Đề kiểm tra 1 tiết HK1 Tiếng Anh lớp 12 lần 2

45 phút 45 câu 315 lượt thi

Câu hỏi trắc nghiệm (45 câu):


  • Câu 1: Mã câu hỏi: 42639

    Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest

    • A. requirements
    • B. subject
    • C. secondary
    • D. levels
  • Câu 2: Mã câu hỏi: 42642

    • A. specialize
    • B. variety
    • C. particular
    • D. wide
  • Câu 3: Mã câu hỏi: 42645

    • A. equivalent 
    • B. technique
    • C.  question
    • D. quite
  • Câu 4: Mã câu hỏi: 42655

    • A. compound
    • B. course
    • C. around
    • D. hour
  • Câu 5: Mã câu hỏi: 42666

    • A. apply
    • B. carefully 
    • C. entry
    • D. discovery
  • Câu 6: Mã câu hỏi: 42669

    Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the underlined part, or has a close meaning to the original one.

    He has been learning hard to prepare _______ the coming final exam.

    • A. for
    • B. with
    • C. on
    • D. over
    Trắc nghiệm hay với App HOC247
  • Câu 7: Mã câu hỏi: 42671

    Assessment is commonly _______ form of written test.

    • A. on
    • B. of
    • C. at
    • D. in
  • Câu 8: Mã câu hỏi: 42781

    _______ the end of the course, the students have to take an exam on four basic skills of the target language.

    • A. In
    • B. At
    • C. On
    • D. For
  • Câu 9: Mã câu hỏi: 42782

    The position require a BA degree or something _______.

    • A. equivalent
    • B. equivalently
    • C. equivalence
    • D. equivalences
  • Câu 10: Mã câu hỏi: 42783

    Statistics indicate that depressed patients are more likely to become ill than are _______ people.

    • A. normal
    • B. normally
    • C. normality
    • D. normalize
  • Câu 11: Mã câu hỏi: 42784

    They are university professors who ______ in the history of the Russian empire.

    • A. special
    • B. specially
    • C. specialize
    • D. specialization
  • Câu 12: Mã câu hỏi: 42785

    The purpose of secondary education is to give students common knowledge to ______ for either higher education or vocational education.

    • A. require
    • B. prepare
    • C. ask
    • D. demand
  • Câu 13: Mã câu hỏi: 42786

    Secondary education in Hong Kong is largely based on the British education _______.

    • A. level
    • B. work
    • C. base
    • D. system
  • Câu 14: Mã câu hỏi: 42787

    In New Zealand students _______ secondary school at the ages from about 13 to 18.

    • A. do
    • B. assess
    • C. take
    • D. attend
  • Câu 15: Mã câu hỏi: 42788

    Secondary school in Pakistan begins from grade 9 and __ for four years.

    • A. lasts
    • B. spends
    • C. requires
    • D. prepare
  • Câu 16: Mã câu hỏi: 42789

    What is your major _______ at university? - I learn physics.

    • A. assessment
    • B. evaluation
    • C. subject
    • D. purpose
  • Câu 17: Mã câu hỏi: 42790

    After _______ the relevant A Level qualifications the student can enter university.

    • A. assuming
    • B. attaining
    • C. meeting
    • D. earning
  • Câu 18: Mã câu hỏi: 42791

    _______ school is very important for _______ country to develop.

    • A. The / a
    • B. The Ø
    • C. Ø / Ø 
    • D. Ø / a
  • Câu 19: Mã câu hỏi: 42792

    What time would we get there _______ the subway?

    • A. we took
    • B. if we take
    • C. unless we take
    • D. provided that we took
  • Câu 20: Mã câu hỏi: 42793

    If it _______ an hour ago, we would have stayed inside.

    • A. rains
    • B. rained
    • C. had rained
    • D. were raining
  • Câu 21: Mã câu hỏi: 42794

    If I feel too excited to sleep, I _______ reading one of our reports.

    • A. will try
    • B. try
    • C. would try
    • D. would have tried
  • Câu 22: Mã câu hỏi: 42795

    If he _______ well on the training courses last year, he _______ offered the promotion now.

    • A. did/ were
    • B. did/ would be
    • C. had done/ would have been
    • D. had done/ would be
  • Câu 23: Mã câu hỏi: 42796

    _______ I had learned English when I was at high school.

    • A. If
    • B. Provided
    • C. Unless
    • D. If only
  • Câu 24: Mã câu hỏi: 42797

    ______ he gets here soon, we will have to start the meeting without him.

    • A. Unless
    • B. If only
    • C. Even if
    • D. If
  • Câu 25: Mã câu hỏi: 42798

    He took me to the university _______.

    • A. he used to study
    • B. in that he used to study
    • C. where he used to study
    • D. which he used to study
  • Câu 26: Mã câu hỏi: 42799

    _______ gets the highest grade will be awarded a scholarship.

    • A. Student
    • B. Any student
    • C. Any student who
    • D. Any student when
  • Câu 27: Mã câu hỏi: 42800

    He was the only American representative _______ at the conference.

    • A. when we meet
    • B. we meet
    • C. where we met
    • D. we met whom
  • Câu 28: Mã câu hỏi: 42801

    My favorite month is always February ___ we celebrate Valentine's Day.

    • A. that
    • B. which
    • C. in when
    • D. in which
  • Câu 29: Mã câu hỏi: 42802

    My father told me to tell him the reason _______ I had been home late.

    • A. why
    • B. which
    • C. for what
    • D. for why
  • Câu 30: Mã câu hỏi: 42803

    The Eiffel Tower _______ design was revolutionary at its time, is still a marvelous structure.

    • A. which
    • B. that
    • C. whose
    • D. whom
  • Câu 31: Mã câu hỏi: 42804

    Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one.

    I did not come to your party due to the rain.

    • A. If it did not rained, I would come to your party.
    • B. It was the rain that prevented me from coming to your party.
    • C. Even though it rained, I came to your party.
    • D. Suppose it .did not rain, I would come to your party.
  • Câu 32: Mã câu hỏi: 42805

    They got success since they took my advice.

    • A. They took my advice, and failed.
    • B. If they did not .take my advice, they would not get success.
    • C. But for taking my advice, they would not have got success.  
    • D. My advice stopped them from getting success.
  • Câu 33: Mã câu hỏi: 42806

    Unless you come on time, we will go without you.

    • A. Come on time or we will go without you.
    • B. Come on time, we will go without you.
    • C. Because of your punctuality, we will go without you.
    • D. Without jour coming on time, we will go.
  • Câu 34: Mã câu hỏi: 42807

    Thanks to her high grades at university, she is offered the position. 

    • A. If she had not got high grades at university, she would not be offered the position.
    • B. It was her high grades at university which offer her the position.
    • C. If she had not got high grades at university, she would not have been offered the position.
    • D. Without her high grades at university, she is not offered the position.
  • Câu 35: Mã câu hỏi: 42808

    I am very interested in the book you lent me last week.

    • A. The book is interesting enough for you to lend me last week.
    • B. It was the interesting book which you lent me last week.
    • C. The book which you lent me last week is too interesting to read.
    • D. The book that you lent me last week interests me a lot.
  • Câu 36: Mã câu hỏi: 42809

    Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

    You will make the interview process easier for the employer if you prepare relevant information about yourself. Think about how you want to present your (36) ____, experiences, education, work style, skills, and goals. Be prepared to supplement all your answers with examples that support the statements you make. It is also a good idea to review your resume with a critical eye and (37) ____ areas that an employer might see as limitations or want further information. Think about how you can answer difficult' questions (38) ____ and positively, while keeping each answer brief.

    An interview gives the employer a (39) _____ to get to know you. While you do want to market yourself to the employer, answer each question with an honest (40) _____.

    Never say anything negative about past experiences, employers, or courses and professors. Always think of something positive about an experience and talk about that. You should also be (41) ____. If you are genuinely interested (42) _____ the job, let the interviewer know that.

    One of the best ways to show you are keen on a job is to demonstrate that you have researched the organization prior to the interview. You can also (43) ____ interest by asking questions about the job, the organization, and its services and products. The best way to impress an employer is to ask questions that build upon your interview discussion. This shows you are interested and (44) ____ close attention to the interviewer. It is a good idea to prepare a few questions in advance, but an insightful comment based on your conversation can make an even stronger statement. At the (45) _____ of an interview, it is appropriate for you to ask when you may expect to hear; from the employer.

    • A. pressures
    • B. practices
    • C. promotions
    • D. strengths
  • Câu 37: Mã câu hỏi: 42810

    • A. hide
    • B. identify
    • C. express
    • D. limit
  • Câu 38: Mã câu hỏi: 42811

    • A. sharply
    • B. hardly
    • C. accurately
    • D. rightly
  • Câu 39: Mã câu hỏi: 42812

    • A. chance
    • B. way
    • C. change
    • D. practice
  • Câu 40: Mã câu hỏi: 42813

    • A. expression
    • B. respect
    • C. response
    • D. ability
  • Câu 41: Mã câu hỏi: 42814

    • A. enthusiastic
    • B. enthusiast
    • C. enthusiasm
    • D. enthusiastically
  • Câu 42: Mã câu hỏi: 42815

    • A. on
    • B. with
    • C. for
    • D. in
  • Câu 43: Mã câu hỏi: 42816

    • A. appear
    • B. show
    • C. cover
    • D. conceal
  • Câu 44: Mã câu hỏi: 42817

    • A. make
    • B. pay
    • C. choose
    • D. spend
  • Câu 45: Mã câu hỏi: 42818

    • A. final
    • B. finish
    • C. close
    • D. end

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