Bộ 5 đề thi thử THPT QG năm 2021 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THPT Khoái Châu Lần 2

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Kì thi tốt nghiệp THPT QG là kì thi rất quan trọng đối với các học sinh lớp 12. Vì vậy, Hoc247 xin gửi đến các em tài liệu Bộ 5 đề thi thử THPT QG năm 2021 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THPT Khoái Châu Lần 2 nhằm giúp các em làm quen với các dạng đề thi của kì thi quan trọng này. Hi vọng tài liệu sẽ là nguồn tham khảo hữu ích trong quá trình học tập của các em.





1. Đề số 1

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1. A. borrowed       B. conserved                C. approached             D. complained

Question 2. A. hike                B. wind                       C. child                       D. tide

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3. A. garbage          B. muscle                    C. disease                    D. bottle         

Question 4. A. completion     B. understand              C. material                  D. behavior

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 5. Her parents are really strict. They rarely let her stay out late, _______?

            A. do they                   B. don’t they               C. does she                 D. doesn’t she

Question 6. Every day, Peters mother drives him to school. However, today, he _______ to school by his father.

            A. was taken               B. is being taken                     C. is taking                  D. took

Question 7. Students are _______ less pressure as a result of changes in testing procedures.

            A. under                      B. above                      C. upon                       D. out of

Question 8. The more you practice speaking in public, _______.

            A.  the more you become confident               B.   the more you become confidently

            C.  the greater confidence you become                      D.   the more confident you become

Question 9. The report form is available on the two _______ discs in my drawer.

            A. small green round  B. round small green   C. green small round   D. small round green

Question 10. She came into the room while they ______ television.

            A. watched     B. have watched         C. are watching           D. were watching

Question 11. Fast food is very popular. _______, a diet of hamburgers, pizzas and fried chicken is not very healthy.

            A. Consequently         B. Moreover    C. Unfortunately        D. In contrast

Question 12. By the year 2021, 6% of all US jobs _______ by robots, report says.

            A. will eliminate                      B. will have been eliminated

            C. will be eliminating              D. will have eliminated

Question 13. _______ the Nobel Prize, he retired from politics.

            A. Received                B. Having received         C. Being received          D. Receive

Question 14. In the past, the _______ and engagement ceremonies took place one or two years before the wedding.

            A. propose       B. proposing    C. proposal      D. proposed

Question 15. My father is very talented and kind-hearted. I always _______ him.

            A. look for                  B. look like                  C. look after                D. look up to

Question 16. I don't like networking events - spending hours trying to _______ small talk with strangers just isn't my cup of tea,

            A. make           B. take C. have            D. do

Question 17. He may be shy now, but he will soon come out of his _______ when he meets the right girl.

            A. shoe                        B. hole            C. shed                        D. shell

Question 18. The hospital had _______ given her up for dead, but she eventually recovered.

            A. virtually      B. merely         C. totally         D. intensively

Question 19. I had all the information at my _______ before attending the meeting.

            A. fingertips                B. thumbs                    C. hands                      D. fingers

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 20. A.I. algorithms can also help to detect faces and other features in photo sent to social networking sites and automatically organize them.

            A. categorize   B. connect       C. recognize    D. remind

Question 21. Scientists warn of the impending extinction of many species of plants and animals.

            A. irrefutable               B. imminent                C. formidable              D. absolute

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 22. There are several different kinds of faults in reading which are usually more exaggerated with foreign learners.

            A. overestimated            B. understated                     C. overemphasized                 D. undertaken

Question 23. His performance stood head and shoulders above the rest.

            A. was better than       B. was worse than       C. became higher than            D. became cheaper than

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges.

Question 24. Tung and Tu are talking about time management skill.

            - Tung: "What do you think about time management skill?"

            - Tu : “_______”

            A. It's time to go.                    B. I quite agree with you.

            C. It is an important life skill.             D. I can't help thinking about it.

Question 25. Two friends are talking about the coming Christmas holiday.

            -Tony :“Are you going to your family reunion this Christmas holiday?”

            - Mark: “_______”

            A. As a matter of fact, I don't mind it at all.                         

            B. I do. I've been excited about it now.                                

            C. However, My parents and I are going to take a trip abroad                     

            D. You bet. All my uncles and aunts will take their children along, too.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each the numbered blanks.

The idea of going overseas to study can be daunting, with visions of baffling languages or nights spent in isolation while you are gradually forgotten by your friends and family. (26) _______, the benefits of studying abroad - such as broadening your mind, improving your career prospects and making friends from all over the world - can make digging out your passport really rewarding.

 “Studying abroad is an eye-opening experience,” says Anna Boyd, event manager at The Student World. “Being immersed in (27) _______ culture, understanding differences and spotting similarities, living on a beach or in the mountains, (28) _______ will have an impact on every student.”

Overseas study comes in many shapes and sizes. It might be a single semester abroad via an Erasmus programme, for example. Or you might elect to follow a full three-or four-year degree programme. Whatever your ambition, the key is starting early. Some countries require specific combinations of A-levels from UK students, Germany looks for four A-levels including maths or science and one modern foreign language, for instance, while others, such as the US, value extracurricular activities. Starting our research well (29) _______ of time can help you make the right choices. "Getting involved in sports, arts and music is also worth considering, as well as gaining experience through volunteering and work placements," says Boyd. In fact, applying to study abroad could even work to your advantage, for example, you might encounter lower (30) _______ requirements.

                                                       (Adapted from https://wwwindependent.caukistudent/study-abroad)

Question 26. A. But               B. However     C. Therefore    D. Thereby

Question 27. A. another         B. other           C. others         D. the other

Question 28. A. where           B. why                        C. which         D. that

Question 29. A. right              B. straight       C. head           D. ahead

Question 30. A. entry             B. entrance      C. enter           D. entered

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer to each of the question.

Bali, the fabled "Island of the Gods", has been enchanting visitors for centuries with its rich cultural traditions and spectacular panoramas. From lofty, mist enshrouded volcanoes and cool mountain lakes down through terraced rice fields to a golden strand lapped by azure waters, every square inch of Bali offers a fresh and unforgettable image.

No less enchanting are its people, some 2.7 million souls whose artistry and piety are recognized throughout the world Balinese Hinduism, a complex fusion of Indian cosmology. Tantric Buddhism and homegrown mythology, is the primary faith of Bali's inhabitants, and so deeply woven into the fabric of their daily lives that the line between the spiritual and the material is blurry at best.

Those of you keen on delving into the island's fascinating culture will have plenty of opportunities, as colorful ceremonies and traditional performances occur with regularity of sunrise. Most hotels offer nightly dance shows of one form or another, tailored to tourist audiences but none the less exquisite. The hill town of Ubud, the island's premier arts center, also has a full schedule of performance, and the nearby stone-cutter's village of Batubulan is famed for its Barong lion dances. The shoppers among you will find Bali a treasure house of handicrafts and fine works of art. The Balinese are incredibly gifted artists and craftsmen, and their material creations are imbued with the same sense of wonderment with which they regard their universe. Stone and wood carvings, traditional and modern paintings and intricately designed jewelry in gold and silver are readily in shops and galleries throughout the island.

As for recreation, there is no shortage of option. Nature walks, horseback riding, diving, surfing, even bungy jumping, and white water rafting await the adventurous here.

                                                                                         (Source: https://books.google.com.vn/books)

Question 31. The topic of the given passage is _______.

            A. Balinese life           B. Scenery in Bali       C. Tourism in Bali       D. Bali for recreation

Question 32. The second paragraph of the passage mainly discusses _______.

            A. Population of Bali              B. artistry and piety of Bali

            C. Balinese religion                 D. daily lives of Balinese

Question 33. The word "their" in the second paragraph refers to _______.

            A. 2.7 million souls                 B. Bali's inhabitants   

            C. daily lives               D. the spiritual and the material

Question 34. Which of the following might be a synonym of the word "exquisite" in the third paragraph?

            A. skillful        B. clever          C. spiritual      D. material

Question 35. You can find all these recreational activities in Bali EXCEPT _______.

            A. horseback riding     B. nature walks           C. water rafting          D. parachute jumping

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer to each of the question.

Many people see large urban cities as a wonder of human imagination and creativity. They represent how far the human population has come in terms of community development. Many positive things come from urbanization, but there are also negatives. This article will discuss and present data on the implications of urbanization on the physical health of humans living in these large urban areas.

As it would be expected, developing countries tend to see more negative physical health effects than modern countries in regard to urbanization. One example of a developing country experiencing these problems is China. China is a country that in the past 30–40 years went from being an agrarian based society to a significant industrialized country. This industrialization has in effect caused the need for more centralized cities, centralized meaning having lots of jobs and living spaces within a close proximity. This is what is known as urbanization. In most recent decades, since China’s change to being more of an industrial based economy, the country has experienced record high numbers of people migrating within its borders. In effect, the number of cities with over 500,000 people has more than doubled. These migrations are typically of people from rural areas of China moving to the new urban areas. Due to this large influx in the urban population, there are many possibilities for health challenges among these people.

One very common and fairly obvious negative aspect of highly congested urban areas is air pollution. Air pollution is defined as any harmful substance being suspended in the air. This could include particulate matter, most commonly attributed to industrial plants and refineries waste, or chemicals like CO2 or Methane (which are also products of plants and refineries as well as cars and other modes of transportation). Due to a vast number of people in these urbanized cities, the air pollution is known to be very extreme. These conditions can lead to many different health problems such as: Asthma, cardiovascular problems or disease, and different types of cancer (most commonly lung cancer). When exposed to these conditions for a prolonged period of time, one can experience even more detrimental health effects like: the acceleration of aging, loss of lung capacity and health, being more susceptible to respiratory diseases, and a shortened life span.

Another way that urbanization affects the populations’ health is people’s change in diet. For instance, urban cities tend to have lots of accessible, quick, and easy to get food. This food is also more than likely not as high quality as well as contains a large amount of sodium and sugar. Because this food is so accessible, people tend to eat it more. This increase in consumption of low quality food can then lead to diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, obesity, or many other health conditions.

                                                                                                     (Adapted from https://medium.com)

Question 36. Which of the following could be served as the best title for the passage?

            A. Urbanization – Pros and cons

            B. Urbanization – How people’s health is impacted?

            C. Urban cities – The new opportunity for community development

            D. Developing countries – The fastest urbanization

Question 37. What does the phrase “these problems” in paragraph 2 refer to?

            A. industrialized countries      B. lots of jobs and living spaces

            C. immigrants                         D. negative physical health effects

Question 38. The word “congested” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______.

            A. overcrowded          B. sparse          C. contaminated         D. fresh

Question 39. The word “detrimental” in paragraph 3 mostly means _______.

            A. beneficial    B. positive       C. harmful       D. dangerous

Question 40. The following are the air pollution sources mentioned in paragraph 3, EXCEPT _______.

            A. industrial factories B. refineries waste      C. chemicals    D. sewage

Question 41. Why are urban populations easy to get diseases from food, according to the last paragraph?

            A. Because of the low quality and the high proportion of sodium and sugar in this food.

            B. Because the way people get this food is rather accessible, quick and easy.

            C. Because this food is so delicious that people have a tendency to eat more than normal.

            D. Because of the change in people’s diet.

Question 42. What can be inferred from the passage?

            A. Living in urban areas for a long time will make the life expectancy of inhabitants shorten.

            B. One of the negative health effects comes from the overpopulation in industrialized countries.

            C. People in developed countries suffer less harmful health effects from urbanization than those in developing nations.

            D. The bad health effects from urbanization are not greater than the benefits it brings to people in urban cities.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 43. Jane spent a lot of money yesterday. She had bought a dress which cost $100.

            A. spent           B. yesterday    C. had bought             D. cost

Question 44. If anyone drops by while I am away, please take a message from him

            A. drops                      B. while          C. take            D. him

Question 45. We have conducted exhausting research into the effects of smartphones on  students’ behaviour and their academic performance.

            A. exhausting research            B. into             C. behaviour   D. academic performance

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Question 46. I haven't gone to the cinema for ten years.

            A. It was ten years ago I went to the cinema.            B. The last time I went to the cinema was ten years.

            C. I last went to the cinema ten years ago.     D. It's ten years I haven't gone to the cinema.

Question 47. “You’re always making terrible mistakes.” said the teacher.

            A. The teacher asked his students why they always made terrible mistakes.

            B. The teacher realized that his students always made terrible mistakes.

            C. The teacher complained about his student making terrible mistakes.

            D. The teacher made his students not always make terrible mistakes.

Question 48. It isn’t necessary for us to discuss this matter in great detail.

            A. We should discuss this matter in great detail.       B. We might discuss this matter in great detail

            C. We needn’t discuss this matter in great detail.      D. We mustn’t discuss this matter in great detail.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Question 49. Marie didn’t turn up at John’s birthday party. I feel so sorry for that.

            A. If only Marie turn up at John’s birthday party.

            B. I wish Marie had turned up at John’s birthday party.

            C. I wished Marie wouldn’t turn up at John’s birthday party.

            D. It’s a shame Marie had turned up at John’s birthday party.

Question 50. Alice registered for the course. She then received the scholarship.

            A. Hardly had Alice registered for the course when she received the scholarship.

            B. Only after Alice registered for the course, she received the scholarship.

            C. Having received the scholarship, Alice registered for the course.

            D. Registering for the course helped Alice receive the scholarship.


1. C

6. B

11. C

16. A

21. B

26. B

31. C

36. B

41. A

46. C

2. B

7. A

12. B

17. D

22. B

27. A

32. B

37. D

42. C

47. C

3. C

8. D

13. B

18. A

23. B

28. C

33. B

38. A

43. C

48. C

4. B

9. D

14. C

19. A

24. C

29. B

34. A

39. C

44. D

49. B

5. A

10. D

15. D

20. C

25. D

30. B

35. D

40. D

45. A

50. A

2. Đề số 2

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1.     A. heritage      B. package      C. passage       D. teenage

Question 2.     A. clothes        B. bosses         C. boxes          D. couches

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3.     A. desert         B. dessert        C. centre         D. circle

Question 4.     A. medieval     B. managerial  C. mediocre    D. magnificent

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 5. Due to the economic unrest, people___________happy lately.

            A. hadn’t been            B. aren’t          C. weren’t       D. haven’t been

Question 6. Television can make things memorable for the reason that it presents information___________an effective way.

            A. over            B. with            C. in    D. on

Question 7. ___________how confident you are, it is almost impossible not to be a little nervous

before an important exam.

            A. No matter   B. Eventhough            C. Not only     D. whereas

Question 8. The Principal usually has his pupils___________waste paper for their mini-project.

            A. collect         B. having collected     C. collected     D. to collect

Question 9. Neither of the boys came to school yesterday, ___________?

A. didn’t they B. does they    C. did they      D. doesn’t they

Question 10. Anna is holding her shopping bag with one hand and turning the door handle with  .

            A. another       B. the other     C. other           D. others

Question 11. ___________that Columbus discovered America.

            A. It was in 1492                    B. There was in 1492

            C. In 1492                   D. That was in 1492

Question 12. ___________be needed, the river basin would need to be dammed.

            A. Hydroelectric power should          B. When hydroelectric power

            C. Hydroelectric power                      D. Should hydroelectric power

Question 13. Most office furniture is bought more on the basis of___________than comfort.

            A. afford         B. affording    C. afforded     D. affordability

Question 14. Although our opinions on many things___________, we still maintain a good relationship

with each other.

            A. differ          B. receive        C. maintain     D. separate

Question 15. The pointless war between the two countries left thousands of people dead and seriously___________.

            A. injured        B. wounded    C. spoilt          D. damaged

Question 16. He enjoyed the dessert so much that he accepted the second___________when it was offered.

            A. sharing        B. helping        C. pile D. load

Question 17. I’ve just been offered a new job! Things are___________.

            A. clearing up  B. making up   C. looking up  D. turning up

Question 18. Ihe children had to___________in the principal’s office after they took part in a fight.

            A. hit the right notes               B. beat around the bush

            C. play second fiddle             D. face the music

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 19. Mobility is one of the characteristics often demanded of executives, and they must accustom themselves to move quite regularly.

            A. Mobility     B. characteristics         C. of    D. to move

Question 20. Every city in the United States has traffic problems because the amount of cars on American streets and highways is increasing every year.

            A. in the United States                       B. traffic

            C. amount                   D. on American streets

Question 21. Parents’ choices for their children’s names is based on names of their relatives or ancestors.

            A. choice         B. their            C. is based      D. relatives

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Question 22. More petrol is consumed nowadays than ten years ago.

            A. Not so much petrol was consumed ten years ago as nowadays.

            B. Petrol consumption is going down nowadays.

            C. We had more petrol ten years ago than we do nowadays.

            D. We should consume as much petrol as possible.

Question 23. The problem was so complicated that the students couldn’t understand it.

            A. It was such complicated problem that the students couldn’t understand.

            B. The problem wasn’t simple enough for the students to understand it.

            C. The problem was too complicated for the students to understand.

            D. It was so complicated problems that the students couldn’t understand

Question 24. My American friend finds it difficult to pick up food with chopsticks.

            A. My American friend doesn’t feel like picking up food with chopsticks.

            B. My American friend can’t find chopsticks to pick up food.

            C. My American friend didn’t used to pick up food with chopsticks.

            D. My American friend is not used to picking up food with chopsticks.




















































3. Đề số 3

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Question 1: You don't try to work hard. You will fail in the exam.

            A. Unless you try to work hard, you will fail in the exam.

            B. Unless you don't try to work hard, you will fail in the exam.

            C. Unless you try to work hard, you won't fail in the exam.

            D. Unless do you try to work hard, you will fail in the exam. 

Question 2: Marry loved her stuffed animal when she was young. She couldn't sleep without it.

            A. When Marry was young, she loved her stuffed animal so much that she couldn't sleep without it.

            B. When Marry was young, she loved her stuffed animal so as not to sleep with it.

            C. As Marry couldn't sleep without her stuffed animal when she was young, she loved it.

            D. When Marry was young, she loved her stuffed animal though she couldn't sleep without it. 

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 3: Fifty minutes are the maximum length of time allotted for the exam. 

            A. maximum   B. length         C. are  D. allotted 

Question 4: For its establishment, ASEAN Tourism Association has played an important role in promoting and developing ASEAN Tourism services. 

            A. Tourism Association                      B. played

            C. For its                     D. in promoting and developing 

Question 5: Having been identified the causes of global warming, scientists have worked out some solutions to reduce its effects. 

            A. worked out             B. Having been identified      C. to reduce    D. of 

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. 

            If you want to give someone the nod in Bulgaria, you have to nod your head to say “no” and shake it to say “yes” – the exact opposite of what we do! In Belgium, pointing with your index finger or snapping your fingers at someone is very rude. 

            In France, you shouldn't rest your feet on tables or chairs. Speaking to someone with your hands in your pockets will only make matters worse. In the Middle East, you should never show the soles of your feet or shoes to others as it will be seen as a grave insult. When eating, only use your right hand because they use their left hands when going to the bathroom. 

            In Bangladesh, the 'thumbs-up' is a rude sign. In Myanmar, people greet each other by clapping, and in India, whistling in public is considered rude. 

            In Japan, you should not blow your nose in public, but you can burp at the end of a meal to show that you have enjoyed it. The 'OK' sign (thumb and index finger forming a circle) means "everything is good” in the West, but in China it means nothing or zero. In Japan, it means money, and in the Middle East, it is a rude gesture.

Question 6: In the Middle East, people do not use their left hands for eating because they use their left hands _______.

            A. to put in their pockets                    B. when preparing the meal

            C. when going to the bathroom          D. to clean their tables and chairs 

Question 7: It is mentioned in the passage that many gestures _________.

            A. are not used to communicate our feelings

            B. may mean different things in different countries

            C. can be used to greet each other in public

            D. are used in greeting among men and women 

Question 8: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

            A. In Belgium, snapping your fingers at someone is very rude.

            B. In France, people shouldn't rest their feet on tables.

            C. In Myanmar, people greet each other by clapping

            D. In China, the 'OK'sign means money 

Question 9: The word "othersin paragraph 3 refers to _________.

            A. other people           B. other shoes             C. other soles  D. other feet 

Question 10: People nod their head to say no in _________.

            A. Bulgaria      B. Belgium      C. France        D. Japan 

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.

Question 11: A. cooked         B. watched      C. stopped      D. wicked 

Question 12: A. spirit             B. title                         C. describe      D. final 

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 13: The U23 Vietnamese football team's performance has garnered _______ from around the world and shown promise for Vietnam's soccer horizon. 

            A. attentive     B. attentively C. attend         D. attention 

Question 14: The joke would not be funny if it _________ into French.

            A. be translated           B. has been translated             C. was be translated   D. were translated 

Question 15: Paul is a very _________ character, he is never relaxed with strangers. 

            A. self-conscious         B. self-satisfied           C. self-directed           D. self-confident 

Question 16: Mary's lawyer advised her _________ anything further about the accident. 

            A. not saying   B. telling         C. not to say   D. not tell 

Question 17: Many of the pictures _________ from outer space are presently on display in the public library 

            A. sending       B. sent             C. having sent             D. were sent 

Question 18: Although he is my friend, I find it hard to _________ his selfishness 

            A. catch up with         B. put up with             C. keep up with          D. come down with 

Question 19: John congratulated us _________ our exam with high marks. 

            A. on pass       B. for passing C. to pass        D. on passing 

Question 20: We expected him at eight, but he finally __________ at midnight. 

            A. turned in     B. came off     C. came to       D. turned up 

Question 21: Everybody is tired of watching the same comercials on TV every night, ________? 

            A. aren't they B. are they       C. haven't they            D. don't they 

Question 22: The authorities _________ actions to stop illegal purchase of wild animals and their associated products effectively. However, they didn't do so. 

            A. must have taken     B. had to take             C. needed have taken             D. should have taken 

Question 23: He gave me his personal _________ that his draft would be ready by Friday.

            A. accordance             B. assurance    C. endurance  D. insurance 

Question 24: Vietnam ________ announcing a nationwide lockdown to fight COVID-19 on April 1, 2020. 

            A. start            B. started        C. will start     D. has started 

Question 25: The 1st week of classes at university is a little ________ because so many students get lost, change classes or go to the wrong place. 

            A. uncontrolled           B. chaotic        C. arranged     D. notorious 

Question 26: After he ________ his work, he went straight home. 

            A. would finish           B. has finished            C. has been finishing D. had finished 




















































4. Đề số 4

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1.     A. announced  B. evaluated    C. enunciated  D. demanded

Question 2.     A. queue          B. quarter        C. quadruple   D. questionnaire

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3.     A. record         B. mentor        C. timber         D. bother

Question 4.     A. catastrophe B. millennium  C. acknowledgement  D. photograph

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 5. Peter ordered a pizza and salad.__________pizza was nice but__________salad was disgusting.

            A. A/a B. The/ ∅         C. ∅/∅ D. The/the

Question 6. Since the end of the war, the Government __________over five thousand of prisoners.

            A. have released          B. released      C. has released            D. has been released

Question 7. The suspect was seen__________the building by at least a dozen witnesses.

            A. enter           B. to entering  C. entering      D. entered

Question 8. The four men are widely believed__________by their captors because their family did not agree to pay the ransom.

            A. to kill                      B. to have been killed

            C. to have killed                     D. to be killed

Question 9. Having counted all the students on the bus, __________

            A. the vehicle started moving B. the vehicle was driven

            C. they were allowed to play  D. the driver started to drive

Question 10. Many exam candidates lose marks simply__________they do not read the questions properly.

            A. because of  B. because       C. due to         D. owing that

Question 11. What__________to your family if you were to die in an accident?

            A. happens      B. would happen         C. will happen D. happened

Question 12. Those Americans are looking for a place where they can exchange their dollars__________pounds.

            A. into B. to    C. for  D. with

Question 13. All attempts at__________were stamped on by senior officials.

            A. modernise   B. modernisers            C. modernisation        D. modernising

Question 14. NATO has finally arrived at an important decision to__________cruise missiles

in the battle.

            A. employ       B. deploy        C. defeat         D. withdraw

Question 15. The woman crying in front of the burning house has lost her most__________possession in the fire.

            A. valued        B. appreciated C. recognised  D. prized

Question 16. The woman was confused about whether or not to__________the pregnancy.

            A. stop            B. terminate    C. eradicate     D. dismiss

Question 17. His voice had a freshness that would make many tenors under the age of 40 go green with__________.

            A. jealousy      B. hatred         C. envy           D. arrogance

Question 18. This band normally__________their album with an instrumental track.

            A. closes off    B. closes up     C. closes down           D. closes out

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 19. what was once a great and powerful empire have effectively ceased to be.

            A. to be           B. have effectively      C. powerful     D. was once

Question 20. One of the boys kept laughing, this annoyed Jane intensely.

            A. this B. one of the boys       C. intensely     D. laughing

Question 21. I’m trying to cut down on diary product intake and it’s difficult because I adore cheese.

            A. I adore cheese                    B. diary product intake

            C. difficult                  D. trying to cut




















































5. Đề số 5

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 1. Copper is the favored metal for electricians' wire because of _________.

            A. its excellent conductivity   B. it is excellent conductor  

            C. excellent conductivity of it            D. so conductive is it 

Question 2. We all congratulated Lisa _________ winning the first prize.  

            A. for B. about          C. with            D. on 

Question 3. In 1959, the political philosopher Hannah Arendt became the first women _________ a full professor at Princeton University.  

            А. to appoint   B. to be appointed      C. was appointed        D. who be appointed as

Question 4. They decided to _________ their journey till the end of the month because of the epidemic. 

            A. take up       B. turn round C. put off        D. do with  

Question 5. _________, we had already put out the fire.  

            A. Until the firemen arrives to help    B. No sooner had the firemen arrived to help 

            C. By the time the firemen arrived to help     D. After the firemen have arrived to help

Question 6. The course was so difficult that I didn't _________ any progress at all. 

            A. make           B. do   C. produce      D. create 

Question 7. No sooner _________ the comer than the wheel came off.  

            A. the van turned                    B. had the van turned  

            C. did the van turn                 D. the van had turned

Question 8. The clown was wearing a _________ wig and red nose.  

            A. red funny plastic    B. funny red plastic    C. funny plastic red    D. red plastic funny 

Question 9. I like that photo very much. Could you make an _________ for me? 

            A. exploration             B. enlargement            C. extension    D. expansion 

Question 10. Failing to submit the proposal on time was _________ for Tom.  

            A. a real kick in the pants                   B. an open and shut case  

            C. a shot in the dark               D. a mail in the coffin 

Question 11. In state schools, students have to follow a National _________ specified by the Ministry of Education and Training.  

            A. Subject       B. Curriculum             C. Program      D. Obligation

Question 12. It is said the Robinhood robbed _________ rich und gave the money to _________ poor. 

            A. a/ a B. a/ the           C. the/ the       D. the/ a  

Question 13. The second-hand car Patrick bought was almost new _________ it made in the 1990s. 

            A. or    B. because       C. however     D. Although 

Question 14. _________ no one was absent from the farewell party last night.  

            A. Though it rains heavily                   B. As it rained heavily  

            C. In spite of heavily rain                   D. Heavily as it rained 

Question 15. Larry was so _________ in his novel that he forgot about his dinner cooking in the oven. 

            A. absorbed     B. obliged       C. drawn         D. attracted

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 

Question 16. A. announced    B. enjoyed       C. scored         D. sponsored

Question 17. A. polite            B. advice         C. diploma      D. pilot 

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions. 

Question 18. A. assistance     B. appearance C. position      D. confidence

Question 19. A. lecture          B. figure          C. wonder       D. inspire





















































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