Hỏi đáp Unit 5 Tiếng Anh lớp 9 phần Read


Danh sách hỏi đáp (120 câu):

  • 1) We _______________ gathered our things and ran to bus stop. (hurried)

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  • Bài 1: Rewrite sentences by using SO and BECAUSE

    1. They could help you. They were not here



    2. I can't go out. It's raining



    3. We haven't got any food. We are going shopping



    4. There was fog. Their flight was delayed



    5. The film was boring. We decided to go home



    6. I couldn't do this exercise. I asked Tom for help




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  • Practice your English regularly or your English does not improve


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  • Complete the sentences using the cues given:

    1. Once he/decide/shout/as if/see a wolf


    3.The shepherd/shout/help/no one/come/because/village men/think/he/trick/again

    4.gongs/significant/Ede's festival/culture activity


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  • Bài 1:

    1. Jeans have never been.........fashion

    A. in to B. out to C. out of D. wear out

    2. Wearing uniforms encourages students to be proud.........their school

    A. of B. on C. in D. off

    3. Wearing uniform makes students.............self-confident

    A. feel B. to feel C. feeling D. felt

    4. Have you eaten vegetarian...............?

    A. for B. before C. ago D. yet

    5. Jean cloth was.....made from cotton

    A. complete B. completely C. completed D. completing


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  • A B

    1. why don't we go for a picnic this weekend? A. By bú
    2. Pleased to meet you. Let me introduce myself.I'm Mai B. Yes, i'd love to
    3. Where is your home village? C. That's a good idea
    4. How can you get there D.It's to the west of the city
    5. Would you like to have lunch with us? E. Nice to meet you too

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  • 1.pupils / not like / wear / uniform/ school

    2.when /i /10/years/i / visit /ha noi /my parents

    3.film/ boring/ so / we /go home /before/ it / finish

    4.he / wish /he /can / go / the coutryside /next sunday

    5.friend/ deny/lend/me/book

    6.he /used/ stay up / late /study/ when be student

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  • 1.television is one of the cheapest forms of......(entertain)

    2.she has one of the biggest...........in Britain(collect)

    3.street noise is one of the........of living in the city(advantage)

    4.thousands of people have been made.......by the war(home)

    5.my teacher...........me to take the examination(courage)

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  • I started working in this factory in 2003

    I have

    She often takes her children to school

    Her children

    This is the first time i have phoned her

    I haven't

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  • 57. Did you enjoy yourself last night? (time)
    58. ldon‘t want to go to the party tonight > I don' t feel like. ........
    59. She can' t have more children because of her age. > She is too ...........
    60. He lost his money simply because he wasn' t careful > If ............
    61 Tom and Mary moved to Paris 20 years ago. >lt is............. ............
    62. I haven’t seen so much rain for along time. ==> It..........
    63. Please, explain this letter for me! => Please tell me . ..........
    64. It is high time for US to go home => It is high time we ............ .....
    65. You can’t go in to this restaurant without a jacket and tie. =>Unless ......
    66. The question was so difficult that no one could answer it. ==> It was such ......... 67 She hasn’ t finished the letter yet. => This letter ......
    68. He isn't good at English. He can' t get a job. => If. .....................
    69 Mary doesn't spend much money. She spent much money last month => Mary doesn' t.........
    70. The weather isn't t fine We can ’t go for a walk in the woods. => If .................... .. 71. I' ll ask someone to make a new dress. --> I'll have ................
    72. The bridge might be built in a hurry.=>. People ....... . ............... ................. . .....
    73. You really should be able to dress yourself by now.=> It’s high time ........
    74. i wish i hadn’t told him what we were planning to do that evening.=> I regret .......75. I have never eaten with knives and folks before. => This is ........
    76. “Why don’t you ask Tom for help, Mary?” Ba said.=> Ba suggested.....
    77.Ba is too young to see horror films.=> Ba is not.................
    78. They should quit smoking. => They had ....
    79. They once started these machines by hand. => They used to .. ..
    80. He works hard and he will pass the exam. => If he.........

    Lm giúp mk vs , nhanh nha , thank all, còn tiếp

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  • Exercise 1: Give the the correct form of the word in brackets.

    23. He postponed (make) _____________a decision until it was too late (do) ____________anything.

    24. Try (forget) _____________it; It isn’t worth (worry) _____________about it.

    25. There is no point in (remain) ________in a dangerous place if you can’t do anything (help) ___________the people who have (stay) _____________ there.

    26. The horse won’t be well enough (run) _____________in tomorrow’s race. He doesn’t seem (have) _____________recovered from his long journey.

    27. At first I enjoyed (listen) _____________to him but after a while I got tired of (hear) _____________the same story again and again.

    28. She is not eager (start) _____________her job.

    29. Do stop (talk)_____________ I am trying (finish) _____________the report

    30. He tried (put) _____________on the shirt to see whether it fit him or not.

    31. He wore dark glasses (avoid) _____________. (recognize) _____________

    32. I advised you (start) _____________ (look) _____________…. For a flat at once.

    33. I can’t help (sneeze) ____________ I caught a cold yesterday from (sit) _____________ in a draught.

    34. He had to pay for the (break)_____________ glass.

    35. It’s very hot. I’d like (go) _____________ out for awalk.

    36. Those boys are very lazy. They feel like (play) _____________all the time.

    37. Most all people would prefer (live) _____________ in the country.

    39. I prefer (drive) _____________ to (drive) _____________.

    40. He has failed in the exam, and he regrets (be) _____________.so lazy before.

    41. Try (forget) _____________. It; it isn’t worth (worry) _____________about.

    42. It took me along time (recover) _____________from the shock.

    43. She would rather (stay) _____________ at home tonight.

    44. This test is not easy (do) _____________.

    45. I heard them (talk) _____________about me when I entered the room.

    46. They often go (swim) _____________ in the river nearby.

    47. At first I enjoyed (listen) _____________. to him but after a while I got tired of (hear) __________ the same story again again.

    48. Our teacher has promised (help) _____________ us (prepare) _____________… for the exam.

    49. I have decided (allow) _____________. My friend (do) ____________ as she pleases.

    50. He spends his free time (collect) __________stamps, he has taken up (do) __________ this for a long time.

    51. Peter, I have something (tell)_____________you.

    52. I can’t imagine (not have) _____________ a car.

    53. If I have got a headache, why don’t you try (take) _____________ an aasprin?

    54. We are arranged (meet) ____________out side the school at 4;30.

    55. Have you ever considered (work) _____________as a teacher/

    56. Harry says she doesn’t remember (meet) _____________Sally before.

    57. I really miss (play) _____________…. tennis as I used to.

    58. The man showed me what (do) ____________in the village.

    59. The teacher is busy (explain) ____________the plain.

    60. The secretary still has some letters (type) _____________

    61. They needn’t (work) _____________that hard.

    62. There are many questions (answer) _____________

    63. There is no use (call) _____________him at this time.

    64. He smelt something (burn) _____________ in the kitchen

    65. Because of heavy rain, they delayed (play)_____________ the match.

    66. I had to ask the boys (stop) _____________ (make) ____________ noisy.

    67. The teacher recommended (do)___________more homework but he was too lazy (take)________his advise.

    68. I looking forward to (see) _____________ you

    69. He dreads (have) _____________ to retire.

    70. He urged us (work) _____________ faster

    71. I wish (see)_____________ the headmaster.

    72. It’s no use (wait) ____________

    73. He warned her (not touch) _____________the tire.

    74. My mother told me (not speak) _____________to anyone about it.

    75. I can’t understand her (behave) _____________ like that .

    76. You are expected (know) _____________ the safety regulations of the college.

    77. He decided (disguise) _____________.. himself by (dress )___________ as a woman.

    78. I used (ride) _________a lot but I haven’t had a chance (do) ________ any since (come) __________ here.

    79. I ride sometimes. Would you like (come) ____________ with me next time?

    80. Most people prefer (spend) ____________money to (earn) ____________ it.

    81. I resented (be) ____________unjustly accused and asked him (apologize). ____________

    82. It isn’t good for children (eat) ____________too many sweets.

    83. I didn’t feel like (work) ____________so I suggested (spend) ____________the day in the garden.

    84. Why you keep (look) ____________back? Are you afraid of (be) ____________followed?

    85. Do you remember (post) ____________the letter? Yes, I do; I posted it in the letter-box near my gate.

    86. Did you remember (lock) _______the door? No, I didn’t. I’d better (go) _______back and (do) _____ it now.

    87. You still have a lot (learn) ____________if you’ll forgive me (say) ____________so.

    88. It’s no use (try) ____________ (interrupt) ____________him. You’ll have to (wait) ____________till he stops (talk) ____________.

    89. I’m for (do) ____________nothing till the police arrive. They don’t like you (move) ____________ anything when the crime has been committed.

    90. He didn’t like (leave) ____________the children alone in the house but he dad no alternative as he had (go) ____________out to work.

    91. Why didn’t you drink it? I didn’t like (drink) ____________ it, as I didn’t know what it was.

    92. I’m very sorry for (be) ____________ late. It was good of you (wait) ____________ for me.

    93. I keep (try) ____________ (make) ____________mayonnaise but I never succeed

    94. Try (add) ____________the yolk of a hard-boiled egg.

    95. Do you feel like (go) ____________to a film or would you rather (stay) ____________at home?

    96. She told me (look) ________through her correspondence and (take) __________out any letters that you had written her. I didn’t like (look) ________through someone else’s letters but I had (do) __________ as she said.

    97. He took to (get up) ____________early and (walk) ____________noisily around the house.

    98. I like (listen) ____________to folk music much better than (listen) ____________ to pop.

    99. The car began (make) ____________an extraordinary noise so I stopped (see) ____________ what it was.

    100. You’ll never regret (do) ____________a kind action.

    101. He decided (put) ____________broken glass on top of his wall (prevent) ____________ boys (climb) ____________over it.

    102. He annoyed me very much by (take) ________the piece of cake that I was keeping (eat) ____________ after my supper.

    103. He kept (ring) ____________up and (ask) ____________for an explanation and she didn’t know what (do) ____________about him.

    104. We got tired of (wait) ____________for the weather (clear) ____________and finally decided (set) ____________out in the rain.

    105. He made me (repeat) ____________his instructions (make) ____________ sure that I understood what I was (do) ____________after he has gone.

    106. I suggested (leave) ____________the car here and (send) ____________a breakdown van (tow) ____________ it to the garage.

    107. She apologized for (borrow) ____________ my sewing-machine without (ask) ____________permission and promised never (do) ____________ it again.

    108. I didn’t mean (offend) ____________ anyone but somehow I succeeded in (annoy) ____________ them all.

    109. She claimed (be able) __________ (tell) _________the future b

    y (gaze) __________into her crystal ball.

    110. He never thinks of (get) ____________out of your way; he expected you (walk) ____________round him.

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  • 20. Circle the correct word

    1. Don't spend too much/many time watching TV . You haven't finished your essay yet.

    2. I haven't got enough /much eggs to make a cake .

    3.You've spent too many/much money on these clothes .

    4. There are too much/many flowers in the vase.

    5.Jenny doesn't have many /enough money to buy a computer.

    6. There isn't much/many jam left in the jar

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  • Trong những từ in đậm sâu , từ nào sai và vì sao :

    1. He hardly Never Makes any Mistakes in Essays

    2. Although he worked Hardly, he didn't Succeed in his Exam

    3. The old chair Making in china is very Valuable . it is worth buying

    4. Television helps people get the Latest information and Enjoy interesting

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  • 1.they all cheered (enthusiasm)..........as their team came out.

    2.finally a (reconcile)........is brought about between the two sides

    3.the child has a (rebel)...temperament

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  • A: An / the / A B: 0/the/A C: The/0/The D: An/a/The
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  • . Lan was praised for her good _____________ in class. (behave)

    2. She ___________ showed her parents her report card. (proud)

    3. I’m doing a lot of ___________ for tomorrow’s history examination. (revise)

    4. The teacher praised him for his active ____________ in every calss discussion. (participate)

    5.He didn’t give for the reason for his ___________ from work. (absent)

    6. This form needs the ______________ of your teacher. (sign)

    7. The purpose of the meeting is to improve the _____________ between parents and the school . (cooperate)

    8. Unfortunately, there was no _______________ in his work at school. (improve)

    9. The purpose for the meeting is to improve the ____________between parents and the school . (co-operate)


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  • Thêm từ:

    1. Mary / stay/ pen pal/ HN/ last week

    2. It / not/ very/ convenient/ wear/ the ao dai/ work

    3. beauty/ the valley/ great source/ inspiration / poets

    4. Lan/ really impressed/ beauty/ Sydney

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  • 1 people have used the internet all over the world

    ->the internet.........

    2 the beauty of the city really impressed maryam


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  • 1 ted was worried because ...................... a he received a letter b he went to the police station yesterday b the police would catch him d he did not know why the police wanted him 2 the police who talked to ted was .................................. a pleasant b worried c surprised d small 3 why was ted very surprised when he heard the news ? a because his bicycle was stolen 20 years ago b because his bicycle was found when he was a boy of fifteen c because he thought he would never find the bicycle d because the bicycle was snet to him by train 4 when was ted is bicycle found ? a last tuesday b five years ago c twenty years ago d yesterday 5 which of the following statements is not true ? a the police asked ted to go to their station b the policeman told ted the good news 5 days ago c ted is no longer anxious now d ted is 35 years old now

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  • 1 where ................... you go if you have a car ? a will b are c would d were 2 you will fail the exam , ...........................you study harder a as b if c unless d although 3 if i ............................ a bird , i would be a dove a are b were c am d is 4 if today .............................sunday , we .......................to the beach a is / would go b were / would go c will be / will go d were / will go 5 if it .................... this morning , i will not to out a rain b rained c rains d raining 6 nobody hates you ! it is all in your ......................................... a imagine b imaginary c imagining d imagination 7 i am poor , so i can not buy a car a if i am rich , i can buy a car b if i were rich , i can buy a car c if i were rich , i could buy a car d if i were rich , i will buy a car 8 water these plants or they will die a if you did not water these plants , they will die b if you water these plants , they will die c if i do not water these plants , they will die d if you are watering these plants , they will die 9 where is lan ? _parhaps she is working a she may be working b she can be working c she must be working d she will be working 10 nam will probalby be there a nam is here b nam might be there c she must be there d nam might not be there 11 the house ............................. shakespeare was born is open to the public a where b which c that d when 1 2 a .......................... was a person who went through city streets shouted the latest news a town crier b magician c singer d clown 13 if he spoke english more slowly , she ......................... so many mistakes a will not make b would not make c did not make d made

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