Hỏi đáp Unit 10 Tiếng Anh lớp 9 phần Read


Danh sách hỏi đáp (95 câu):

  • Sửa sai ạ

    ​1/ My sister has done her homework in her room for a quarter past eight

    ​2/ Susan's shoes are the most expensive than mine

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  • Mọi người giúp mình với, mình đang cần gấp, xin cảm ơn ạ

    III/ đọc và chọn từ thích hợp

    Last Sunday, Liz was very happy (to be invited /to invite/to inviting /invited) to Ba's family on a day trip to his home village about 6km to the north of Hanoi. They left Hanoi (to/for/with /at) his home village very early on Saturday morning. It took them (near /nearby/nearly /more than) one hour and half to (visit /get/reach /arrive) his village by bus. The village lies near the (top/side/leg/foot) of a mountain and by a river. Liz left very (excited /excitingly /excitedly/exciting) to have a great chance to travel between the green paddy fields and cross the bamboo forests. After a twenty-minute walk, they arrived at Ba's house and ate a big lunch with Ba's family members

    After the meal, they started to walked up to the mountain where the shrine of a Vietnamese hero is (lies /located /sit/lain). The scenery was (much /very /so/too) wonderful that a lot of photos were (taken/taking /to be taken /being taken). Liz wishes (sending /to be sent/to being sending /to send) all of the photos to her parents after the unforgettable trip

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  • Viết lại câu :

    1, The women really hoped they would find work soon.( forward)

    2, Kevin felt that the official's tone implied that there was no likelihood of his getting any work. ( inferred )

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  • She likes to go .......... a picnic.

    A. b & c are correct

    B. for

    C. on

    D. by

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  • He was put .......... prison.

    A. into

    B. to

    C. from

    D. at

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  • That is last year's telephone directory. It's .......... date now.

    A. out of

    B. into

    C. besides

    D. out

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  • 1. I don’t play tennis as well as you do.

    => You …………………………………………………….……………………………

    2. I haven’t been to the dentist’s for two years.

    => It’s …………………………………………………….……………………………..

    3. Whenever she went to Paris she bought a new dress.

    => She never …………………………………………………….……………………...

    4. I spent seven years at secondary school and then I went to university.

    => After …………………………………………………….…………………………...

    5. It’s not worth living to make her change her mind.

    => There’s …………………………………………………….………………………...

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  • Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each gap. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding word or phrase on your answer paper.

    These days most people, especially young girls, like(39)…….slim. Our grandparent’s tastes were different(40)……ours but nowadays(41)……seems to enjoy(42)…….fat people. The only thing(43) ……is wrong with this is what a(44)…….said to me the other days: “I don’t mind (45)……..these foods if they will help me(46)………weight but why do they taste so awful ?” The reason(47)…….this is that the manufacturers have to include a lot of vitamins to satisfy the law, so the only sensible advice I could give my friend was “Eat normal food, but (48)………less.”

    39.A. to looked B. to look C. they look D. look

    40.A. from B. of C. as D. with

    41.A. anymore B. none C. everyone D. no one

    42.A. to look at B. looking C. looking at D. to look

    43.A. it B. that C. what D. who

    44.A.friend of mine B. my friend C. friend of me D. friend of my

    45.A. to eat B. eat C. eating D. the eating

    46.A. gain B. put on C. loose D. lose

    47.A. of B. why C. for D. that

    48.A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. be eating

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  • 1. It’s ……………… day of the year (short)

    2. There is no………………… in the countryside (enterain)

    3. She has no parents or close…………….. (relate)

    4. People in the country are often more ……………….. than people in the city (friend)

    5. farmers are always faced with ……………….. brought about by typhoons, floods or droughts (destroy)

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  • Hay dien gioi tu sau: (Muc do: Easy)

    Yesterday Tom was driving (1) Picadilly Road. Suddenly a dog jumped out from a corner and ran across the street right in front of Tom's car. He had to pull the brake immediately to avoid running (2) the dog. Unfortunelately, his car crashed (3) the post on the pavement. The post fell (4) at once and his car was severely damaged. More seriously, Tom's head hit (5) the driving wheel strongly. He went to his doctor (6) an examination and the doctor said nothing was wrong. However, he still has a pain (7) his head now. He has had to be asbent (8) work (9) 3 days. The doctor told him that he needed to stay at home for at least one week (10) he could go to office again.


    TOO EASY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 1. Charities rely on …………………. Cotributions (volunteer)

    2. We should save ………………. Resources (nature)

    3. They collected over 1000 ………………… for the petition (sign)

    4. He is one of the best ……………….. in the world (photograph)

    5. Their first public …………………. Was not verysuccessful (perform)

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  • 1. It isn’t necessary to finish the work to day.

    => You don’t ………………………………………………..…………………………..

    2. Sally finally managed to get a job.

    => Sally finally succeeded ……………………………..……………………………….

    3. That’s the last time I go to that restaurant.

    => I certainly…………………………...................................…..………………………

    4. “I advise you to take a holiday,” the doctor continued.

    => You’d ……………………………..………………………………..………………..

    5. If you don’t rest yourself you really will be ill.

    => Unless ……………………………..………………………………..……………….

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  • 1. The keepers feed the lions at 3 pm every day

    - The lions…………………………………………………………………………

    2. That was a silly thing to say.

    - What ……………………………………………………………………………..

    3. They passed all the exams .They are lucky.

    -They are lucky...............................................................................................

    4. I last saw him when I was a student.

    - I haven’t ……………………………………………………………………..

    5. Putting a knife into an electrical socket is dangerous.

    - It is........................................................................................................................

    6. “Please don’t smoke in the house.” She said to us.

    - She ……………………………………………………………………………

    7. “Do many tourists visit Viet Nam every year, Hanh?’’ Susan asked:

    - Susan asked Hanh .......................................................................................

    8. Shall I sit here?

    - Do you mind if I ……………………………..

    9. I would like you to help me to put the chairs away.

    - Do you mind……………………………?

    10. Can I help you clean the room?

    - Would you…………...............................................................................….?

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  • Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to complete the passage.

    Louis Armstrong

    Louis Armstrong, who (1) ……………. born in 1890 and(2) …………….. in 1971, was a very famous jazz musician. He used to be known as “Satchmo” and this nickname stayed with him all his (3)……………. As a child in New Orleans, he learnt to (4) …………… the trumpet while he was living in a special home for children who(5) …………… got into trouble with the police. When he had finished his stay in the home, he (6) …………… various bands and then he formed his own. Between 1925 (7) …………… 1928 he made about 60 records. These records made him one (8) …………… the first solo stars in the history of pop (9) ……………. When he died, he had (10) …………… making records and he had been touring all over the (11) …………… for more than forty years, and he (12) …………… just as popular (13) …………… he had been before. He even (14) …………….. a number one pop record – What A Wonder World – (15) …………….. the 1960s.

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  • Vienna

    Vienna or Vien in German is the (51) ____ of Austria. It (52)______ on the banks of the river Danuble and is the gateway between East (53)_____ West Europe. Its music, theater, museum and parks make it a popular (54)_____center. It has a (55) ______of over 1.500.000.

    Vienna (56) _______the music capital of the work (57)_______ many centuries. Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Schubert and the Strauss family all (58) ______to work here. It is now the home of one (59)______the world’s most famous Orchestras. (60)_____ State opera house is also famous in the world.

    1. a. capital b. city c. town d. countryside

    2. a. standing b. stands c. stood d. was standing

    3. a. with b. from c. and d. of

    4. a. tour b. touring c. tourist d. tourists

    5. a. population b. people c. tradition d. condition

    6. a. be b. being c. is d. was

    7. a. for b. in c. from d. was

    8. a. come b. coming c. came d. did come

    9. a. in b. of c. from d. with

    10. a. Its b. It’s c. It d. his

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  • 1, I didn't have enough money, so I didn't buy that latop.

    => If....................................................................................

    2, I don't have enough money, so I can't buy that expensive dictionary.

    => If...........................................................................................................

    3, We must do our homework well or the teacher will get angry with us.

    => Unless......................................................................................

    4, You will catch a cold if you don't keep your feet dry.

    => Unless...................................................................

    5, She didn't know you were in hospital, so she didn't visit you.

    => If......................................................................

    6, Unless you water the plants everyday, they will die.

    => If.......................................................

    7, If the police had found out him, he would have been introduce.

    => Had...........................................................

    8, We couldn't have got the prize if our father hadn't encourage us.

    => If it........................................................................

    9, Without Nam's help, I wouldn't have been able to slove thif difficulty.

    => If Nam.........................................................

    10, John is fat because he eats so many chips.

    => If........................................................................

    11, Thanks to Laura's support, I was able to finish the project.

    => Had Laura................................................................

    12, With a lot of luck, you may get your novel published.

    => If you.................................................

    13, My advice is that Mary should apply for that job.

    => If I...............................................................

    14, We can't survice when there is no air.

    => Without................................................

    15, Your warming helped prevent my failture in the test.

    => Had it......................................................................

    16, They will go swimming if it is sunny.

    => Unless.............................................

    17, We could have lost that match if there hadn't been efforts from everyone of us.

    => Without efforts...............................................................

    * Mọi người giúp mình với =]

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  • Fill each gap of the following sentences with a suitable preposition.

    1. The little boy insisted ……………… having a new toy.

    2. I apologized ………………. Ann for the misunderstanding.

    3. Jeans have never been out ……………… fashion.

    4. My sister is fond ……………….. wearing a school uniform every day.

    5. They paid him ………………. translating their letter

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  • cau 1 : give the correct form of verbs given : 1 i am sorry . i ( not finish ) ................... this work yet 2 poems as well as play (write) ................. by william shakespeare 3 how many times you (be)................... to van mieu? 4 they like (chat) ................... they use the internet very often 5 i (have) .................a phone call while i (surf) ............ the wed yesterday cau 2 : 1 in recent years , more and more people ............... for things with credit cards a pay b paid c are paying d have been paying 2 what people .................. benetton stores is that the quality is always high a like b like very much c like about d like a lot 3 paplo would like to ......................by the time he is 40 a travel b be traveling c be going to travel d have traveled 4 the world would be a better place if everyone showed ..............cooperation as john a as much b so much c too much d much 5 he turned on the tv , ................... i thought was rather surprising a and b so c that d which 6 my car would not start , ............................ jenny is started immediately a whereas b though c however d nevertheless 7 they stayed for hours , which i was very .................. a annoyed b annoyed about c annoying d annoying me 8 that was a very strange question ............................................. a you ask b you are asking c for asking d to ask 9 ..............................a movie to be entertaining , it has to have an interesting story a so that b in order that c in order for d in order to cau 2 : rewrite the following snetences : 1 would you please give me a hand ? >> would you mind ................................. ? 2 i can not understand him because he speaks so quickly >> if he did not ........................................... 3 although he took a taxi , he arrived late for the concert ..>>in spite of .................................................... 4 the suitcase is so heavy that i can not carry it >> it is such .............................................. 5 people say that he is an excellent footballer . >> he is ................................................................. 6 my mother used to make us clean the house ....>> we used ........................... 7 it is two years since i last spoke to her >> i have not ....................................... 8 going swimming in the river in the summer is interesting >> it ................................. cau 3 : give the corect form ò verbs given : 1 if he saves up , he soon ( be able ).................to afford a new car 2 what a mess! duc is toys ( not put ) .................. away 3 if you feel like (stay ) ................with us , just send us a fax 4 my sister and i (stay ) ...................... at our grandparents when we (meet ) ............our great grand aunt for the first time

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  • cau 1 : rewrite tthese sentences : 1 why do not you ask her yourself ? i suggest you ............................................. 2 i suggest decorating our classroom again . i suggest our ............................................. 3 what about organizing a charity event to raise money ? i suggest a charity ............................................. 4 i suggest that helmet should be used to protect our heads . what ......................................... 5 let is organize a cultural festival to celebrate lunar new year . i suggest a ................................................... 6 i suggest unused clothes should be collected for the victims. what about ......................................... 7 ’ ’ shall we go to the english speaking club ?’ ’ andrew said . andrew suggested ........................................ 8 ’ ’why do not you repair the electric fan , nam’ ’ ba asked . ba suggested ................................................ 9 ’ ’let is not tell anyone until we are cerain that report is true ’ ’, said tom . tom suggested ............................................. 10 ’ ’why not take the garbage to recycling center ? said the local authorities . the local authorities suggested garbage .............

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  • 1. They will not announce the dicision faormally. No formal.....................

    2. They believe that the robbers got into the bank through the roof. The robbers.....................

    3. Karajan was the first person to recognise her extra-ordinary musical gift. It.....................

    4. Its lack of irregular verbs makes Esperabto a unique language. Unlike.....................

    5. Thanks to Laura's support I was able to finish the project. Had it.....................

    6. It was his over-confidence that led to his defeat in the Wimbledon final. If.....................

    7. They have been living in Germany for 5 years now. It.....................

    8. I have never been to Paris before. This is.....................

    9. I am determined to refuse his offer. I have no.....................

    10. " Why don't you buy a new coat?" – Mary said to her hussband. Mary suggested.....................

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  • A. Complete the following sentences, using words given.

    1. He/just/ see/the new teacher/ hall/

    2. The underground/can /use/by most commuters

    3. The driver/ can / pick / them / hotel

    4. I / tell / him /the truth / if / I / be/ you

    5. you’d better/ not/ stay / late.

    6. She / earn/ her living / by / sell / fruit.

    7. How long/ you / study / English/ ?/ - six months

    8. She/ watch/ a mother bird / feed / her babies

    9. You/ enjoy/ climb/ mountain/?

    10. Would you mind/ look for / the knife / the kitchen

    11. Rubber/ not only / soft/ elastic

    12. Mr Green / used to/ take/ children/ the circus

    13. He/ be/ used to/ live / big city

    14. The pupils / learn / their lesson/ when / the principal/ come.

    15. We / wait / school gate/ until / you/ come back

    16. I /often/ buy / the products/ make / this factory

    17. Tea / be / hot / too/ us / drink

    18. I / like / go / cinema / than / theatre

    19. Alice/ speak/ English/ well / Tom

    20. Jack/ do / best win / our team

    21. they / not see/ one another/ long time

    22. I/ wish / it / not rain/ today.

    23. They / plant / roses/ garden / by this time.

    24. My father/ be / used to / get/ early/ the morning.

    25. Noone /live/ this room/ for ages.

    26. While/ I / be/ sleep/ this morning/ it / rain.

    27. We / never / see/ this man/ her / before.

    28. The boys / keep / talking/ the animak shows / last week.

    29. His house/ large/ than / mine.

    30. That/ hotel / where / I / stay / during my last holiday

    31. Peter / look for / better job/ because / not earn much at the moment

    32. Now / she / dance / beautifully / than / used to.

    33. How long /take / her / get / school / everyday ?

    34. Peter / wait / girlfriend / since 8 o’clock

    35. This video film / so interesting / I / see / twice

    36. it / difficult/ learn English / without / good dictionary

    37. We / decide / go out / despite / heavy rain.

    38. The children / not see/ that show/ TV / last week.

    39. She/ not go/work /in time because of/ traffic- jam.

    40. The boys/ not know/ the new coach/ before.

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  • giup vs

    1. The collision didn't damaged my sar much. Not a great.....................

    2. What has this axperience taught you? What conclusion.....................

    3. To pass the time I look through some magazines. I whiled.....................

    4. Just thinking about his face at that moment makes me laugh. The very.....................

    5. I will only be satisfied if the manager apologises fully. Nothing short.....................

    6. Tony's very charming but I wouldn't trust him. Charming.....................

    7. I thought about what had happened all those years before. I cast.....................

    8. I almost gave up at one point. I came very.....................

    9. He said that he had won as a result of good luck. He attributed.....................

    10. Scientists have tried very hard to find a cure for this disease. Enormous.....................

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  • There (1).........many simple things we can do to stop the (2).........of the environment. First of all, we should not dump our rubbish without (3)............which things, such as bottles and paper can (4)...........We should put objectives that we can recycle in (5)............bins. Secondly, instead of talking our car wherever we go, we ought to leave it at home (6)...................possinle, and go on foot or (7)............public transport, when we have to drive to the super maket (8).............our own bads (10)...........we don't need to use the supermarket's platic bads.

    1. A.are B.is C. was D.were
    2. A.destroy B.destroyed C.destructive D.destruction
    3. A.think B. to think C.thinking D.though
    4. A.be recycled B.recycled C.recycling D.being recycled
    5. A.recycle B.recycles C.recycled D.recycling
    6. A.where B.whenever C.when D.wherever
    7. A.on B. in C. by D.to
    8. A.to do B. to take C.to make D.making
    9. A.taking B.to take C.take D.took
    10. A.so B.that C.so that D.so as
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  • 1. Our picnic was cancelled because it rained heavily last Sunday. If.....................

    2. They couldn't deceive customers although they used attractive advertidement. Whatever.....................

    3. Because the chemicals were properly combined, the prescription has brought about the expected result. Because of.....................

    4. Newspapers report that hundreds of people died in the eartquake last week. Hundreds of people.....................

    5. I dislike it when people criticise me unfairly. I object.....................

    6. Years ago women were too busy to take part in social activities. Years ago women didn't.....................

    7. " The Times" was first printed 200 years ago. It is.....................

    8. John outran the others in the race. John was.....................

    9. Although he was tired, he managed to finish the marathon race. In spite of.....................

    10. I must have my suit cleaned before the interview. My suit needs.....................

    1. You wouldn't find any more affectionate animal anywhere in the world. No.....................

    2. Liz said unforgivable things to her father at the dinner party. What.....................

    3. The realisation that I had been swindled came much later. Only.....................

    4. It is fairly unlikely that he will be convicted of the offence. There.....................

    5. You won't find out if they are open if you don't phone them. Without.....................

    6. The rain brought about the cancellation of the tennis match. The tennis match.....................

    7. The reason why he applied for a job abroad was to earn more money. With a.....................

    8. The fog is heavier than usual tonight. There.....................

    9. The fete will take place on Sunday, come rain or shine. Whether.....................

    10. Failing promt payment, The goods must be returned by you. You must either.....................

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  • 1. Her success went beyond her expectation. Never.....................

    2. Tony is very charming, but I wouldn'nt trust him. Charming.....................

    3. I left without dsaying goodbye as I didn't want to disturb the meeting. Rather than.....................

    4. If there is an emergency, ring this number. In case.....................

    5. The thieft must have come in through the window. The thieft almost.....................

    6. Driving at that spees is dangerous although you are an experienced driver or not. However.....................

    7. Its lack of irregular verbs makes Esperanto to a unique language. Unlike.....................

    8. You won't find a more dedicated worker anywhere than Mrs. Jones. Nowhere.....................

    9. The play is so popular that the theatre is likely to be full every night. Such is.....................

    10. Experts think that all dogs evolved from wolves. All dogs.....................

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