Vu Mai Khanh's Profile

Vu Mai Khanh

Vu Mai Khanh


Số câu hỏi 1
Số câu trả lời 1
Điểm 14
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  • Vu Mai Khanh đã trả lời trong câu hỏi: What chores can you do to help your parents? Cách đây 4 năm

    - setting shoe stand

    - grocery shopping

    - tidy-up room

    - clean table after meal

    - setting book stand

    - fold laundry

  • Vu Mai Khanh đã đặt câu hỏi: btap Tiếng Anh Cách đây 4 năm

    48.  Colin became a political …………………. when he was at university.         ACT

    49.  Do you know the ………………….. of the word ‘handsome’?            DERIVE

    50.  I know it’s a bit annoying but there’s no need to ………………………… to such an extent.     ACT

    51.  Have you got any ………………………… in your toes at all, Mr. Babcock?        SENSE

    52.  We stood there watching the ………………………… drama with shock on our faces. FOLD

    53.  If one of our nurses has acted …………………………, you can be assured we will take the strongest possible action against him or her. NEGLECT

    54.  It’s ………………………… even trying. We’ll never get to the hospital in time. FRUIT

    55.  We were all jumping around ………………………… in the corridor, desperately waiting to hear if it was a boy or a girl. PATIENT

    56.  Do you really think your plans are going to come to …………………………? FRUIT

    57. By the angry looks on people’s faces, I would say there was widespread ………………………… for the proposed changes to the health centre’s opening times. APPROVE

    58.  I used to think I could change the world, but then ………………………… set in when I reached my early thirties. ILLUSION

    59.  I can’t believe you forgot to get your wife a birthday present. You’re so ………………………… sometimes. NEGLECT

    60.  She told me she’s not ………………………… in the slightest for what she said.     REGRET

    61. There’s a lot of ………………………… with the government at the moment. I think they might well get kicked out at the next election. CONTENT

    62.  As I told Rose how I felt she was completely …………………………, so I had no idea at all what she was thinking. RESPOND

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