Bộ 5 đề thi thử THPT QG năm 2021 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THPT Tô Hiệu Lần 2

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Kì thi tốt nghiệp THPT QG là kì thi rất quan trọng đối với các học sinh lớp 12. Vì vậy, Hoc247 xin gửi đến các em tài liệu Bộ 5 đề thi thử THPT QG năm 2021 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THPT Tô Hiệu Lần 2 nhằm giúp các em làm quen với các dạng đề thi của kì thi quan trọng này. Hi vọng tài liệu sẽ là nguồn tham khảo hữu ích trong quá trình học tập của các em.





1. Đề số 1

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from that of the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1.     A. laughed                  B. sacrificed                C. cooked                   D. explained

Question 2.     A. meat                       B. bean                        C. sweat                      D. meaning

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3.     A. support                   B. slogan                     C. icon                        D. motto

Question 4.     A. dominate                B. disagree                  C. disrespect               D. interfere

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 5. Nobody called me yesterday, ……………….?

A. didn't it                  B. do they                               C. didn't they                          D. did they

Question 6.This house ———————- in 1970 by my grandfather.

A. built                        B. was built                             C. was build                            D. has built

Question 7. What do you know .......... him?

A. on                           B.  about                                 C.  with                                   D.  for

Question 8.  The more I tried my best to help her, ……….she became.

A. less lazy                  B. the lazier                             C. the more lazy                      D. lazier

Question 9. She has just bought         .

A. an interesting French old painting                         B. an old interesting French painting

C. a French interesting old painting                           D. an interesting old French painting

Question 10. When the boss walked into the office, his secretary ________.

A.has been typing       B.was typing                           C. is typing                             D. had typed

Question 11. She got the job the fact that she had very little experience.

A. although                 B. because of                          C. despite                                D. because

Question 12. ________ to help, we will have finished  the work.

A. By the time John comes                                         B.  Since John comes

C. When John comes                                                  D.  Until John comes

Question 13:   the distance was too far and the time was short, we decided to fly there instead of going there by train.

A. To discover                        B. Discovered                         C. To have discovered            D. Discovering

Question 14: She was pleased that things were going on _______.

A. satisfied                  B. satisfactorily                       C. satisfying                            D. satisfaction

Question 15. I was late for work because my alarm clock did not _______ .

A. turn off                   B. put off                                C. send off                              D. go off

Question 16: Peter______ a better understanding of Algebra than we do.

A. makes                     B. has                                      C. takes                                   D. gives

Question 17: The sight of his pale face brought ________ to me how ill he really was.

A. place                       B. house                                  C. life                                      D. home

Question 18. Ihe children had to___________in the principal’s office after they took part in a fight.

A. hit the right notes                                                   B. beat around the bush

C. play second fiddle                                                 D. face the music

Question 19: In the formal interview, it is essential to maintain good eye    with the interviewers.

A. contact                   B. touch                                  C. link                                     D. connection

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the un­derlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 20: The factory is fined for discharging dangerous chemicals into the river.

A. releasing                 B. increasing                           C. decreasing                          D. keeping

Question 21: The new college is intended to improve the life chances of children in the inner city.

A. productions                        B. communities                       C. opportunities                      D. questions

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 22: Children brought up in a caring environment tend to grow more sympathetic towards others.

A. loving                     B. dishonest                            C. healthy                               D. hateful

Question 23: It’s quite disappointing that some people still turn a blind eye to acts of injustice they witness in the street.

A. take no notice of                                                    B. have no feeling for

C. show respect for                                                     D. pay attention to

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the fol­lowing exchanges.

Question 24: Janet wants to invite Susan to go to the cinema.

- Janet: “Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?” - Susan: “______.”

A. I don’t agree, I’m afraid                                        B. You’re welcome

C. That would be great                                               D. I feel very bored

Question 25: - Baker: “In my opinion, women often drive more carefully than men.”

- Barbara: “______.”

A. Never mind            B. What nonsense                   C. Absolutely                          D. Yes, please

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.

Urban development is having a direct impact on the weather in (26) ______ cities worldwide. It has been noticed that the difference in temperature is usually greater at night and the phenomenon occurs in both winter and summer. Experts agree that this is due to urban development, when open green spaces are replaced with asphalt roads and tall brick or concrete buildings. These materials retain heat generated by the Sun and release it through the night. In Atlanta, in the US, this has even led to thunderstorms (27) ______ occur in the morning rather than, as is more common, in the afternoon.

Large cities around the world are adopting strategies to combat this issue, (28) ______ it is not uncommon to find plants growing on top of roofs or down the walls of large buildings. In Singapore, the government has (29) ______ to transform it into a "city within a garden" and, in 2006, they held an international competition calling for entries to develop a master plan to help bring this about. One outcome was the creation of 18 "Supertrees" – metal constructions resembling very tall trees. Each one is a vertical freestanding garden and is (30) ______ to exotic plants and ferns. They also contain solar panels used to light the trees at night and also containers to collect rainwater, making them truly self-sufficient.

Question 26:   A. one                                     B. many                       C. each                        D. much

Question 27:   A. which                     B. where                      C. what                       D. when

Question 28:   A. however                 B. for                           C. otherwise                D. and

Question 29:   A. committed              B. pledged                  C. confessed               D. required

Question 30:   A. land                        B. house                      C. place                       D. home

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35.

Edward Patrick Eagan was born on April 26th 1897 in Denver, Colorado, and his father died in a railroad accident when Eagan was only one year old. He and his four brothers were raised by his mother, who earned a small income from teaching foreign languages.

            Inspired by Frank Marriwell, the hero of a series of popular novels for boys, Eagan pursued an education for himself and an interest in boxing. He attended the University of Denver for a year before serving in the U.S. army as an artillery lieutenant during World War I. After the war, he entered Yale University and while studying there, won the US national amateur heavyweight boxing title. He graduated from Yale in 1921, attended Harvard Law School, and received a Rhodes scholarship to the University of Oxford where he received his A.M. in 1928.

            While studying at Oxford, Eagan became the first American to win the British amateur boxing championship. Eagan won his first gold medal as a light heavyweight boxer at the 1920 Olympic Games in Antwerp, Belgium. Eagan also fought at the 1924 Olympics in Paris as a heavyweight but failed to get a medal. Though he had taken up the sport just three weeks before the competition, he managed to win a second gold medal as a member of four-man bobsled team at the 1932 Olympics in Lake Placid, New York. Thus, he became the only athlete to win gold medals at both the Summer and Winter Olympics.

(Adapted from "Peteson's Master TOEFL Reading Skills)

Question 31:What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Eagan's life shows that a man can be an athlete and a well-educated person.

B. Eagan's life shows that military experiences make athletes great.

C. Eagan's life shows how a wealthy student can achieve as much as a poor one.

D. Eagan's life shows how easy it is to win two gold medals in different Olympic sports.

Question 32: According to the passage, who was Frank Merriwell?

A. A teacher at Yale                                       B. A student at Oxford

C. A fictional character                                  D. A bobsledder at the Olympics

Question 33: The word "Inspired" in paragraph 2 in CLOSEST in meaning to ______.

A. stopped                  B. challenged              C. calmed                                D. stimulated

Question 34: According to the passage, Eagan won all of the following EXCEPT ______.

A. British amateur boxing championship                    B. U.S. national amateur heavyweight boxing title

C. Heavyweight boxing, Olympic gold medal           D. Light heavyweight boxing, Olympic gold medal

Question 35: The word "the competition" in paragraph 3 refers to ______.

A. sport                       B. 1932 Olympics                   C. gold medals            D. Summer Olympics

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

It is estimated that by 2050 more than two-thirds of the world's population will live in cities, up from about 54 percent today. While the many benefits of organized and efficient cities are well understood, we need to recognize that this rapid, often unplanned urbanization brings risks of profound social instability, risks to critical infrastructure, potential water crises and the potential for devastating spread of disease. These risks can only be further exacerbated as this unprecedented transition from rural to urban areas continues.

            How effectively these risks can be addressed will increasingly be determined by how well cities are governed. The increased concentration of people, physical assets, infrastructure and economic activities mean that the risks materializing at the city level will have far greater potential to disrupt society than ever before.

 Urbanization is by no means bad by itself. It brings important benefits for economic, cultural and societal development. Well managed cities are both efficient and effective, enabling economies of scale and network effects while reducing the impact on the climate of transportation. As such, an urban model can make economic activity more environmentally-friendly. Further, the proximity and diversity of people can spark innovation and create employment as exchanging ideas breeds new ideas.

            But these utopian concepts are threatened by some of the factors driving rapid urbanization. For example, one of the main factors is rural-urban migration, driven by the prospect of greater employment opportunities and the hope of a better life in cities. But rapidly increasing population density can create severe problems, especially if planning efforts are not sufficient to cope with the influx of new inhabitants. The result may, in extreme cases, be widespread poverty. Estimates suggest that 40% of the world's urban expansion is taking place in slums, exacerbating socio-economic disparities and creating unsanitary conditions that facilitate the spread of disease.

            The Global Risks 2015 Report looks at four areas that face particularly daunting challenges in the face of rapid and unplanned urbanization: infrastructure, health, climate change, and social instability. In each of these areas we find new risks that can best be managed or, in some cases, transferred through the mechanism of insurance.

Question 36: The word “that" in paragraph 4 refers to __________.

A. urban expansion                                         B. socio-economic disparities

C. disease                                                        D. unsanitary conditions

Question 37:According to paragraph 3, what is one of the advantages of urbanization?

A. It minimizes risks for economic, cultural and societal development.

 B. It makes water supply system both efficient and effective.

C. Weather and climate in the city will be much improved.

D. People may come up with new ideas for innovation.

Question 38:Which statement is TRUE, according to the passage?

A. Urbanization brings important benefits for development as well.

B. 54% of the world's population will live in cities by 2050.

C. Risks cannot be addressed effectively no matter how well cities are governed.

D. Rapidly increasing population density can help solve poverty.

Question 39: The word "addressed" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _________.

A. aimed at                 B. dealt with               C. added to                 D. agreed on

Question 40: What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Poverty may be a foregone conclusion of unplanned urbanization.

 B. Diseases are caused by people migrating to cities.

C. Urbanization can solve the problem of environmental pollution in cities.

D. The increasing number of people in cities can create more employment.

Question 41: Which is the most suitable title for the passage?

A. The Risks of Rapid Urbanization in Developing Countries

B. Infrastructure and Economic Activities in Cities

C. The Global Risks 2015 Report on Developing Urban Areas

D. Rapid Urbanization Put Cities in Jeopardy

Question 42: The word “spark” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ___________.

A. need                       B. start                        C. encourage                           D. design

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 43: The passengers, tired after a very long trip, was relaxing in every available seat in the

                       A                                            B                           C                              D

airport lobby.

Question 44: He didn’t meet her even one time since they said good bye together .

                                 A                    B       C                            D

Question 45: He was so exhausted that he felt asleep at his desk.

                                      A      B                         C        D

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions

Question 46: She began to play the piano three years ago.

A. She has played the piano since three years.             B. She has played the piano for three years

C. She doesn’t play the piano now.                              D. She stops playing the piano now.

Question 47: "Don't forget to submit your assignments by Thursday," said the teacher to the students.

A. The teacher reminded the students to submit their assignments by Thursday.

B. The teacher allowed the students to submit their assignments by Thursday.

C. The teacher ordered the students to submit their assignments by Thursday.

D. The teacher encouraged the students to submit their assignments by Thursday.

Question 48: It’s very likely that the company will accept his application.

A. The company needs accept his application.

B. The company might accept his application.

C. The company must accept his application.

D. The company should accept his application.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions

Question 49: Marie didn’t turn up at John’s birthday party. I feel so sorry for that.

A. If only Marie turn up at John’s birthday party.

B. I wish Marie had turned up at Johns birthday party.

C. I wished Marie wouldn’t turn up at John’s birthday party.

D. It’s a shame Marie had turned up at John’s birthday party.

Question 50: The government does not know what to do with household rubbish in large cities.

A. Little does the government know what to do with household rubbish in large cities.

B. It is unknown what to do with household rubbish in large cities by the government.

C. Rarely the government knows what to do with household rubbish in large cities.

D. Hardly any government knows what to do with household rubbish in large cities.




















































2. Đề số 2

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1.     A. stone           B. zone            C. phone         D. none

Question 2.     A. university   B. unique         C. unit             D. undo

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3.     A. release        B. offer           C. amaze         D. believe

Question 4.     A. classify       B. flexible       C. sensitive     D. tomato

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 5. The examination was not very difficult, but it was_____________      long.

            A. so much      B. too much    C. very much  D. much too

Question 6. Our industrial output_____________from $2 million in 2002 to $4 million this year.

            A. rises            B. has risen      C. was rising   D. rose

Question 7. We had a lot of fun_____________at the picnic.

            A. to play        B. playing        C. played        D. plays

Question 8. We_____________to take a taxi. Otherwise we’ll be late for the meeting.

            A. would rather           B. had better   C. must have   D. will have

Question 9. Some film stars_____________difficult to work with.

            A. are said be B. are said to be          C. say to be     D. said to be

Question 10. the long jumper_____________the pole-vaulter win the prize.          

            A. Both-and    B. Neither-nor C. Either-or     D. Not only-but also

Question 11. _____________restaurant you pick is fine with me.   

            A. Whichever B. Whenever   C. whoever     D. wherever

Question 12. Now the manager is no longer as indifferent_____________criticism as he used to be.

            A. against        B. to    C. towards      D. with

Question 13. Does Mr. Mike bring his farm_____________to the local market every day?

            A. productively           B. productive  C. product       D. produce

Question 14. In population growth Latin America_____________first, Africa second, and Asia third.

            A. places         B. ranks           C. numbers      D. stands

Question 15. The referee_____________the coin to decide which team would kick the ball first.

            A. caught        B. threw          C. cast D. tossed

Question 16. Sorry for being late. I was_____________in the traffic for more than an hour.

            A. carried on   B. held up       C. put off        D. taken after

Question 17. Even if you are rich, you should save some money for a_____________day.

            A. windy         B. rainy           C. foggy          D. snow

Question 18. “What I’ve got to say to you now is strictly_____________and most certainly not for

publication” said the government to the reporter.

            A. off the record                     B. for the time being

            C. by the way             D. on record

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 19. The Canadian Shield is a huge, rocky region who curves around Hudson Bay like a giant horseshoe.

            A. a huge         B. who            C. around        D. like

Question 20. Almost all of the people appeared on television wear makeup.

            A. Almost       B. of    C. appeared     D. wear

Question 21. The original World Cup trophy was given permanent to Brazil to honour that country’s record third world cup title in Mexico in 1970.

            A. The original World Cup trophy      B. permanent

            C. that country’s record                      D. in Mexico

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Question 22. Studying all night is good for neither your grades nor your health.

            A. Studying all night is good for your grades.

            B. Studying all night does not help at all.

            C. Studying all night is good for your health

            D. Studying all night is helpful to you

Question 23. You should not keep bad company under any circumstances.

            A. In no circumstances should you be friends with bad people.

            B. Under no circumstances should you not keep bad company.

            C. Under any circumstances shouldn’t you make friends with bad people.

            D. In no circumstances should you keep your company because it is bad.

Question 24. Although he was disabled, he was quite confident the first time he practiced this sport.

            A. Though a disabled boy, he was quite confident the first time he practiced this sport.

            B. Though he was unable to walk, but the first time he practiced this sport, he was quite confident

            C. In spite of being quite confident the first time he practiced this sport, he was disabled

            D. He was quite confident when practicing this sport for the first time despite of a disabled boy.

Mark the letter A, B, C or Don your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Question 25. My grandmother is very old. She can’t do the chores herself.

            A. My grandmother is very old that she cant do the chores herself.

            B. My grandmother is too old to do the chores herself.

            C. My grandmother is such old that she cant do the chores herself.

            D. My grandmother is too old to not do the chores herself.

Question 26. She turned the radio on at 7.30. She was still listening to it when her mother came home at 9.30.

            A. She had been listening to the radio at 7.30

            B. She had been listening to the radio since 7.30

            C. She had been listening to the radio after 7.30

            D. She had been listening to the radio by 7.30




















































3. Đề số 3

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1. A. looked            B. laughed       C. opened                   D. stepped

Question 2. A. seat                 B. leave           C. increase                  D. ready

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3. A. precede           B. offer           C. visit            D. finish

Question 4. A. charity            B. agency        C. origin          D. disaster

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 5. Michael rarely returns to his hometown, _______?

            A. doesn’t he  B. hasn’t he     C. does he       D. has he

Question 6. Acupuncture is part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and______ in China for thousands of years.

            A. has been used         B. has using     C. has used     D. has been using

Question 7. My father is interested ________ playing chess with his friends.

            A. on   B. with            C. of    D. in

Question 8. _______the time passes, _______I feel! The deadline of my thesis is coming, but I have just finished half of it.

            A. The faster / the nervous      B. The more fast / the nervous

            C. The fast / the more nervous            D. The faster / the more nervous

Question 9. I remember she wore a ______dress to go out with her boyfriend last week.

            A. cotton white Vietnamese   B. Vietnamese white cotton

            C. white Vietnamese cotton   D. white cotton Vietnamese

Question 10. When I last saw him, he ______ in London.

            A. has lived     B. is living       C. was living   D. has been living

Question 11. Many exam candidates lose marks simply ________ they do not read the questions properly.

            A. because of              B. because                   C. due to                     D. owing that

Question 12. The car ______ ready for him by the time he comes tomorrow.

            A. will be        B. will have been        C. will being   D. are going to be

Question 13. ________ the homework, he was allowed to go out with his friends.

            A. Finishing                B. Finish                      C. To finish                 D. Having finished

Question 14. John’s ________ and efficiency at the company led to his promotion to Sales Manager.

            A. punctuality             B. punctual                  C. punctuate               D. punctually

Question 15. The manager is good at ________ difficult customers.

            A. relying on   B. dealing with           C. showing off            D. wiping off

Question 16. Nobody took any ________ of the warning and they went swimming in the contaminated water.

            A. regard         B. recognition             C. notice         D. attention

Question 17. Even if you are rich, you should save some money for a ________ day.

            A. windy                     B. rainy          C. foggy                      D. snow

Question 18. It is alleged that mothers and grandmothers spoil the children by______ their mistakes.

            A. neglecting   B. overlooking            C. avoiding     D. passing

Question 19. Pesticide residues in fruit and vegetable can be ________ to health.

            A. crucial                     B. supportive               C. receptive                 D. destructive

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 20. The discovery of the new planet was regarded as a major breakthrough in astronomy.

            A. promised                B. doubted                  C. considered              D. refused

Question 21. His physical conditions were no impediment to his career as a violinist.

            A. help            B. impotence   C. hindrance   D. impossibility

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 22. 2008 is a memorable year for people around the world because of the global financial  recession  that hit practically every sector of world economy.

            A. prosperity   B. downturn    C. crisis           D. depression

Question 23. Jose had a hard time comparing the iPhone to the Samsung phone because to him they were apples and oranges.

            A. containing too many technical details                    B. very similar

            C. completely different                      D. very complicated


1. C

6. A

11. B

16. C

21. C

26. B

31. A

36. A

41. D

46. B

2. D

7. D

12. B

17. B

22. A

27. B

32. D

37. C

42. A

47. C

3. A

8. D

13. D

18. B

23. B

28. A

33. C

38. A

43. D

48. C

4. D

9. C

14. A

19. D

24. D

29. B

34. B

39. C

44. C

49. B

5. C

10. C

15. B

20. C

25. A

30. C

35. D

40. C

45. B

50. D

4. Đề số 4

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1.     A. sew             B. few                                     C. stew            D. steward

Question 2.     A. medical       B. unemployment        C. experience D. encourage

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3.     A. acquaintance          B. symbolize   C. etiquette     D. socialize

Question 4.     A. geography             B. impersonal C. important    D. instrumental

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 5. I feel very tired because I didn’t sleep _________ last night.

            A. a jot            B. a wink         C. an inch        D. an eye

Question 6. He joined the English club, __________ were over 50 years old.

            A. most of its members           B. most of which

            C. most of whom        D. most of whose members

Question 7. Mr. John, a Finance Manager, is considered a big _______ in my company.

            A. bread          B. cheese         C. sandwich    D. egg

Question 8. Unfortunately, my trip to France ____________ because I couldn’t save enough money.

            A. fell through            B. tried out      C. took over    D. turned up

Question 9. ___________ second thoughts, I’d rather not go to the movies tonight.

            A. With           B. In    C. On D. Under

Question 10. __________ Thanh by phone, Hung decided to email her.

            A. Having failed to contact    B. Having failed contacting

            C. He failed to contact                       D. That he failed contacting

Question 11. We spent nearly 2 hours waiting outside the airport, then out _____________.

            A. the star came          B. did the star come    C. came the star          D. be the star coming

Question 12. _________ my personal qualities, I have experience of working in a multi-national company for three years.

            A. Beside        B. In addition             C. Instead of   D. Apart from

Question 13. He had spent __________ time writing an essay about how to save energy.

            A. a few          B. a large number of   C. a great deal of        D. many

Question 14. There was a long queue at the ___________ and some of them were getting impatient.

            A. stop-over    B. take-off      C. departure lounge    D. check-out

Question 15. You usually _______ onions. It means that you cut them into many small pieces.

            A. chop           B. whisk          C. grate           D. roast

Question 16. He left the country _____________ arrest if he returned.

            A. in fear of    B. under threat of       C. with fear of            D. with threat of

Question 17. It is not easy for many civil servants to ____________ on their salaries as the inflation rate is very high.

            A. get by         B. turn up        C. wear out     D. run over

Question 18. Can you make yourself ___________ in French?

            A. understood             B. understand             C. to understand         D. understanding

Question 19. He did not share his secrets with other people but he ___________ in her.

            A. confessed   B. concealed   C. confided     D. consented

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 20. The woman was motionless as a statue. She made everyone frightened.

            A. still             B. tired            C. asleep         D. unconscious

Question 21. Some operations many have to be halted unless more blood donors come forward to help.

            A. offer           B. claim           C. attempt       D. refuse




















































5. Đề số 5

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 1.     A. wither         B. thesis                      C. thoughtful  D. breath

Question 2.     A. traffic         B. configuration          C. cinema        D. camouflage

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 3.     A. report          B. conclude     C. deter           D. sanction

Question 4.     A. advertise     B. definite       C. composite   D. communicate

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 5. Tim and his friends have founded___________voluntary organisation which helps disabled people with their transport needs.

            A. a     B. an    C. the  D.

Question 6. Dana finally admitted___________by what her father had said the day before.

            A. hurt B. hurting        C. being hurt   D. hurted

Question 7. The man was very brave. He___________, but he chose to stay and fight.

            A. must have escaped B. escaped       C. had escaped           D. could have escaped

Question 8. Air pollution is getting___________serious in big cities such as Hanoi and Beijing.

            A. the more and the more                   B. more and more

            C. most and most                    D. the most and the most

Question 9. The company has made an announcement that any application___________   in after 30th April shall not be considered.

            A. sends          B. is sent         C. being sent   D. sent

Question 10. Only after the teacher had explained the procedure clearly___________to go ahead with the experiment.

            A. the students were allowed B. were the students allowed

            C. the students allowed                      D. did the students allow

Question 11. Her parents are really strict. They rarely let her stay out late, ___________    ?

            A. do they       B. don’t they   C. does she     D. doesn’t she

Question 12. Visitors to the local museum are mostly attracted by___________     rocking chair.

            A. an old wooden European beautiful            B. a beautiful old European wooden

            C. an old beautiful wooden European            D. a wooden old beautiful European

Question 13. Many astronomers never get back to the Earth because of___________accidents.

            A. tragedy       B. tragic          C. tragically    D. tragedies

Question 14. After years of training hard, the athlete finally could___________    her ambition of winning an Olympic gold medal.

            A. reject          B. exacerbate C. recognise    D. realise

Question 15. The commission estimates that at least seven companies took___________   of the program.

            A. advantage   B. use  C. benefit        D. dominance

Question 16. The cinema is no longer as popular as it was in the 1930 s and 1940’s, but it is still an important___________of entertainment.

            A. status          B. source         C. origin          D. prospect

Question 17. After years of derision from the world, the Hindi film industry is achieving its ___________ in the Sun.

            A. position      B. image          C. shade          D. place

Question 18. While I was looking through my old albums the other day, I___________this photograph of my parents’ wedding.

            A. took after   B. made up      C. turned down          D. came across





















































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