Trần Mai's Profile

 Trần Mai

Trần Mai


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  • đã đặt câu hỏi: Combine the following sentences by using Relative Pronouns Cách đây 3 năm

    1. The children are taken home by bus. Their parents work late.


    2. Do you see the cat? It is lying on the roof.

    3. The girl is really beautiful. John is dating her.

    4. The music is good. Julie listens to it every night.

    5. The accountant was arrested. He worked for my father.


    6. Can you give me back the money? I lent you the money last month.


    7. The book is really interesting.My husband gave me the book for my birthday.

    8. The job is in London. She has applied for it.

    9. The film is fantastic. They are talking about it.

    10. The man and his buffalo are tired. They have worked for hours.

    11. The landlord has a lot of tenants. His house was the biggest in the village.

    12. The woman was not very polite. I spoke to her at the cinema last weekend.

    13. The painting was very expensive. Ms Wallace bought it for her little sister.

    14. The girls and flowers were vivid. Tom painted them some months ago.

    15. Next month I’ll come back to the place. My mom was born there.

    16. Do you remember the time? We first met each other at that time.

    17. She’s talking about the author. His book is one of the best-sellers this year.

    18. The soup was so delicious. I had it for lunch.

    19. The woman is coming here tomorrow. I told you about her yesterday.

    20. He lost the money. I’d given him the money.

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