Minhh Minhh's Profile

Minhh Minhh

Minhh Minhh


Số câu hỏi 1
Số câu trả lời 0
Điểm 13
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  • Minhh Minhh đã đặt câu hỏi: anh lớp 11 Cách đây 4 năm

    Có thể là hình ảnh về văn bản cho biết 'restaurant This with reputable am difficulty. English find1 C.examiner qualified D.examination qualification D.approximative spoke campus, dormitory advertise advertising learning like with Nr sked: coming examination. fthis book wants VOCABULARY REVISION -w.backtomorrow attend D.could .attendant school. heyou cultured improvement D.informatively C.edit advertised C.avail editing available exacting exacted exam. would your heha icket. finish without worked work folto A A She ofto .looking D.from/to'


    Có thể là hình ảnh về văn bản cho biết '241. They.. believe fthey would there after. everyone. ENGLISH beneficialB. B.inventor REVISION .benefit Invention inventive explaining party wonderful. posting because and C.driping somewhere. dripping D.tosee chatting chatter don didn D doesn play she B.with become have daily ENGLISH A. VOCABULARY REVISION tit .wasn making made seeing popular magazines. goily D.having lob D.at businessmen ancientEg having 278. start shout bout things they wanted C.singers ternational criers different'


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