employers for information or contact friends or relatives who may already be involved in a particular profession. After studying all the various options, they should be in a position to make informed comparisons between various careers.
Good personal presentation is essential in the search for a good career. Job application forms and letters should, of course, be filled in carefully and correctly, without grammar or spelling errors. Where additional information is asked for, job seekers should describe their abilities and work experience in more depth, with examples if possible. They should try to balance their own abilities with the employers needs, explain why they are interested in a career with the particular company and try to show that they already know something about the company and its activities.
When graduates are asked to attend for interview, they should prepare properly by finding out all they can about the prospective employer. Dressing suitably and arriving for the interview on time are also obviously important. Interviewees should try to give positive and helpful answers and should not be afraid to ask questions about anything they are unsure about. This is much better than pretending to understand a question and giving an unsuitable answer.
There will always be good career opportunities for people with ability, skills and determination; the secret to securing a good job is to be one of them.
1. In paragraph 5, 'in more depth' could best be replaced by ____.
A. more honestly B. more carefully C. using more word D. in greater detail
2. The word "prospective" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. future B. generous C. reasonable D. ambitious
3. In the paragraph 2, "them" refers to ____.
A. abilities. B. three stages. C. careers organizations. D. available vacancies.
4. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A. Businesses used to visit the universities in Hong Kong to recruit graduates.
B. Until recently it was quite easy for graduates to get good jobs in Hong Kong.
C. Job seekers should consider as many as possible of the factors involved.
D. Graduates sometimes have to take part in competitions to secure a good career.
5. According to paragraph 4, graduates should ____.
A. ask friends or relatives to secure them a good job.
B. find out as much as possible and inform employers of the comparisons they want.
C. get information about a number of careers before making comparisons.
D. find a good position and then compare it with other careers.
6. In paragraph 6, the writer seems to suggest that ____.
A. it is better for interviewees to be honest than to pretend to understand.
B. interviewees should ask a question if they can't think of an answer.
C. it is not a good idea for interviewees to be completely honest in their answers.
D. pretending to understand a question is better than giving an unsuitable answer.
7. In paragraph 1, 'those days are gone, even in Hong Kong', suggests that ____.
A. in the past, finding a good career was easier in Hong Kong than elsewhere.
B. it used to be harder to find a good job in Hong Kong than in other countries.
C. nowadays, everyone in Hong Kong has an equal chance of finding a good career.
D. even in Hong Kong companies tour the universities trying to recruit graduates.
8. Which of the following sentences is closest in meaning to the paragraph 7?
A. Determined, skilled and able people can easily find a good career.
B. Graduates should develop at least one of these areas to find a suitable career.
C. People with the right qualities should always be able to find a good career.
D. The secret of a successful interview is that interviewers have to possess skills, determination or ability.
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- Vocabulary and Grammar Revision for Unit 10 Tiếng Anh 12
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