  • Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question. (Đọc đoạn văn và chọn đáp án đúng A, B, C, D cho mỗi câu hỏi). 

    An important part of being an adult in the USA is becoming more independent from your parents. First, make sure you are living somewhere rather than your parents' house. If your parents own the property in which you live, they will have a say in how you maintain that property. If you want to be independent and make your own decisions about how you live, you will need to obtain your own housing that is completely separate from your parents both physically and financially.

    Second, generate your own income and be as financially self-sufficient as possible. One of the main challenges in becoming independent as an adult is acquiring a sufficient income to allow you to live without the financial assistance of your parents. This can be particularly difficult if you are still a university student, but it is not impossible. Seek scholarships and part-time jobs. If you are no longer a student, find employment that offers a salary that can cover your expenses. It may be necessary to obtain multiple sources of income in order to become financially self-sufficient and independent from your parents.

    Next, budget your expenses carefully. When first becoming financially independent, it may be necessary to cut back on some of your expenses and strictly stick to a budget. Determine exactly what you can afford in terms of rent, food, clothing, transportation and entertainment based on your own income, create a budget. While you may experience a dip in your standard of living at first, learning how to follow a budget and be self-sufficient will help you stay independent.

    Finally, avoid relying on your parents as a first resort option for help of any kind. This, in no way, means that you may never ask your parents for help again, it just means that as an independent adult, there should be other sources of support within your life that you can turn to when necessary.

    Câu hỏi:

    You need to have your own accommodation so that______ .

    • A. 
      Your parents can’t change your lifestyles and decisions
    • B. 
      You have no relationship with your parents
    • C. 
      Your parents will have a say in how you maintain that property
    • D. 
      You will be as financially self-sufficient as possible

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    Đáp án đúng: A

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