Bài tập trắc nghiệm Unit 6 Tiếng Anh lớp 12 có đáp án

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Để củng cố bài học Unit 6 Lớp 12, HỌC247 đã tổng hợp và soạn bài tập trắc nghiệm nhằm bổ trợ kiến thức cho các em sau khi học bài với một số kỹ năng Reading, Writing, Language Focus và Vocabulary. Hi vọng với bài tập này các em có thể tham khảo và làm trực tuyến.




I. Trắc nghiệm Reading Unit 6 Lớp 12 (15 câu)

Exercise 1: Choose the option that best completes each of the following sentences. 

Computer programmer David Jones earns £35,000 a year designing new computer games, yet he cannot find a bank prepared to let him have a cheque card. Instead, he has been told to wait another two years, until he is 18.

The 16-year-old works for a small firm in Liverpool, where the problem of most young people of his age is finding a job. David's firm releases two new games for the expanding home computer market each month. But David's biggest headache is what to do with his money. 

Despite his salary, earned by inventing new programs within tight schedules, with bonus payments and profit-sharing, he cannot drive a car, take out a mortgage, or obtain credit cards. He lives with his parents in their council house in Liverpool, where his father is a bus driver. His company has to pay £150 a month in taxi fares to get him the five miles to work and back every day because David cannot drive.

David got his job with the Liverpool-based company four months ago, a year after leaving school with six O-levels and working for a time in a computer shop. "I got the job because the people who run the firm knew 1 had already written some programs," he said.


Câu 1: Why is David different from other young people at his age? 

A. He earns an extremely high salary.

B.  He is not unemployed.

C. He does not go out much.

D. He lives at home with his parents.

Câu 2: David's greatest problem is _______.

A. making the banks treat him as an adult

B. inventing computer games

C. spending his salary

D. learning to drive

Câu 3: He was employed by the company because ___________.

A. he had worked in a computer shop.

B. he had written some computer programs.

C. he works very hard.

D. he had learnt to use computers at school.


Exercise 2: Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage

When most people interview for a job they are very nervous. Being nervous for an interview is natural but if you're prepared you will feel more confident and you'll be more (6)_______ to get the job. Read the following tips on interviewing and try them on your next job interview.

Before the Interview

  • Make a list of a few of the strong (7) ________ that you want to emphasize in the interview. Think of things that make you good at the job. For example, “I am a patient person” or “I have experience in this kind of job.” These points are going to be the things you need to remember to talk about in the interview.
  • Get your clothes ready. Plan (8)_________ you are going to wear to the interview. Make sure it is clean and ironed and the shoes look good.
  • Call for (9)_________ to get to the place where the interview is going to be. Drive there a day or two before the interview to make sure that you know how to get there.

Look for information about the company in the Internet or talk to people you know who work 


Câu 6: A. like                         B. likely                       C. mostly                     D. hardly

Câu 7: A. ways                      B. makes                     C. forms                      D. points

Câu 8: A. that                        B. which                      C. what                       D. where

Câu 9: A. directions               B. passages                C. lines                        D. guides

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II. Trắc nghiệm Writing Unit 6 Lớp 12 (7 câu)

Exercise 1: Choose the sentence A, B, C or D made from the given cues.

Câu 1: People/ work/ offices/ have/ five-day week/ often/ say/ nine-to-five job//

A. People work in offices that have a five-day week and are often said to have a nine-to-five job.

B. People who work in offices that have a five-day week and are often said to have a nine-to-five job.

C. People working in offices that have a five-day week and often say to have a nine-to-five job.

D. People worked in offices that have a five-day week and are often said to have a nine-to-five job.

Câu 2: Many workers/belong/trade unions/provide/support/ workers/disputes employers.

A. Many workers belong to trade unions, which provide support for workers in disputes with employers.

B. Many workers belong to trade unions, that provide support for workers in disputes with employers.

C. Many workers belong to trade unions, who provide support for workers in disputes with employers.

D. Many workers belong to trade unions whose provide support for workers in disputes with employers.

Câu 3: job interview/chance/employer/what/hired

A. Job interview is your chance to show an employer what he or she get when you will be hired.

B. Job interview is a chance for your showing an employer what he or she will get if your hired.

C. Job interview is a chance for you to show an employer what he or she will get unless you are hired.

D. Job interview is your chance to show an employer what he or she will get if you are hired.


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III. Trắc nghiệm Language Focus Unit 6 Lớp 12 (10 câu)

Exercise 1: Choose the best option to complete each sentence. 

Câu 1: The scientist _________ invention was a success became famous.

A. who                                    B. whose                     C. which                      D. that

Câu 2: The man _________ you met at the party was a famous film star.

A. who                                    B. that                         C. whom                     D. all are correct

Câu 3: My neighbour, _________ brother is an actor, gave me some theatre tickets.

A. who                                    B. whom                     C. which                      D. whose

Câu 4: The people _________ called me yesterday want to buy your house.

A. which                     B. whom                     C. who                                    D. whose

Câu 5: A newspaper _________ is published everyday is called a daily newspaper.

A. which                     B. whom                     C. who                                    D. whose

Exercise 2: Choose the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected

Câu 6: Liquids take the shape of any container which in they are placed.

A. the shape                B. which in                  C. they                          D. placed

 Câu 7: Two out of three people striking by lightning survive.

A. out of three              B. striking                   C. lightning                 D. survive

Câu 8: The letter that I opened it wasn’t for me.

A. that                         B. opened                    C. it                             D. for

Câu 9:can’t find my diary, that is real nuisnace.

A. can’t                       B. find                         C. that                         D. is

Câu 10: John was the only person who got the news.


A. was                         B. only                        C. person                     D. who


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IV. Trắc nghiệm Vocabulary Unit 6 Lớp 12 (15 câu)

Exercise 1: Fill in the blank with one approciate word from A, B, C or D

A job interview is a conversation which occurs between a potential employer and a job (1)_______. During the job interview, the employer hopes to determine whether or not the applicant is (2)_______ for the job, while the applicant tries to learn more about the position while also (3) _______ the employer. As a general rule, a job interview is an important part of the (4)________ of applying for a job, and it may range in formality from a casual conversation to a series of serious (5) __________ with an assortment of people working within the company. 


Exercise 2: Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence.

Câu 11: It was just a friendly get-together. Everyone was wearing_________clothes. No one needed to be well-dressed.

A. formal                                 B. casual                      C. unimportant            D. unfriendly

Câu 12: _________candidates are likely to succeed in job interviews.

A. Nervous                              B. Self-conscious        C. Self-doubt              D. Self-confident

Câu 13: In his latest speech, the Secretary General_________the importance of wildlife conservation.

A. stressed                              B. excused                  C. extorted                  D. remained

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V. Trắc nghiệm Test Yourself B Unit 4 – 6 (15 câu)

Exercise 1: Error Identification.

Câu 1: The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is the name of a set of English qualifications, generally taking by secondary school students at the age of 15-16 in England.

A. the name                             B. a set of                    C. taking                     D. at the age

Câu 2: When GCSEs are taken' in secondary school, they can often combined with other qualifications, or diplomas.

A. When                                  B. combined                C. with                                    D. qualifications

Câu 3: If you decide to take any examination system, you should make contact with the Admissions Office to ask for an appropriate preparation for the subject whomyou are planning to study.

A. to take                                B. should make           C. whom                     D. are planning

Câu 4: Entry standards at Cambridge University require students who have studied to the highest level available for school students, and having achieved top grades.

A. Entry standards                  B. require                    C. who                                    D. having


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Như vậy các em vừa xem qua trích dẫn một số bài tập Trắc nghiệm Unit 6 Tiếng Anh lớp 12. Trong quá trình học bài và thực hành trắc nghiệm có điểm nào chưa hiểu các em có thể đăng nhập website học247.net và đặt câu hỏi trong mục Hỏi đáp để được sự hỗ trợ từ cộng đồng HỌC247. Chúc các em học tập tốt và thực hành hiệu quả!


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