Trắc nghiệm Unit 15 Tiếng Anh lớp 5 mới - What Would You Like To Be In The Future?

20 phút 10 câu 0 lượt thi

Câu hỏi trắc nghiệm (10 câu):


  • Câu 1: Mã câu hỏi: 260515

    Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D

    My brother __________ in the gym every day.

    • A. works out
    • B. work out
    • C. worked out
    • D. working out
  • Câu 2: Mã câu hỏi: 260517

    What are you doing? - I ___________ a short story.

    • A. was writing
    • B. writing
    • C. am writing
    • D. to write
  • Câu 3: Mã câu hỏi: 260518

    _______ he _________ watching animal programmes? - No, he _________.

    • A. Do/ he/ do
    • B. Does/ like/ doesn’t
    • C. Does/ he/ does
    • D. Do/ he/ doesn’t
  • Câu 4: Mã câu hỏi: 260519

    Would you like to be a doctor _______ a nurse?

    • A. to
    • B. or
    • C. from
    • D. but
  • Câu 5: Mã câu hỏi: 260520

    Why shouldn’t he drive his car _________?

    • A. fastly
    • B. many fast
    • C. much fast
    • D. too fast
  • Câu 6: Mã câu hỏi: 260521

    Your sister likes drawing, ________?

    • A. does she
    • B. doesn’t she
    • C. don’t she
    • D. isn’t she
  • Câu 7: Mã câu hỏi: 260522

    Why does Tom want to be a pilot? - Because he wants ___________.

    • A. flying a plane
    • B. to fly a plane
    • C. fly a plane
    • D. to fly plane
  • Câu 8: Mã câu hỏi: 260524

    Tommy is really ___________ Maths.

    • A. goods at
    • B. good at
    • C. good in
    • D. goods in
  • Câu 9: Mã câu hỏi: 260525

    I would like to .......... a doctor

    • A. be
    • B. is
    • C. are
    • D. am
  • Câu 10: Mã câu hỏi: 260528

    What would she like to be in ________ future?

    • A. a
    • B. an
    • C. the
    • D. Ø

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