Bộ 5 đề thi thử THPT QG năm 2021 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THPT Lê Chân Lần 2

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Mời các em cùng tham khảo tài liệu Bộ 5 đề thi thử THPT QG năm 2021 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THPT Lê Chân Lần 2 do Hoc247 tổng hợp và biên soạn. Tài liệu bao gồm các đề thi khác nhau, tổng hợp các kiến thức đã học. Hi vọng tài liệu này sẽ giúp các em ôn tập thật tốt cho kì thi THPT Quốc gia sắp tới. Chúc các em học tập tốt!





1. Đề số 1

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 

Câu 1. A. imitate        B. tsunami       C. ripple          D. evidence 

Câu 2. A. used           B. stopped       C. learned       D. laughed 

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions. 

Câu 3. A. inspire         B. fabric          C. spacesuit     D. email 

Câu 4. A. charity        B. processor    C. computer    D. benefit

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 

Câu 5. I___________ him once or twice in town.

            A. have seen    B. see  C. had seen     D. saw 

Câu 6. I am writing in connection with the volunteer opportunities ________ on 10 November.

            A. appeared     B. were appearing       C. appearing    D. to appear 

Câu 7. ________ a game I used to play with my father when I was small. 

            A. Dominoes is           B. Dominoes are         C. The dominoes is     D. Domino is 

Câu 8. The company was dealt a ________ blow when its chief designer deserted to another firm.

            A. killing         B. mortal         C. homicidal   D. suicidal 

Câu 9. The government has __________ new proposals to tackle the problem of increasing crime.

            A. brought over           B. brought through     C. brought round        D. brought forward 

Câu 10. It's absolutely vital that your son ___________ a rest and _____ hard. 

            A. takes/doesn’t study            B. take/not study        C. takes/studies           D. should take/study 

Câu 11. The organizers said that if it continued______, they might have to cancel the outdoor concert.

            A. to rain         B. raining        C. to raining    D. rain 

Câu 12. I remember you have told me that I am your best friend, _________? 

            A. don’t I        B. haven’t you            C. aren’t I       D. all are correct 

Câu 13. Now that she is trained, she hopes to earn her living as a ________ in an office.

            A. staff            B. personnel    C. typewriter   D. clerk 

Câu 14. My wife would much rather have our baby at home than in ________ hospital.

            A. the B. a      C. 0     D. an 

Câu 15. In 2002 in UK, there were ________ 350 community recycling initiatives linked to the Community Recycling Network.

            A. approximate           B. approximation        C. approximately        D. approximated 

Câu 16. My mother told me to give him a sniff of smelling _________ to bring him around.

            A. salt  B. salts            C. a little salt   D. the salt 

Câu 18. Martin is called the teacher's pet by his classmates because he is taken under his teacher's _____.

            A. hands          B. arms            C. wings          D. legs 

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 

Câu 19. After months lying in bed because of a serious disease, now she looks so shabby, which is really different from her being animate before. 

            A. alive            B. tired            C. exhausted   D. active 

Câu 20. We’re missing the boat on improving relationship with our partners because you were late for the meeting which made them really angry. It is you who have to take the responsibility for this.

            A. having a field day              B. making hay while the sun shines

            C. being laughed out of court             D. closing the door 

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 

Câu 21. One journalist has commented, "Ordering a frozen embryo is a little more emotionally complicated than ordering a home-delivered pizza - but not so different logistically".

            A. in theory     B. in practice   C. in fact         D. in deed 

Câu 22. I heard it through the grapevine that they were enemies and had never been on good terms. 

            A. gave it the low-down         B. put it in the picture

            C. heard it straight from the horse’s mouth    D. kept it in the loop 

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. 

Glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, and cloud forests are dying. More alarmingly, wildlife is scrambling to keep (1) ________. It's becoming clear that humans have caused most of the past century's warming by (2) _________ heat-trapping gases as we power our modern lives. Called greenhouse gases, their levels are higher now than in the last 650,000 years.

We call the result global warming, but it is causing a set of changes to the Earth's climate, or long-term weather patterns, that varies from place to place. As the Earth spins each day, the new heat swirls with it, (3) __________ up moisture over the oceans, rising here, settling there. It's changing the rhythms of climate that all living things have come to rely upon.

What will we do to slow this warming? How will we cope (4) ____ the changes we've already set into (5) ________? While we struggle to figure it all out, the face of the Earth as we know it-coasts, forests, farms and snow-capped mountains-hangs in the balance. 

Câu 23. (1)     A. space          B. pace                        C. rhythms      D. step 

Câu 24. (2)     A. relieving     B. publishing   C. releasing     D. unraveling 

Câu 25. (3)     A. pick            B. to pick        C. picking       D. picks 

Câu 26. (4)     A. with            B. on               C. at                D. to 

Câu 27. (5)     A. fluctuation B. direction     C. movement D. motion 

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 

Câu 28. He was arrested because he answered to the description of the wanting man.

            A. was arrested           B. answered to            C. the D. wanting 

Câu 29. My history teacher said that Belize became fully independent of Britain in 1981. 

            A. history teacher        B. became       C. fully            D. of 

Câu 30. If I didn’t wake up early to catch the first bus today, I wouldn’t have to go to bed at 9: 00 pm last night.

            A. didn’t wake            B. to catch       C. wouldn’t have        D. at 9: 00 pm last night 

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. 

People think children should play sports. Sports are fun, and children stay healthy while playing with others. However, playing sports can have negative effects on children. It may produce feelings of poor self-esteem or aggressive behavior in some children. According to research on kids and sports, 40 million kids play sports in the US. Of these, 18 million say they have been yelled at or called names while playing sports. This leaves many children with a bad impression of sports. They think sports are just too aggressive. 

Many researchers believe adults, especially parents and coaches, are the main cause of too much aggression in children’s sports. They believe children copy aggressive adult behavior. This behavior is then further reinforced through both positive and negative feedback. Parents and coaches are powerful teachers because children usually look up to them. Often these adults behave aggressively themselves, sending children the message that winning is everything. At children’s sporting events, parents may yell insults at other players or cheer when their child behaves aggressively. As well, children may be taught that hurting other players is acceptable, or they may be pushed to continue playing even when they are injured. In addition, the media makes violence seem exciting. Children watch adult sports games and see violent behavior replayed over and over on television.

As a society, we really need to face up to this problem and do something about it. Parents and coaches should act as better examples for children. They also need to teach children better values. They should teach children to enjoy themselves whether they win or not. It is not necessary to knock yourself out to enjoy sports. Winning is not everything. In addition, children should not be allowed to continue to play when they are injured. Sending a child with an injury into a game gives the child the message that health is not as important as winning. If we make some basic changes, children might learn to enjoy sports again.

(Adapted from Reading Challenge 2 by Casey Malarcher and Andrea Janzen)

Câu 31. Which of the following could be the main idea of the passage?

            A. Children should be discouraged to play sports when they are too young.

            B. Playing sports is not always beneficial to children’s health.

            C. The negative impacts sports bring children outweigh its positive effects. 

            D. Playing sports may make children more violent. 

Câu 32. The word “this” in paragraph 1 refers to _____________.

            A. playing sports 

            B. millions of kids playing sports in the US

            C. being yelled or called names while playing sports 

            D. aggressive behavior 

Câu 33. The word “reinforced” in the second paragraph could be best replaced by ________.

            A. strengthened          B. deteriorated            C. reduced      D. prevented 

Câu 34. According to paragraph 2, the following are the reasons of children’s aggression, EXCEPT __________.

            A. parents and coaches are too aggressive to win.

            B. children are likely trained that it’s appropriate to commit a foul against an opponent.

            C. violent manners are repeated many times on television. 

            D. children shout at their opponents as playing. 

Câu 35. What does the author suggest in the last paragraph?

            A. Relishing themselves should be children’s principal purpose when playing sports.

            B. Aggressive behavior is indispensable in playing sports.

            C. Children are inevitable to hurt or yell at other players when playing sports. 

            D. Being injured in sports is not acceptable. 

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. 

From time immemorial, cities have been the central gathering places of human life, from where the great ideas and movements of the world have sprouted. In this country, the beginnings of our independence fomented with the Boston Tea Party, while Philadelphia served as the home of the Constitutional Convention. The seeds of economic and financial power were sowed on the streets of New York City. Around the world, the great thinkers of the Renaissance assembled in Florence, the impressionist painters flocked to Paris, and the industrial revolution sparked in Birmingham England.

Hundreds of years later, great ideas and innovations are still sprouting in cities – but this time accompanied by a growth in urbanized life over the last several decades never before seen. For the first time in history, more people are living in cities than rural areas. And, this way of living is only going to continue: by 2050, the urban share of global population is projected to surpass 66 percent (up from 30 percent in 1950). This trend to urbanization is even more dramatic beyond the borders of the United States. Take Nigeria's capital, Lagos, which had a population of approximately 7.2 million in 2000, and is expected to rise to 24 million by 2030. And, eight times more Nigerians live in cities today than in 1975. Moreover, the metro areas of Tokyo, New York and Mexico City were the only metro areas in 1975 with at least 10 million people. Today, that list would include 31 such megacities – with 10 more to join by 2030 – all of which are outside the United States.

Cities are undergoing what Brookings Institution author Bruce Katz terms the "metropolitan revolution." Financial capitals New York and London are transforming into major world tech hubs as new and innovative companies emerge within these cities. And, this shift is not exclusive to New York or London, as many cities are undergoing similar transformations driven by this global trend toward urbanization. This wave of urban growth stems, in large part, from the mass adoption of the internet and interconnected technologies. Interestingly, many sociologists predicted years ago that the advent of such interconnectivity would enable people to live and work anywhere. But the practical result has been the opposite.

Indeed, in this new 21st century economy, innovative workers seek one another to collaborate in building and developing new knowledge-based industries that are increasingly disrupting and dominating a rapidly evolving global economy. Bright, curious minds in the sciences and technology demand proximity in order to be more productive, more creative and further stimulated. This need for collaboration has propelled millennials to move to urban areas in droves. But once they get there, they desire new open physical environments – such as incubators and shared work places – to enhance their collaborative efforts. Beyond work, a growing single population – one that now outnumbers married people in the United States – seeks out other singles amid the myriad activities and diverse nightlife that only cities offer.

(Adapted from https://www.usnews.com/)

Câu 36. What topic does the passage mainly discuss?

            A. The increasing number of city dwellers and its challenges.

            B. The movement of villagers to cities due to the urbanization.

            C. The influence of innovations on urbanized life. 

            D. Urbanization and its potential. 

Câu 37. According to paragraph 1, which country was mentioned when the author stated “in this country”?

            A. England      B. Italy            C. France        D. The United States 

Câu 38. The word “sparked” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ____________.

            A. completed  B. succeeded   C. changed      D. initiated 

Câu 39. Which of the following is NOT true about the urban population?

            A. In the past, more people lived in the countryside than in cities.

            B. As predicted, the number of urban inhabitants in 1950 was nearly a half of that in the next 100 years.

            C. The rate of urbanization in the United States is greater than the proportion in any other places in the world.

            D. More and more megacities are set up beyond the United States. 

Câu 40. According to paragraph 3, what is the main reason for the increase in urbanization?

            A. There are many new and innovative companies appearing in financial capitals.

            B. Many cities are influenced by the global urbanization.

            C. The internet and interconnected technologies are widely applied. 

            D. People are likely to live and work wherever they want. 

Câu 41. The word “propelled” in the last paragraph mostly means ____________.

            A. required      B. forced         C. attracted     D. encouraged 

Câu 42. The following are the changes in the new 21st century economy, EXCEPT ______________.

            A. Co-workers have to be advanced to work together in building and improving new industries.

            B. Intelligent scientists require similar counterparts to work more effectively.

            C. People rush to urban areas to find open physical environments to improve their ability. 

            D. Single population often finds their life partners through activities at nights provided only in cities. 

Câu 43. It can be inferred from the passage that ___________.

            A. City dwellers tend to be more and more creative and innovative.

            B. Cities now are too crowded to live in.

            C. The drawbacks urbanization causes are greater than its benefits. 

            D. Urbanization is one of the reasons for the increasing number of singles at cities. 

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 

Câu 44. Pop culture often reflects what our society thinks about friends. 

            A. Often reflecting what our society thinks about friends is pop culture. 

            B. Our society or friends are reflected in the pop culture we follow. 

            C. Reflecting what our society thinks about friends is often pop culture. 

            D. What our society thinks about friends is often reflected in pop culture. 

Câu 45. We employed a market researcher to find out what people really want from a cable TV system.

            A. We got a market researcher found out what people really want from a cable TV system.

            B. We had a market researcher to find out what people really want from a cable TV system.

            C. A market researcher was hired to find out what people really want from a cable TV system. 

            D. We got a market researcher to find out what people really want from a cable TV system. 

Câu 46. Longer life spans also increase the prevalence of generation gaps.

            A. The longer life spans are, the more prevalent generations gaps become.

            B. When life spans are increased, the prevalence of generation gaps increase.

            C. No longer do the life spans increase the prevalence of generation gaps. 

            D. Only when life spans increase does the prevalence of generation gaps increase. 

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the option that best completes following exchanges. 

Câu 47. Two students are talking with each other about the weekend picnic:

Student 1: "Can you come with us?" 

Student 2: “________________________.” 

            A. Whether my parents will let me or not is the question. 

            B. The teacher is asking us to submit the paper next week. 

            C. The weather is so nice for a picnic. 

            D. Well, I thought it was yesterday. 

Câu 48. Two students are talking with each other: 

Student A: "Do you believe that your parents should be you friends?" 

Student B: “__________________________.” 

            A. Actually, parents are now my best friends. 

            B. Indeed, parents are giving us best advices. 

            C. Sometimes, parents are too busy to take care of you. 

            D. My parents take very good care of me and my sister. 

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 

Câu 49. Plants grow old as surely as do animals. However, a generally accepted definition of age in plants has not yet been realized. 

            A. Plants grow old as surely as do animals, and a generally accepted definition of age in plants has not yet been realized. 

            B. Although plants grow old as surely as do animals, a generally accepted definition of age in plants has not yet been realized. 

            C. Plants grow old as surely as do animals, so a generally accepted definition of age in plants has not yet been realized. 

            D. For plants to grow old as surely as do animals, a generally accepted definition of age in plants has not yet been realized. 

Câu 50. They finished one project. They started working on the next. 

            A. Had they finished one project, they would have started working on the next. 

            B. Only if they had they finished one project did they start working on the next. 

            C. Hardly had they finished one project when they started working on the next. 

            D. Not until they started working on the next project did they finish the previous one. 


1 D

2 C

3 A

4 C

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15 C

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24 C

25 C

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35 A

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40 C

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42 C

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45 D

46 A

47 A

48 A

49 B

50 C

2. Đề số 2

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 

Câu 1. A. primary       B. hike C. linguistics   D. divide 

Câu 2. A. promises     B. realizes        C. devises       D. socializes 

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions. 

Câu 3. A. indoor        B. damage       C. despite        D. canal 

Câu 4. A. generous     B. extensive    C. resources    D. eternal 

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 

Câu 5. The kids ________ to get up this morning. It _______ and it was cold, and their bed was so warm.

            A. don't want / is raining        B. didn’t want / rained          

            C. weren't wanting / rained    D. didn't want / was raining 

Câu 6. Almost 50 per cent of cancer _______ are treated successfully.

            A. sufferers     B. patients       C. victims        D. invalids 

Câu 7. I don't know why you insist ________ blaming me ________ all my troubles.

            A. on / for       B. in / for         C. at / on         D. over / for 

Câu 8. The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, _________ and perfected now.

            A. developed              B. have developed

            C. are being developed           D. will have been developed 

Câu 9. These trainers are the _________ article. Those others are just cheap imported copies.

            A. real B. existent       C. authentic    D. genuine 

Câu 10. A love marriage, however, does not necessarily ________ much sharing of interests and responsibilities.

            A. take over    B. result in       C. hold on       D. keep to 

Câu 11. __________ of the brothers wants to give in. Both are as stubborn as mules.

            A. None          B. Either          C. Neither       D. Each 

Câu 12. The bridge will be completed at the end of next year, two years_________.

            A. hence          B. thus C. consequently          D. therefore 

Câu 13. We bought both sofas from __________ big furniture warehouse that's just off the motorway.

            A. some           B. the  C. a     D.

Câu 14. It is __________ that you are cordially invited to attend.

            A. at our annual wine-tasting evening            B. on our annual wine-tasting evening

            C. in our annual wine-tasting evening            D. our annual wine-tasting evening 

Câu 15. ___________ are that they'll be late anyway, so we’d better wait for them for another moment.

            A. Opportunities         B. Chances      C. Fortunes     D. Lucks 

Câu 16. When my parents traveled to Singapore, they bought me a __________ piano on my birthday.

            A. precious grand ancient wooden     B. wooden grand ancient precious

            C. precious ancient grand wooden     D. ancient grand precious wooden 

Câu 17. Strangely, no one believed us when we told them we'd been visited by a creature from Mars, __________?

            A. didn’t we   B. did we        C. did they      D. didn’t they 

Câu 18. Urbanization has resulted in _____________problems besides the benefits.

            A. vary            B. various        C. variety        D. variability 

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 

Câu 19. She must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed; normally she is very friendly, but she seems to be screaming at everyone today.

            A. have a bad day from the moment it begins            B. was in a bad mood

            C. felt irritable                        D. all are correct 

Câu 20. The changing physical landscape reflected the shift to an urbanized society. Railroad terminals, factories, skyscrapers, apartment houses, streetcars, electric engines, department stores, and the increased pace of life were all signs of an emerging urban America.

            A. position      B. resource      C. change        D. returns 

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 

Câu 21. Rather than assuming responsibility for explaining corporate losses, the CEO passed the buck to his CFO to explain the downturn.

            A. denied responsibilities

            B. shifted the responsibility for something to someone else

            C. made someone responsible for a problem that you should deal with 

            D. shouldered the blame 

Câu 22. It is believed that conflicts between parents and children can be resolved by means of heart-to-heart talks.

            A. harmony     B. disagreements         C. differences             D. similarities 


1 C

2 A

3 B

4 A

5 D

6 A

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8 C

9 D

10 B

11 C

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15 B

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17 C

18 B

19 C

20 C

21 D

22 A

23 B

24 A

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26 D

27 A

28 D

29 B

30 C

31 B

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33 D

34 D

35 C

36 D

37 D

38 B

39 A

40 C

41 D

42 C

43 A

44 C

45 D

46 B

47 D

48 D

49 C

50 D

3. Đề số 3

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1. A. looked            B. laughed       C. opened       D. stepped

Question 2. A. seat                 B. leave           C. increase      D. ready

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3. A. precede           B. offer           C. visit            D. finish

Question 4. A. charity            B. agency        C. origin          D. disaster

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 5. Michael rarely returns to his hometown, _______?

            A. doesn’t he  B. hasn’t he     C. does he       D. has he

Question 6. Acupuncture is part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and______ in China for thousands of years.

            A. has been used         B. has using     C. has used     D. has been using

Question 7. My father is interested ________ playing chess with his friends.

            A. on   B. with            C. of    D. in

Question 8. _______the time passes, _______I feel! The deadline of my thesis is coming, but I have just finished half of it. 

            A. The faster / the nervous      B. The more fast / the nervous 

            C. The fast / the more nervous            D. The faster / the more nervous

Question 9. I remember she wore a ______dress to go out with her boyfriend last week.

            A. cotton white Vietnamese   B. Vietnamese white cotton

            C. white Vietnamese cotton   D. white cotton Vietnamese

Question 10. When I last saw him, he ______ in London.

            A. has lived     B. is living       C. was living   D. has been living

Question 11. Many exam candidates lose marks simply ________ they do not read the questions properly. 

            A. because of              B. because                   C. due to                     D. owing that

Question 12. The car ______ ready for him by the time he comes tomorrow.

            A. will be        B. will have been        C. will being   D. are going to be

Question 13. ________ the homework, he was allowed to go out with his friends. 

            A. Finishing                B. Finish                      C. To finish                 D. Having finished

Question 14. John’s ________ and efficiency at the company led to his promotion to Sales Manager. 

            A. punctuality             B. punctual                  C. punctuate               D. punctually 

Question 15. The manager is good at ________ difficult customers.

            A. relying on   B. dealing with           C. showing off            D. wiping off

Question 16. Nobody took any ________ of the warning and they went swimming in the contaminated water.

            A. regard         B. recognition             C. notice         D. attention

Question 17. Even if you are rich, you should save some money for a ________ day. 

            A. windy                     B. rainy          C. foggy                      D. snow

Question 18. It is alleged that mothers and grandmothers spoil the children by______ their mistakes.

            A. neglecting   B. overlooking            C. avoiding     D. passing

Question 19. Pesticide residues in fruit and vegetable can be ________ to health. 

            A. crucial                     B. supportive               C. receptive                 D. destructive

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 20. The discovery of the new planet was regarded as a major breakthrough in astronomy. 

            A. promised                B. doubted                  C. considered              D. refused

Question 21. His physical conditions were no impediment to his career as a violinist.

            A. help            B. impotence   C. hindrance   D. impossibility

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 22. 2008 is a memorable year for people around the world because of the global financial  recession  that hit practically every sector of world economy.

            A. prosperity   B. downturn    C. crisis           D. depression

Question 23. Jose had a hard time comparing the iPhone to the Samsung phone because to him they were apples and oranges

            A. containing too many technical details                    B. very similar 

            C. completely different                      D. very complicated


1. C

6. A

11. B

16. C

21. C

26. B

31. A

36. A

41. D

46. B

2. D

7. D

12. B

17. B

22. A

27. B

32. D

37. C

42. A

47. C

3. A

8. D

13. D

18. B

23. B

28. A

33. C

38. A

43. D

48. C

4. D

9. C

14. A

19. D

24. D

29. B

34. B

39. C

44. C

49. B

5. C

10. C

15. B

20. C

25. A

30. C

35. D

40. C

45. B

50. D

4. Đề số 4

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 

Question 1: A. maintained     B. promoted    C. required      D. argued

Question 2: A. tall                  B. late             C. safe             D. same 

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 

Question 3: A. achieve           B. supply         C. insist           D. offer 

Question 4: A. tradition         B. candidate    C. industry      D. customer 

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 

Question 5: He's American, _________? 

            A. won't he     B. didn't he     C. doesn't he   D. isn't he 

Question 6: The flood victims ________ with food and clean water by the volunteers. 

            A. provided     B. were provided        C. were providing       D. provide 

Question 7: Many students are worried _________ the coming exam. 

            A. about          B. on   C. from           D. to 

Question 8: _________ it is, the more uncomfortable we feel. 

            A. Hotter         B. The hotter   C. Hottest       D. The hottest 

Question 9: He was fascinated by the _________ car at the exhibition.

            A. red German old      B. German old red      C. old red German      D. old German red 

Question 10: Mike _________ his favourite program on TV when the lights went out. 

            A. was watching         B. is watching             C. watched     D. watches 

Question 11: My uncle lives a happy life __________ his disability. 

            A. because of B. because       C. though        D. in spite of 

Question 12: Mrs Brown will have worked at this school for 30 years ________.

            A. by the time she retires                    B. when she retired 

            C. as soon as she had retired  D. after she had retired 

Question 13: _________ the report to the manager, she decided to take a rest.

            A. Having handed in B. Handed in C. To hand in D. Being handed in 

Question 14: This restaurant is ________ with those who like Vietnamese food. 

            A. popular       B. popularly    C. popularise   D. popularity 

Question 15: Tom's brother asked him to ________ the music so that he could sleep. 

            A. close down             B. go up          C. turn down D. stand up 

Question 16: When Linda was little, her mother used to _______ her a bedtime story every night. 

            A. tell B. speak          C. say  D. talk 

Question 17: Students from other schools have to pay a small ________ to join the club. 

            A. fee B. fare             C. wage           D. salary 

Question 18: As the season turns from spring to summer, some people feel a bit under the ________ and can't concentrate fully on their work. 

            A. storm          B. weather       C. climate        D. rain 

Question 19: James had a cosy birthday party at home last Friday in the _______ of his close friends. 

            A. company     B. business      C. atmosphere             D. residence

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 

Question 20: It's great to go out on such a lovely day. 

            A. ugly            B. beautiful     C. old  D. modern 

Question 21: Josh's ambition is to become a successful businessman like his father. 

            A. dream         B. doubt          C. pleasure      D. patience 




















































5. Đề số 5

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1: A. supported                  B. finished                  C. noticed                   D. approached

Question 2. A. strength                      B. event                       C. athlete                    D. wrestling

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3. A. reserve                        B. leopard                   C. wildlife                   D. beauty

Question 4. A. comfortable               B. excellent                 C. attractive                D. confident

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 5. You are thirsty, __________? 

A. don't you                B. aren't you                C. are you                   D. are not you

Question 6. Gold __________ in California in the 19th century.

A. was discovered                                          B. discover                             

C. has discovered                                                       D. discovered

Question 7: Don't you think you should apply for the job _____ writing?

A. with                        B. for                           C. at                            D. in

Question 8: __________the match was, the more spectators it attracted.

A. The most interesting                                   B. The best interesting

C. The more interesting                                  D. The interesting

Question 9: She gave him a _____________wallet.

A. small brown leather                                    B. brown small leather

C. leather small brown                                    D. small leather brown

Question 10: I saw Lisa at the museum when I ________ to restaurant.

A.  was going              B.  went                      C. have gone               D.  had gone       

Question 11: True Blood is my favourite TV series, ________ I don't have much time to watch it often.

A. although                 B. despite                    C. because                   D. because of

Question 12: He will take the dog out for a walk ________________ dinner.

A. as soon as he finishes                                 B. when I was finishing

C. until I finished                                           D. shall have finished

Question 13: _______________ the instruction, he snatched up the fire extinguisher. 

A. Reading                  B. Having read            C. Read                       D. To read

Question 14. My sister is a woman of________age.

A. marriage                 B. married                   C. marrying                 D. marriageable

Question 15: Those flowers are___________everywhere is a sign of spring.

A. going over              B. taking over             C. coming out             D. breaking out

Question 16: You'd better _____________ a commitment to being a volunteer on a regular basis.

A. promise                   B. do                           C. make                       D. pull

Question 17: People thought that maybe his novel might one day be turned into a film and become a Hollywood _________________.

A. best-seller               B. attraction                C. blockbuster             D. debut

Question 18. People have used coal and oil to ___________electricity for a long time.

A. bred                                    B. raise                       C. cultivate                 D. generate

Question 19: My mother doesn't        eye to eye with my father sometimes.

A. see                         B. glance                     C. look                                    D. agree


Câu 1: Đáp án A 

Kiến thức về phát âm

Phần được gạch chân ở câu A phát âm là / ɪd /, còn lại là /t/

Cách phát âm đuôi “ed”: 

+ Đuôi “ed” được phát âm là /t/ khi động từ có phát âm kết thúc là /tʃ/, /θ/, /ʃ/, /s/, /k/, /p/, /f/ 

+ Đuôi “ed” được phát âm là /ɪd/ khi động từ có phát âm kết thúc là /t/, /d/ 

+ Đuôi “ed” được phát âm là /d/ với các trường hợp còn lại 

Câu 2: Đáp án C

Kiến thức phát âm

A. strength /'streηθ/     B. event /i’vent/ 

C. athlete /'æθ1i:t/      D. wrestling/'resliη/

=> Phương án c phần gạch chân được phát âm là /i:/, các phương án còn lại được phát âm là /e/.

Câu 3: Đáp án A 

Kiến thức trọng âm

vào âm tiết đầu.

A. reserve /rɪ’ə:v/ : từ này trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2. Vì theo quy tắc trọng âm ưu tiên rơi vào nguyên âm dài.

B. leopard /'lepəd/: từ này trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết đầu. Vì theo quy tắc trọng âm không bao giờ rơi vào âm /ə/.

C. wildlife /'wʌɪl(d)laɪf/: từ này trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết đầu. Vì theo quy tắc danh từ ghép thì trọng âm rơi vào từ đầu.

D. beauty /‘bju:ti/: từ này trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết đầu. Vì theo quy tắc trọng âm ưu tiên rơi vào nguyên âm dài.

=> Phương án A trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2, các phương án còn lại trong âm rơi vào âm tiết đầu.

Câu 4: Đáp án C

Kiến thức trọng âm

A. comfortable /'kʌmftəbl/ : từ này trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết đầu. Vì theo quy tắc tất cả các âm mà ngắn hết thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết đầu.

B. excellent /'eksələnt/ : từ này trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết đầu. Vì theo quy tắc trọng âm không bao giờ rơi vào âm /ə/.

C. attractive /əˈtræktɪv/ : từ này trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai. Vì theo quy tắc đuôi -tive  trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết trước nó.

D. confident /'kɒnfidənt/: từ này trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết đầu. Vì theo quy tắc tất cả các âm mà ngắn hết thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết đầu.

=> Phương án c trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai còn lại là thứ nhất

Câu  5.  Đáp án B

Kiến thức câu hỏi đuôi

Câu 6: Đáp án A

Kiến thức: Bị động thì quá khứ đơn 

Giải thích: 

in the 19th century => thì quá khứ đơn

Cấu trúc câu bị động thì quá khứ đơn: S + was/ were + Vp2 (by + O). 

Câu 7: Đáp án D

Kiến thức về giới từ

In + a specific area / field/ speciality/ part of st : chuyển về một lĩnh vực cụ thể nào đó.

Tạm dịch: Bạn không nghĩ rằng bạn nên nộp đơn vào một công việc chuyên về viết sao?

Câu 8: Đáp án C

Kiến thức So sánh kép  

Cấu trúc câu so sánh lũy tiến: The + tính từ so sánh hơn + S + V, the + tính từ so sánh hơn + S + V

Câu  9: Đáp án A 

Kiến thức trật tự của tính từ

Giải thích: 

Khi có nhiều tính từ cùng đứng trước 1 danh từ, sắp xếp chúng theo thứ tự: OSASCOMP + N. Trong đó: 

O- opinion: quan điểm 

S – size: kích thước 

A – age: độ tuổi (mới, cũ, trẻ, già,...) 

S – shape: hình dạng 

C – color: màu sắc 

O – origin: nguồn gốc 

M – material: chất liệu 

P - purpose: mục đích 

N – noun: danh từ 

Nếu có số thứ tự => đứng trước tính từ & danh từ. 

Câu 10: Đáp án A

Kiến thức thời thì 

Thì quá khứ đơn và quá khứ tiếp diễn kết hợp trong câu: Diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra trong quá khứ thì một hành động khác xen vào, hành động đang xảy ra chi thì quá khứ tiếp diễn, hành động xen vào chia thì quá khứ đơn 

Cấu trúc: S + was/ were + V_ing + when + S + Ved/bqt 

Câu 11: Đáp án A

Kiến thức về liên từ

A. although: mặc dù   B. before: trước khi

C. Because: bởi vì       D. yet: nhưng, tuy nhiên

Tạm dịch: “True Blood” là bộ phim dài tập yêu thích của tôi, tuy nhiên tôi không có nhiều thời gian để thường xuyên xem nó.

Câu 12: Đáp án A

Kiến thức về thì

As soon as... S + V(s/es), S + will + V... .

Tạm dịch: Anh ta sẽ dắt chó đi dạo ngay sau khi ăn xong.

Câu 13: Đáp án B

Kiến thức: Hoàn thành phân từ

Giải thích: 

Khi 2 mệnh đề có cùng chủ ngữ (she) thì có thể rút gọn 1 trong 2 mệnh đề về dạng: 

- V-ing / Having P2: nếu mệnh đề được rút gọn mang nghĩa chủ động 

- P2 (quá khứ phân từ): nếu mệnh đề được rút gọn mang nghĩa bị động 

Câu 14: Đáp án D

Kiến thức về cụm từ cố định

marriageable age: tuổi kết hôn, tuổi có thể kết hôn 

Tạm dịch: Chị tôi là người phụ nữ đến tuổi kết hôn.

Câu 15: Đáp án C 

Kiến thức về cụm động từ

A. going over: kiểm tra kĩ lưỡng         B. taking over: lớn mạnh hơn, thay thế

C. coming out: trổ bông          D. breaking out: bùng phát

Tạm dịch: Hoa nở khắp nơi là đầu hiệu của mùa xuân.

Câu 16: Đáp án C

Kiến thức về cụm từ cố định

Make a commitment to do st: tận tụy (cống hiến thời gian, công sức vào việc gì đó )

Tạm dịch: Bạn nên dốc sức làm một tinh nguyện viên một cách thường xuyên.

Cụm từ đáng lưu ý khác:

on a regular basic = frequently/ regularly: đều đặn, thường xuyên

Câu 17: Đáp án C

Kiến thức về từ vựng

A. best-seller /'best'selər/ (n): bản chạy (một cuốn sách/một sản phẩm mới mà bản được nhiều)

B. attraction /ə'trækfən/(n): sự hấp dẫn, lôi cuốn

C. blockbuster /'blɒkbʌstə(r)/ (n): bộ phim bom tấn

D. debut /'deɪbju:/ (n): sự xuất hiện đầu tiên trước công chúng

Tạm dịch: Mọi người cho rằng tiểu thuyết của anh ấy có thể sẽ chuyển thể thành phim và sẽ trở thành một phim bom tấn Hollyhood.

Cấu trúc đáng lưu ý khác:

turn into st : chuyển thể, biến thành

Câu 18: Đáp án D

Kiến thức về từ vựng

A. bred (quá khứ của breed): sinh ra, gây ra, mang lại

B. raise: nâng lên, đưa lên

C. cultivate: canh tác, trau dồi, tu dưỡng 

D. generate: tạo ra, phát ra

Tạm dịch: Người ta đã sử dụng than và dầu để tạo ra điện trong một thời gian dài.

Câu 19: Đáp án A 

Kiến thức về cụm từ cố định

See eye to eye with some one: đồng quan điểm với ai.

Tạm dịch: Mẹ tôi thỉnh thoảng không đồng tình với cha tôi.

Câu 20: Đáp án D

Từ đồng nghĩa

A. Exclusive: riêng biệt, duy nhất.

B. Presentable: có thể bày ra trước công chúng được, tươm tất.

C. Rewarding: đáng công, đáng đọc, đáng xem; có lợi.

D. Attractive: thu hút, lôi cuốn; hấp dẫn.

Limited: hạn chế, có hạn.

=> từ gần nghĩa nhất là limited.

Tạm dịch: Ưu đãi đặc biệt này dành riêng cho độc giả của tạp chí này.


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