Nguyễn Như's Profile

Nguyễn Như

Nguyễn Như


Số câu hỏi 1
Số câu trả lời 1
Điểm 14
Kết bạn

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Hoạt động gần đây (2)

  • Nguyễn Như đã đặt câu hỏi: Hình thang ABCD Cách đây 4 năm

    Hình thang ABCD ( AB // CD ) có góc A - góc D= 20 độ., góc B=2 góc C. Tính các góc của hình thang

  • Nguyễn Như đã trả lời trong câu hỏi: 1 The Greens are going to pain this house and these cars for Christmas Day Cách đây 5 năm

    11This house  and these cars are going to be painted by the Greens for Chrismas Day

    12This factory wasn't built durin by the Gurman the Second World War

    13The cats had been fed by Ann before she went to cinema

    14The pollution problems have been discussed by the students since last week

    15Has the most valuable painting been stolen by the thieves in the national musuem

    16The new pressident will be interviewed on TV

    17How many languages are spoken in Canada?

    18Are these shoes going to be repaired?

    19His nose has been broken in a football match?

    20Have the above sentences been finished?

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